X-Men Wiki

X-Men History 1975-1979


  • 01/10/2011- Made some changes to the guide regarding confusion of the identity of James MacDonald Hudson as Weapon Alpha, Vindicator and Guardian. In Issue No. 109, he refers to himself as Weapon Alpha, then in Issue No. 120 he is called Vindicator. While online in multiple locations , one example Marvel Universe, he can be found as Guardian. Then my confusion from seeing a reference to Heather McNeil Hudson at Marvel Universe who is also listed as "Vindicator" and formerly "Guardian". It's possible there has been a reboot later in the series or simply the authors at Marvel Universe are in error. In essence, after going through several circles of changes, In the Guest Alphabetical and Chronological lists I have decided to leave the references to this character as "James MacDonald Hudson". Heather McNeil is a character in the X-Men comics first appearing Issue No. 139 (1980).-Titanic71.


Welcome to Uncanny X-Men Chronology Facts and Opinion. It is the second part of the X-Men Chronology posted at Wikia Entertainment: X-Men. Although this article is labeled as "Uncanny X-Men" the first time I noticed this description was in Issue No.95, 1975. And since this happened right after the 1975 reorganization starting with Giant X-Men Vol1, 1975, I decided to use the "Uncanny" label. The X-Men comics were not published from 1970-1975.

This page has a lot of spoilers, but the presumption is you are here to read about the X-Men. I put it together as a reference for X-Men movie fans who are not aware of their history. It is a work in progress and should be updated frequently.

Please note that the terms "issue", "episode", and "chapter" are used interchangeably. Also note that the "Characters Introduced" section does not mean this is the first place these characters have ever appeared. It is just the first time they appeared in the X-Men world. Also note, I have not included the names of the X-Men team in the Character's Featured list. It is more or less a given they are in the story (but not always). -Titanic71 (D.Peck).

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X-Men Themes 1975-1979

Starting with Giant Size X-Men Volume 1, the series is rebooted, after a five year hiatus. Most of the original X-Men team quit and new members were recruited by Charles Xavier. Technically Xavier recruited the new members first to save the original X-Men from a menace, then they quit! Cyclops still deals with his perception that he can't fit into normal society and elects to stay with the X-Men even though all his old friends and his love, Jean Grey leave the team. However, Cyclops still maintains a relationship with her.

The new X-Men Team is more diverse and it can be argued more lively especially with the addition of Wolverine who spends most of his time causing trouble, picking on Cyclops and he (Wolverine) develops an affection for Jean Grey about the time of her transformation into the Phoenix (Issue No. 101, 1976). Wolverine's past is a mystery. While the X-Men Origins: Wolverine Movie, is an outstanding story, the X-Men Movies are a separate reality from the comics. Xavier recruits Wolverine from the Canadian Military. During this time, Colossus (Peter Rasputin) develops affection for Storm (Ororo Munroe). Banshee and Moira MacTaggert get romantic. Charles Xavier and Princess Lilandra become an item. Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner) despite his unusual appearance is a very likable and sympathetic character who frequently uses an image inducer to make him look like a normal human being.

The event that turns Jean Grey into the Phoenix is part of a long story thread beginning with Issue No.97 (1976) when Xavier starts having bad dreams, while Havok and Polaris are controlled by a mysterious character dressed up in a Viking suit. In Issue No. 107 (1977) the X-Men deal with the Shi'ar Empire, the M'kraan Crystal, and the Shi'ar Emperor's thirst to obtain the "ultimate power" while threatening the existence of the entire Universe. Jean Grey (Phoenix) displays incredible power and all most single handedly saves the Universe. This is all heading for the so called Dark Phoenix Saga which begins about Issue No. 129. Read this Wiki Link if you don't mind spoilers.

During the conflict with the Shi'ar Empire, Magneto is released by a Shi'ar agent from Moira MacTaggert's Mutant Research Facility on Muir Island. The resulting fight accidentally leads to the release of another prisoner at the facility called Mutant X.

The X-Men do a short stint as carnival performers, come up short in a fight against Magneto, becoming prisoners in his base under a volcano. They escape, but Jean Grey is physically separated from the X-Men and they spend a long time thinking each other is dead. The X-Men go on a mini-odyssey to the Savage Land, then to Japan, and then to Canada with adventures at each location. The ramifications of this seperation are significant. Jean goes to live in Scotland with Moira MacTaggert, Havok, Lorna Dane, and Jamie Madrox. Despite Professor Charles Xavier's telepathic abilities, because Jean told him, he thinks the X-Men are dead and decides to leave Earth to live with his love, Empress Lilandra on the planet, Imperial Center in the Shi'ar Empire. While the Professor is gone, the X-Men and Jean Grey (Phoenix) rediscover each other and in Scotland, face the most dangerous, deadly, evil, murdering mutant of their lives, Mutant X who calls himself Proteus.



GSX Vol.1 (1975)

Giant X-Men Vol.1- Second Genesis! (1975)


After a five year hiatus, Marvel resurrects the Uncanny X-Men with a slew of new X-Men. Cyclops and the Professor gather up new mutants to help them save the original X-Men team who are trapped on an island. Cyclops was there too, but he has no idea what happened. The culprit is a result of atomic bomb testing that has mutated the life on the island of Krakoa into a single monstrous creature that feeds on mutant energy. It takes super-mutant efforts by the team to defeat it. Storm creates an immense storm and feeds its energy into Lorna Dane.The X-Men funnel their power into Lorna, who sends a tremendous surge of energy to the Earth's core that momentarily cuts the magnetic lines of the Earth at their location, disrupting gravity. As the natural forces of the Earth slam back together, the island of Krakoa is lifted and launched into space. The X-Men barely escape but live to fight another day!

Story Details

From the ashes of the past, there grow the fires of the future! Marvel resurrected the World of X-Men after a five year hiatus.

The scene opens in Winzeldorf, Germany where an angry mob of villagers are chasing after Kurt Wagner, The Night Crawler! A former circus freak, he has done nothing wrong, but with his blue skin, long tail, and amazing strength the villagers view him as a monster, and hope to catch him so they can drive a stake in his heart! And just before they do, the populace freezes, except for Wagner and Professor Charles Xavier who appears to offer him membership into the X-Men, where Wagner can reach his full potential and hopefully avoid a stake in the heart! He accepts!

A switch of location to Quebec, Canada at a secluded military base where the agent, code name Weapon X is headed for a meeting, but not before making them wait. If you read The Incredible Hulk Issue No.180 or even if you haven't, Weapon X would be recognized as Wolverine. The meeting is with a stranger who brings Wolverine an offer, "You are a mutant and I need mutants!" When Wolverine accepts, the Canadian military officer (CAF) has a fit. "Not so fast fella! The government has invested a great deal of time and money turning you into what you are now!" yells the officer. In response Wolverine says he is resigning his commission effectively immediately! The officer threatens him with "You have not heard the last of this!" as Wolverine walks out the door with Professor Charles Xavier.

In Nashville, the Capitol of Country Music and the Grand Ole Opry Xavier meets with Banshee, Sean Cassidy with a proposal to join the team. Sean accepts!


Uncanny X-Men!

In Kenya, East Africa a humble group of villagers approach to ask Ororo, the Great Goddess of the Storm to bring them rain. She is ebony, with long flowing white hair and in her element, she is topless! (Her long hair obscures her bosom.) Her eyes sparkle as she raises her hands causing the sky to darken and the winds blows as she rises into the sky and the rain begins to fall. When she descends back to Earth, Professor X is there to greet her. "I have come with an offer and I pray you won't refuse." "What could you offer a Goddess?" Storm responds. Xavier tells her, she is no goddess, but a mutant, and he can offer her the world. She senses sincerity in his words and accepts.

The recruiting continues with a descendant of Samurai, Sunfire from Osaka, Japan, a farmer from Lake Baikal, Siberia, Colossus (Piotr Rasputin), and from the American West, a descendant of Geronimo, a proud Apache called John Proudstar, soon to be known as Thunderbird.

This unlikely group is now assembled at Xavier's Westchester, NY mansion also known as Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. The group grows impatient and Sunfire asks "why are we here?" In through the door walks Cyclops who explains "You are here, because the X-Men have disappeared!"

Cyclops escorts the group to see Cerebro (Xavier's Mutant Locator) where he explains, "This is how we found you and how I lost my closest friends". It started when Cerebro sent out an alarm, sensing a mutant so powerful as to defy description located on the island of Krakoa in the South Pacific. Professor X dispatched the X-Men team of Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Angel, Iceman, Havok, and Lorna Dane to the South Pacific in their Strato-Jet. As soon as they landed and piled out of the jet, they were hit by a mysterious and powerful orb of energy. Cyclops awakened from a daze on the Strato Jet, his uniform shredded and incredibly, his eyes were uncovered and not emitting energy! The Strato-Jet's autopilot kicked in and took Cyclops back to N.Y. He burst in to tell Xavier the story, but suddenly his optic energy returned and he scrambled to get his eyes covered! The Professor modified Cyclops's visor to contain the higher level energy his eyes were emitting since returning from the island. After finishing the story, Cyclops tells the group the plan is for this new team of X-Men to return Krakoa, find the other X-Men, and deal with whatever it was that attacked them.

Sunfire declines, telling the group he does not like mutants and is not going to risk his life for anyone. The rest of the group accepts and soon they blast off in the jet. Lacking any kind of real camaraderie onboard the jet they are uneasy. Thunderbird quips, "this group ain't exactly a mutual admiration society!" Enroute to Krakoa, they notice a figure following them, Sunfire. They open the hatch and allow him to board. He has his own private reasons for changing his mind.

Professor X has given all of these mutants code names, which they adopt although when Cyclops first calls, "Thunderbird", the mutant corrects Summers, telling him "my name is Proudstar"!


Big and Bad Krakoa! (1975)

Cyclops's plan is to have Storm and Colossus search from the North, Banshee and Wolverine from the East. Wolverine sarcastically replies, "whoopee". Sunfire and Nightcrawler will search from the South, although Sunfire does not like Kurt. Cyclops and Thunderbird will come from the West. The mutants bail out over their respective part of the island.

Cyclops lands the jet. He and Thunderbird head East. Behind them, their jet has disappeared and has been replaced with a temple that seems to have popped out of the ground. Plan "B" becomes, search the temple.

Each of X-Men pairs deal with challenges on the way to the temple. Cyclops and Thunderbird are slowed down by strangling creeper vines. On the North side of the island, Storm and Colossus deal with an avalanche of rocks that seem to chase them until Colossus picks up a large tree trunk and uses it as a bat, while Storm conjures a wind to blow them out to sea. By the temple, they join up with Cyclops and Thunderbird. Wolverine and Banshee fight giant crustaceans. Sunfire insults Night Crawler as they fight off a flock of large hostile birds.

Once regrouped within the boundary of the mysterious temple, they discover there is no way inside, so they bust through the wall! Inside they see a disturbing sight, locating the missing X-Men ( Angel, Lorna Dane, Havok, Iceman, and Marvel Girl) strung up in green vine-like appendages that appear to be feeding on them. The new X-Men waste no time freeing the captives, but as they do the ground rumbles and the temple starts to come down around them.

Angel asks Cyclops, "Why did you come back for us? It's a trap! We came looking for a mutant, but the island is the mutant". The narrative describes the atomic bomb testing, that mutated the organisms of the island into a single entity with a hive-mind intelligence! The huge creature strung them up and fed off of their mutant energy, but when they were not enough, it released Cyclops, where he ended up back in the Strato-Jet with his uniform in shreds, malfunctioning eyes, and no memory. As Angel describes events, the biggest scariest creature in X-Men history rises out of the ground, a huge green blob with intense red eyes, and large pointy fangs, and it talks! "Time to feed!" it says as a giant paw crashes down among the mutants and red beams flash out of it's eyes! The X-Men attack, Banshee with his wail, Sunfire with his solar blast, Storm with lightening, but all have little effect on the creature.

The story narration continues, "Mere words could never begin to describe the sheer unbridled savagery of the battle that follows...so we won't even attempt it! Cyclops gets a mental communication from Professor X, "Scott you are going about this all wrong!" The professor mentally sends his plan to team X-Men.

Storm rises above the fray, the sky darkens, rain pours down and an electronic fury swirls around her has she funnels this energy to Lorna Dane restoring and exceeding Lorna's mutant energies. Havok (who loves Lorna), cries to Cyclops to "Call it off!" But Cyclops replies, "I can't sacrifice the entire world for one woman!" Havok threatens Cyclops "If she dies..." The living island tells he X-Men, "you brought the storm to defeat me, but is strengthens me!"

Cyclops yells "NOW!" as all the mutants unleash their energies upon Lorna and as they do, an incredible force explodes from Lorna traveling down through the ocean and four thousand miles of the Earth's crust to it's molten core! The creature starts to break down along with the entire island. Unfortunately the X-Men's jet is gone and they desperately need to get away from this place!

Iceman creates an ice boat big enough to hold them. They hop on as Cyclops and Havok use their power to propel the ice vessel away from the island as quickly as possible. Lorna's blast to the Earth's core has cut across the planet's line of magnetic force severing them, momentarily eradicating the gravitational force around the island. As the Earth's magnetic force rejoins it slams together thrusting the island up through the atmosphere and out into space! As the void is filled in the ocean, a giant whirlpool forms catching the X-Men's iceboat. Iceman quickly creates an ice dome to seal them in as the vortex momentarily sucks them down. They pop back up, and find the Strato-Jet floating close by. They paddle over, hop in and thirteen happy X-Men blast off for home!

Notes and Trivia

  • In the comic, Wolverine is an agent for the Canadian government, who is lured to Professor X's organization with the promise of being a free agent.
  • Quote: Thunderbird to Cyclops after being ordered "Yes Sir, General One-Eye, sir! I just hope you're not leading me into another Little Big Horn!"

Movie Parallels

  • Colossus and Storm appears in the first three X-Men moves. Wolverine has appeared in all four X-Men movies, the forth being the Wolverines Origins movie. Nightcrawler appears in the second X-Men movie, X2: X-Men United.

X-Men Origins: Call Him...Cyclops

  • Credits: Edited by: Stan Lee; Scripted by: Roy Thomas; Art by: Werner Roth, Pencilled by: Werner Roth, Inked by: Artie Simek; Lettered by: John Verpoorten .

This information was first presented as a special feature in Issue No.43- The Torch Is Passed (1968). It explains how Cyclop's energy eyeballs work. Scott Summer's brown eyes store Sun light like batteries and emit this energy as a red energy beam. Unfortunately he can't control it and any time he opens his unshielded eyes, this very disruptive beam has a habit of destroying whatever he is looking at. It is specifically stated that the beam created by Cyclop's eyes is primarily force, not heat. (However the FX department for X-Men movies may not have it quite right as when in the Origins Wolverine Movie, Sabertooth tackles Scott Summers in school and the destruction cut through the exterior of the school appears to have a heat effect with glowing edges. (However we also know that the makers of the X-Men movies have constructed a separate X-Men universe with very little correlation to the comics so no surprise there.)

To compensate Cyclops either wears sunglasses made of Ruby Quartz when in civilian clothes or when in his X-Men uniform, a special visor (of the same material) that can retract instantly when he presses a button on its side. A secret until now, Cyclops has buttons in the palms of his hands that control the visor so he does not have to raise his hand to use it. If you've been reading recent issues, he is gaining some control over the beam, being able to modulate its width and strength to a less destructive, more manipulative state such as when he used it in the fight against Grotesk to in essence catch/decelerate Angel who had been flung at great velocity. As described in this section, he can also use this force to pull objects, using it to slow down a vehicle traveling away from him, but I have never witnessed this this ability during an episode(-Dave Peck). Any regular readers of the series knows that the effectiveness of his optic beams depends on what and who he is using it on.


Issue No.94 (1975)

Issue No.94- The Doomsmith Scenario! (1975)


After the X-Men encounter with Krakoa, Professor Xavier congratulates the X-Men and in response, Sunfire tells them "good riddance." Then most of the original X-Men (Angel, Iceman, Marvel Girl, Havok, and Lorna Dane) quit or in Hank McCoy's (Beast) case had all ready quit the team. The Professor has recruited a new group of X-Men mutants and Cyclops stays to whip the new team of Banshee, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Storm, and Thunderbird into shape.

Count Nefaria and his Maggia are back (see Issue No.22), taking over NORAD Headquarters in Colorado. Nefaria activates the secret USAF Doomsmith, a doomsday defense system and threatens the world with nuclear holocaust for a ransom. However Nefaria does not realize there is a component of the system that after a time period, switches into auto mode and can no longer be deactivated!

The X-Men fly to Colorado in their own SR-71 to assist the USAF . They are briefed by General Fredericks who informs them, they have 52 minutes to regain control of the system. Approaching NORAD headquarters, Nefaria launches missiles at them followed by a Sonic Disrupter, blasting the X-Men out of the sky.

Story Details

The scene opens with Professor X congratulating the X-Men for their success with Krakoa. Sunfire tells him "good riddance!" He has no interest in his continued association with Team X-Men. The roller coaster begins as the other new mutants decide to join the X-Men and then the original team quits, except for Cyclops. The stated reason for leaving is that they are all grown up and need to live their own lives. Wolverine responds with "See ya!" and Iceman angrily calls him a "midget"!

In addition to Professor Charles Xavier and Cyclops (Scott Summers) the new Team X-Men consists of Banshee (Sean Cassidy), Colossus (Peter Rasputin), Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner), Storm, (Ororo Munroe) and Thunderbird (John Proudfoot). Departing members are Angel (Warren Worthington III), Iceman (Bobby Drake), Marvel Girl (Jean Grey), Havok (Alex Summers), Polaris (Lorna Dane), and Beast (Hank McCoy). Beast actually left the team sometime during the X-Men 1970-75 hiatus.

Cyclops stays up most of the night mulling over his decision. He does not feel he can fit into normal society, and decides to stay with Team X-Men, despite Jean Gray, his love is leaving. The next day they tell each other "I love you!". She kisses Cyclops, and then Marvel Girl is gone, along with the other departing members of the original Team X-Men.

After they leave, Cyclops introduces the new members of the team to the Danger Room, the X-Men training facility. Thunderbird scoffs, but is unceremoniously ejected soon after entering. The new Team X-Men gets serious working to hone their mutant skills. Thunderbird and Cyclops continue to have some interpersonal differences.

Chapter Two: Death O'er Valhalla High! The scene opens at the War Room in NORAD's headquarters located inside a mountain (in real life called Cheyenne Mountain) just west of Colorado Springs. It is mail call and an unexpected package arrives for Sgt Harris. The anonymous package contains an electronic device with a button on it that says "press me". Harris looks at his friends wondering is this a joke, but he presses the button anyway!. To the horror of Harris and his friends, the device energizes, opening a portal allowing a group of creatures known as the Ani-men to pile in.

The alarm sounds, and military police converge on the war room to confront the intruders, but the battle is short and USAF looses. Count Nafaria congratulates his team of Ani-Men and then tells them, "I am your lord and master and you would do well to remember that if you harbor any hopes of ever becoming human again!" When one of the Ani-Men asks how do they expect to hold off an army? Nefaria pushes a button in the War Room and another NORAD defense mechanism activates, flooding the facility with gas, knocking out most of the USAF personnel.

Nefaria relates his past when he and his criminal organization, the Maggia tried to ransom Washington D.C. using a dome and attempted to manipulate the X-Men into joining his team (Issue No.22-23). After being thrown in prison, Nafaria escaped and used Maggia science to create the Ani-Men.

At X-Men headquarters in Westchester N.Y., moody Cyclops is contemplating his life (again) and Nightcrawler comes into ask him how he is doing. Before they can talk, Xavier calls them to the X-Men briefing room. Count Nafaria is broadcasting to the world he has activated the Doomsmith Command System, and is demanding a ransom from all nations. If not paid, he will launch the entire U.S. inventory of nuclear missiles. He gives the world three hours to decide!

Beast (Hank McCoy) who is now a member of the Avengers, appears on Xavier's video screen for a conference. He asks about the new X-Men, then tells the Professor, the Air Force asked the Avengers to help, but "we can't handle it right now." Cyclops gathers the X-Men and tells Thunderbird to stay behind because he is injured (from the Krakoa fight, last issue). Thunderbird tells him to "stuff it". Xavier tells Cyclops to let him come along. Minutes later, the X-Men are streaking west to Colorado in their SR-71 Blackbird.

Arriving at NORAD HQ, Cyclops radios General Fredericks who is disappointed the X-Men are not The Avengers, but he accepts their help and briefs Cyclops on the Doomsmith System, a doomsday defense system configured to automatically control and launch the U.S.A.F.'s nuclear ICBMs arsenal if everyone is killed. Nefaria does not realize that beyond a certain time limit, the system can't be shutdown. The X-Men have 52 minutes to resolve the crisis or it's Armageddon! NORAD's defensive systems detect the X-Mens' aircraft and Nefaria jumps with joy as he launches missiles!

In a sequence similar to the second X-Men movie, the X-Men jet tries to evade, and succeeds in avoiding all but one missile. Unfortunately the aircraft is hit and as it starts to break up, Cyclops hits the eject button which separates a small lifting body enclosing of the flight deck, allowing them to fly away. Cyclops remarks "As far as Nefaria knows, we are dead", while Nefaria screams "By all that's unholy, the X-Men are still alive!". He activates another secret system, NORAD's Sonic Disruptors that disintegrates the lifting body and suddenly the X-Men are falling through space!

Notes and Trivia

  • New writer: Chris Claremont.
  • Lorna Dane will not be referred to as "Polaris" until Issue 97 (1976).
  • Beast (Hank McCoy) is no longer with the X-Men. He is now part of the Avengers but is still communicating with Xavier. Based on events that transpired after leaving the X-men, he is now a furry blue beast! (See the Beast link.)

Movie Parallels

  • The comic is now closer aligned with the movies, with the addition of Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler. But Marvel Girl, Iceman, and Beast have left, plus Hank McCoy is now a furry blue Beast.


Issue No.95 (1975)

Issue No.95- Warhunt (1975)


The X-Men were last seen falling through the air, but manage to land softly. Then they sneak into NORAD and engage the Ani-Men. During the fight, the DoomSmith system is damaged rendering it inoperative, but Count Nafaria has rigged the system to self destruct, killing everyone in the mountain, including the X-Men. Nefaria jumps into a Harrier jump jet and attempts to fly away. Thunderbird jumps on the back of the aircraft and starts to rip it apart. Despite repeated warnings from Banshee and Xavier, Thunderbird continues the attack until the Harrier explodes, apparently killing both him and Count Nefaria.

Story Details

The last we saw of the X-Men, they were falling through the air after their SR-71 aircraft was destroyed by a combination of missiles and a sonic disrupter turned on them by Count Nefaria. He has taken over NORAD and is threatening the world with nuclear holocaust if he is not payed a hefty ransom.

Not all of the X-Men can fly so Cyclops directs Storm to grab Wolverine and Night Crawler. Banshee grabs Thunderbird. The stronger-than-steel Colossus, just plows into the ground, no problem. With about a minute until impact with the ground, Cyclops wonders how he is going to survive. Banshee swoops and scoops Cyclops up at the last minute. (Note: In a previous issue, Cyclops has demonstrated the ability to slow objects down using his optic power, why not himself?)


Gort Action

As Cyclops outlines his plan to get inside the NORAD base, Thunderbird calls him "One-Eye". Cyclops tells him to knock it off. Then he instructs Nightcrawler to teleport inside the base and find an access hatch to let the rest of them in. Once inside, Night Crawler is immediately attacked by Frog Man, who really gets P.O.'d when Night Crawler calls him "Herr Frog"! Croaker tells Night Crawler, "I am no frog, I am a man!", but then Night Crawler teleports to close proximity and flattens Froggy with a single punch. Nightcrawler then opens an access door and the X-Men head into Nefaria's trap, a cloud of poison gas. The X-Men break into the next room and temporarily escape the gas only to be confronted by military police who have been hypnotized by Nefaria. The X-Men take refuge behind Colossus from a hail of bullets. Storm creates a storm causing a flood of water that washes the police away. Next they are attacked by Ape-Man (Gort) who flings Thunderbird into Banshee taking them both out of action. Then the Ani-Men attack. Lots of fighting takes place with the X-Men prevailing.

Despite the momentary victory, Cyclops discovers that Nefaria has locked the Doomsmith System into "self destruct" mode that will blow up the entire mountain.

Nefaria jumps into a nearby Harrier Jet to flee the scene. Banshee and Thunderbird who have recovered from being thumped by the ape, observe Nefaria escaping as the Harrier does a vertical takeoff. Thunderbird leaps on the back of the harrier and starts pounding on the canopy.

Back at the DoomSmith Control Panel, Cyclops is wondering what they should do when Professor Xavier flashes a mental "What are you doing??" "Well Professor we are trying to disarm the DoomSmith", he replies. The Professor tells Cyclops that the battle with the Ani-Men damaged the Doomsmith System rendering it inactive. However the active self-destruct system will blow them to bits, if they don't leave the mountain quickly! (In Cyclops's defense, does Xavier actually think Cyclops can read his mind all the time?)

Riding on the back of the Harrier, Thunderbird has smashed through the Harrier canopy about to grab Nefaria, while Banshee, who is flying close by and Xavier are both yelling at him to "get off the airplane"! Thunderbird ignores them, declaring himself "a man, a warrior, and Apache" who is going to do prove it as he rips at the Harrier's controls. Just as Cyclops directs Storm to assist Banshee, the Harrier explodes apparently killing Thunderbird and Nefaria!

Notes and Trivia

  • Quote Gort to Night Crawler- "You hurt Gort's friends, you hurt Gort! For that Gort will kill you all!"
  • Thunderbird nicknames: Cyclops= One-Eye, Banshee= Irish, Xavier= Baldy.
  • Thunderbird apparently dies in this episode attacking an airplane that explodes.


Issue No.96 (1975)

Issue No.96- Night Of The Demon! (1975)

  • Credits: Written by: Chris Claremont; Art by: Dave Cockrum; Inked by: Sam Gringer; Lettered by: Dave Hunt; Colored by: Phil Rachelson; Edited: Marv Wolfman; Plot Assistance by: Bill Mantlo.
  • Characters Introduced: Moira MacTaggert, Dr. Steven Lang, Colonel Michael Rossi, Kierrok
  • Characters Featured: Team X-Men.
  • Gadgets:


Cyclops regrets the death of Thunderbird, although it's not his fault. Frustration gets the better of him so he blasts the woods in anger. Doing so accidentally damages a Cairn (monolith) with strange symbols on it, awakening an entity. Something similar happened in Issue No.29 when he disturbed the Super Adaptoid. But this time Cyclops is confronted by and fights Kierrok, The Damned. In the process he is blasted through a wall of the mansion and the rest of the X-Men join the fight. Xavier tells Storm she must seal the Cairn to stop the demon. She succeeds and the demon disappears.

In a separate location, a Dr. Lang, following in Trask's footsteps is looking to inact another anti-mutant program. When it looks like his program will not be approved for funding, he resorts to murder sabotaging a helo carrying Col. Rossi.

Story Details

The episode starts with Cyclops walking through the woods contemplating the death of Thunderbird (last issue). At the peak of frustration, he blasts the woods with his optic energy accidentally damaging a small monolith with strange symbols. Cyclops is unaware and as he walks away, a mysterious purple cloud emerges from the monolith and swirls around. Something similar happened in Issue No.29 when he disturbed the Super Adaptoid.

In the Danger Room practice facility, the X-Men are working on their skills against one another. When Nightcrawler laughs at Wolverine, Wolverine looses his cool and only Nightcrawler's teleport abilities, saves him from injury. Banshee and Xavier discuss Cyclops's depression. Xavier tells Banshee, he has a housekeeper coming to look after the place while he is gone. Banshee asks "Gone?" The door bell rings and Banshee answers the door thinking he's going to meet an old biddy. Instead he is confronted by a hot young woman by the name of Moira MacTaggert. (Spoiler alert! For an eye opener, read her bio in the link.)



The scene switches to a facility in the Adirondack Mountains where a vertical takeoff and landing aircraft resembling a Ospry lands and Colonel Rossi pops out to be greeted by Dr. Lang. Reference is made to a "project" that has been in the works for six years. Project Armageddon has cost a billion dollars and has been designed by Dr. Lang to kidnap mutants, to examine and determine to what extent mutants represents to humans. Lang is following in the Trask's footsteps. Colonel Ross is against the project and intends on reporting to the mutant council. Lang knows his project is about to be nixed, yells at him that Bolivar Trask knew the true threat of mutants and it was the X-Men who killed both him and his son. (That is a lie. See Issues 14 & 57.) Lang is certain mutants are a huge threat. When Col Ross tells Lang, when he gets back to Washington, Lang's project is dead. In response, Lang mutters "if you make it back alive".

At X-Men headquarters, the X-Men are enjoying dinner. All the boys are attracted to Moira MacTaggert. Storm wants to know why they are trusting their secret with MacTaggert and Xavier tells her not to worry about it. Suddenly the X-Men hear a commotion outside, that bursts into the mansion as Cyclops comes crashing through the wall followed by Kierrok The Damned, a large purple one eyed demon, the purple cloud Cyclops inadvertently released.

Kierrok attacked Cyclops after being awakened prematurely. When Xavier speaks, Kierrok attacks the X-Men's leader. When Storm stands in the way, she gets whacked. In response Colossus knocks the demon across the room, who knocks him back! While fighting, he tells them he is one of the N'Garai who used to rule the Earth (see link)!

Nightcrawler tries to assault the demon and gets zapped. Now it's Wolverine's turn and single handedly, he kicks the demon's butt, thinking he has killed him. But, as the demon starts to rematerialize, Xavier probes the demon's mind before it is fully recovered, where he sees a hellish vision causing him to scream out in horror and faint!

Then surprisingly, the housekeeper Moira MacTaggert runs into the room with a machine gun blasting Kierrok. Banshee is impressed with Moira's bravery. He grabs her, moving her out of harms way, then he turns to reengage the demon.

Xavier has recovered enough to ask Cyclops how are things going? "Not good" is the answer. Xavier tells Cyclops and Storm they must defeat Kierrok at his source of power, the Cairn (the monolith), and directs Storm to seal the Cairn!

Flying to the Cairn, Storm is assaulted by minor demons who emerge from the cairn. And as it tries to suck her into its darkness, she flexes her mutant powers and destroys the monolith, simultaneously destroying the demon! Xavier tells them, they have not seen the last of the Kierrok or the N'Garai.

Miles away a rescue team is trying to contain the flaming crash of the helo thought to be carrying Col Rossi, while Dr. Lang can be heard laughing in the background.



Issue No.97 (1976)

My Brother, My Enemy! No.97- Title (1976)


Xavier has a recurrent dream about a space battle and is leaving on a "vacation" seeking the advice of a friend. Havok (Alex Summers) and Polaris (Lorna Dane), the ex- X-Men couple are living the South West USA working on graduate studies in the desert. They are attacked and turned into the minions of an unknown entity who wants to harm Xavier. This is the first episode where Lorna refers to herself as Polaris.

As the X-Men see Xavier off at the airport, Havok, Polaris, and the mysterious entity dressed up as Erik the Red (you may remember Erik the Red, the disguise used by Cyclops in Issue No.51. This is not Cyclops.) appears to intercept Xavier. Xavier's aircraft takes off without him realizing there is a fight as Cyclops and X-Men, fight Havok, Polaris, and Erik the Red! Cyclops wants to know if his brother is crazy, but eventually realizes his Havok and Polaris are being controlled. When X-Men reinforcements show up, Erik gathers up Havok and Polaris and takes off to fight another day.

Story Details

The episode begins with Xavier suffering a recurrent dream of an incredible battle in space between two alien star fleet armadas in a binary sun solar system. He sees an alien face before he awakes with a jolt. He thinks he may be going mad. Moira his new house keeper and old friend comforts him and advises him to discuss it with Scott.

The story shifts to the American South West where graduate students, Alex Summers (Havok, brother of Cyclops) and Lorna Dane are a couple. As Alex heads out to "work the range" (whatever that means), Lorna remains behind in their adobe house reflecting on how lucky she is to have found love. There is a knock on the door, and as she opens the door she blurts "You! But it's impossible!" as she is zapped by a ray and crumples to the floor.

Alex who is not far from the house hears her scream and rushes back to find her hanging up a new costume. When he asks her what happened, she calls herself Polaris then zaps him with her magnetic power. She and the unknown stranger stand over the unconscious form of Alex Summer, telling her his youth will be helpful in achieving the prime objective of killing Charles Xavier!

Several days later, five friends, Storm, Jean Grey, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, and Colossus gather to see Xavier off, on his vacation to meet with a friend and discuss his dream. Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler) is using Tony Stark's (Ironman), Image Inducer to appear like a normal person instead of a blue devil.

After Xavier's jet taxis out for takeoff, the group is surprised by Havok and Lorna Dane (Polaris) in costume. Scott asks Havok what is going on, as Jean Grey (Marvel Girl) senses trouble warning Scott, "It's a trap!" Suddenly Polaris zaps Jean, telling her "Fool, you just signed your own death warrant!" Alex screams "Jean!", then yells at Lorna "Have you gone crazy?" Havok tells Scott to get out of his way, they want Xavier! When Cyclops responds "Over my dead body!", Havok replies "If that is the way you want it!"

The pilots on Xavier's jet see trouble brewing and gun the engines for a quick takeoff as fighting breaks out behind them. Havok and Polaris takeoff in pursuit of Xavier's plane while the X-Men follow them. As Havok takes a shot at Xavier's jet which is still on the ground, Nightcrawler tackles him causing Havok's blast to go wild destroying a 747 jumbo jet parked nearby. Cyclops grabs his younger brother by his shirt, asking him, "Have you completely lost your mind?" Alex answers somewhat in a daze, but behind him he hears, "He is following my orders!" As Cyclops spins around he is confronted by Eric The Red! Readers of Issue No. 51-52 will remember that Eric the Red was a personality Cyclops assumed to infiltrate Magneto's headquarters. Eric blasts the X-Men.

Storm gathers up Jean and tries to whisk her to safety, but Polaris follows and attacks her causing Storm to drop Jean! Fast reactions allows her to catch Jean and place her on a roof. Then she turns to face Polaris! On the ground Cyclops discovers that Havok is under Erik's Control, whoever Erik is... Cyclops use his attacks to keep Havok off balance without hurting him too much, but it's not enough as a blast from Havok causes a wall to collapse on Cyclops. Despite the mind control, Havok is worried about his brother, helping him out of the rubble, but Cyclops recovers enough to wallop him.

The fight continues with the spectacle of Night Crawler riding on Erik's back grasping his head, until Erik flings him at Colossus. NC avoids a collision with his fellow X-Man by teleporting. NC and Colossus double teams Erik but he shakes them easily throwing Colossus, into a 727, destroying it. Peter grabs some loose airplane wheels and flings them at Erik smashing him! While above Kennedy Airport, the sky grows dark in a duel between Storm and Polaris which looks like a tie until Polaris refers to the fight as "a game", which really pisses off Storm so she blasts Polaris with lightning, causing Polaris to fall a long way! Havok curses Cyclops and decrees, "If Lorna has been hurt, I'll kill you all!"

Suddenly reinforcements show up by the name of Wolverine and Banshee. Erik calls Lorna and Polaris, grabs them up and launches to the sky in retreat! Cyclops yells at the trio to stop or he'll fire, but he does not. Wolverine' yells "Bast 'em man, they're gettin' away, blast them!" When Wolverine calls Cyclops "gutless", Cyclops flattens him with a punch, but before a serious fight between two X-Men can get started, Storm nips it by telling Wolverine, he'll stop or will have to answer to her! The episode ends with the X-Men's actions being monitored on a view screen by Havok, Polaris, the the mysterious Erik the Red. The narrative says the next time the brothers meet they will kill without knowing the reason why and they'll just be puppets dancing on a string!

Notes and Trivia

  • After being "effected" by a stranger, Lorna Dane refers to herself as Polaris for the first time.
  • Bad Dream Story Arc"'- begins with Xavier having bad dreams (Issue 97 1976), the appearance of someone calling himself Eric the Red, Jean Grey being transformed into the Phoenix (Issue 101), and takes the X-Men across the Universe to face the Shi'ar Emperor's mad grab for the ultimate power (Issue 109).


Issue No.98 (1976)

Issue No.98- Merry Christmas, X-Men! (1976)


"Been there, done that", the return of the Sentinels... but this time we get the Phoenix! The X-Men are enjoying Christmas in downtown New York City. Cyclops and Jean Grey's holiday dinner at Rockefeller Center is cut short when the roof the of skyline restaurant is ripped off by Sentinels (first introduced in Issue No.14) sent by Dr. Lang (Issue No. 96) to apprehend them as part of the anti-mutant project called Armageddon. The first Sentinel is obliterated by combined attacks from Jean and Scott, but the second one makes off with Jean, leaving Scott dangling from the side of the building.

Down in the warm and sunny Bahamas, Xavier is relaxing on a fishing boat by picking the brains of his friend Peter Corbeau trying to understand the significance of his recurring dream. about aliens and space battles. They are attacked by a Sentinel and Xavier is captured. Corbeau is left floating among the debris of his once very nice hydrofoil boat.

At a Sentinel holding facility, muredering Dr. Lang, "Mr. anti-mutant crusader", is tending to his recent X-Men captives, Banshee, Wolverine, Jean Grey, and Xavier. Lang gets into an argument with Jean Grey, but when he back hands her, Wolverine goes nuts and breaks out of his restraints. Lang orders a Sentinel to attack. Wolverine shreds it. After Lang retreats Wolverine frees the other X-Men captives. He wants to leave, but the others won't leave Xavier. More Sentinels come, more fighting and the episode ends with Banshee letting loose one of his destructive wails! Back at X-Men headquarters, Cyclops wonder where the X-Men are. Corbeau arrives at the mansion and tells him that the captives are not on the Earth!

Story Details

It's a white Christmas on 5th Ave in New York City. The tree is up, the ice rink is busy, snow is falling, and despite the unresolved issue with Erik the Red, Havok and Polaris, the gang of X-Men are trying to enjoy the holidays, Cyclops, Jean Grey (his gal), Banshee and Moira, Storm, Colossus, Night Crawler (using his image inducer), and even Wolverine! When Jean asks Storm, "Isn't the snow beautiful?" Storm responds "In it's way, but I can't help remembering that on the slopes of Kilimanjaro the snow is... white." Night Crawler and Colossus are busy ogling pretty woman. Banshee and Moira decide to take off. Jean asks Wolverine about his plans and he responds is "I got no use for Christmas."

The group splits up and what starts as a romantic evening turns into a nightmare. During Cyclops and Marvel Girl's dinner date at Rockefeller Center (NYC), the roof of the restaurant comes off and two Sentinels reach in to grab them! Marvel Girl uses her telekinetic power to blast one out the side of the building, then Cyclops destroys it with a powerful optic blast. The second Sentinel grabs Jean Grey, and hits Cyclops with a blast. As the Sentinel takes off, its thruster blows Cyclops over the side of the building, leaving him dangling by some wreckage!

Down on the street level, bit and chunks of Sentinel are falling. Banshee bursts from his civilian clothes and lifts into the sky with Wolverine, who refuses to be left out of any fight, hanging onto his feet! Storm takes to the air and rescues Cyclops from his precarious situation. She sets him down on the roof of the building. Cyclops tells her that a group of Sentinels snatched Banshee and Wolverine, just as another Sentinel arrives on the scene and tries to kill Cyclops, but Storm makes quick work of it with a tornado that rips it to pieces.

In the warm and sunny Bahamas, Charles Xavier is on a fishing boat with his friend, PhD, DSc, twice Nobel Prize winner Peter Corbeau. In the last issue as Xavier's jet was taking off from Kennedy Airport, all hell was breaking out around him, but he did not notice or had other things on his mind. Calling it a "vacation" Xavier is there discuss the binary system he has been seeing in his dreams. His friend who is an expert in such things knows of no such system and wonders if it's just in Xavier's head.

Suddenly Xavier gets a bite on his fishing line, which gets real exciting when a Sentinel pops out of the water announcing "Xavier, I have come for you!" Xavier hits the Sentinel with a full mind blast, but Xavier's dreams have sapped his mental strength and instead of destroying it, he merely blasts the Sentinel into the water. Corbeau, shifts the hydrofoil boat into top speed and they flee the scene. Xavier sees the vision of an alien face and screams. As Pete calls the Air Force for help, a Sentinel shoots out of the ocean ripping through their boat. Corbeau watches a Sentinel arc across the sky with Xavier in it's grasp. He wonders about his chance of survival as he is left floating among the debris two hundred miles (two hundred miles??) from land. Corbeau hears the Sentinel report "rising radiation from solar flares" to it's master.

Several days later, Dr. Steven Lang, murderer, is busy tending to his X-Men captives at a Sentinel holding facility. In front of Dr. Lang, Banshee, Wolverine, Jean Grey, and Xavier are restrained and being medically examined. Xavier is being held in a capsule and is unconscious. Jean wants to know where Lang's swastika is. Lang responds that mutants are the enemy and it's his duty to destroy them. When Jean calls him "pathetic", Lang backhands her. That's it for Wolverine who breaks his "unbreakable" shackles and launches toward Lang. He responds by sending Sentinel T-20 after Wolverine. Wolverine shreds it with his blades. Lang and his helpers beat feet for a fast retreat. Wolverine releases the other and suggests they escape, but Banshee and Jean will not leave Xavier. As Jean tries to rip off the bottom of her dinner gown, Wolverine happily helps, using his blades to make her dress a little shorter than she wanted!

The conflict resumes when group of Sentinels crashes through the wall and the X-Men lay into them. Jean wonders why it's so easy to take these Sentinels apart? Another Sentinel grabs Wolverine, pinning his arms. Jean fries the Sentinel's brain. More Sentinels arrive and Banshee lets loose a mighty wail!

Meanwhile X-Men headquarters in upstate New York, Cyclops sits by Cerebro wondering where are the missing X-men? The intruder alert sounds, but it is Dr. Peter Corbeau, climbing over the back wall. He survived the Bahamas! Cyclops is worried that there is no trace of the missing X-Men and fears they are dead. "Don't you see" says Corbeau, "the Sentinels are worried about Sun flares because, they are not on the Earth!"


Issue No.99 (1976)

Issue No.99- Deathstar Rising! (1976)

  • Credits: Written by: Chris Claremont; Art by: Dave Cockrum; Inked by: Frank Chiara; Lettered by: Irving W.; Colored by: Michele W.; Edited: Marv Wolfman.
  • Characters Featured: Dr. Peter Corbeau, Marvel Girl, Dr. Steven Lang'
  • Gadgets/Facilities: Atmos-Shere- a Sentinel device used to put a protective environment around X-Men who suddenly found themselves floating in space; Starcore Space Station; The Space Shuttle.


After escaping as prisoners of Dr Steven Lang, the anti-mutant crusader, the X-Men, Banshee, Wolverine, and Marvel Girl, blast their way out of the Sentinel facility only to discover they are on an orbital platform and are now out in the vacuum of space. The Sentinels launch and surround the X-Men with atmos-spheres, small globes of atmosphere, so they can survive long enough, to be brought back inside the station, prisoners once again!

On Earth, Dr Corbeau who is involved in the U.S. space program, quickly arranges a U.S. Space Shuttle launch with a special crew composed of Cyclops, Storm, Colossus, and Night Crawler. They approach the orbital station and are attacked by Sentinels. A hole blasted into the shuttle results in Storm being sucked out into space. Corbeau crashes the Shuttle into the space station. Inside the station, they easily defeat Sentinels. Apparently not bothered by the lack of O2 or pressure, Storm discovers she can manipulate solar winds to defeat the Sentinel that is sent out to fetch her. She finds her way into the Station, just in time for the new X-men to come face to face with the original X-Men lead by Professor Xavier who seems intent on killing them!

Story Details

Continued from the last issue, in a flight to escape the Sentinel facility, the X-Men (Banshee, Wolverine, and Marvel Girl) follow Banshee who blasts a hole out of the Sentinels compound. To their utter surprise they find themselves floating in the vacuum of space! Little did they know whey were in a space station circling the Earth. While Cyclops and Dr. Corbeau try to pinpoint the X-Men's locations, high above them the Sentinels go after the escaped X-Men and surround them with atmos-sheres, small globes of atmosphere so they can be captured alive and fetched back into the station.

Cyclops and Corbeau use Cerebro to identify the missing X-Mens' location. Somehow Lang and the Sentinels are using the U.N. Star Core Space Station. Dr Corbeau arranges a quick launch of the Star Core Shuttle with a special crew composed of Cyclops, Storm, Colossus, and Night Crawler. Remembering his brother, a cosmonaut who died in a launch accident, Colossus has an anxiety attack, damaging his space suit prior to blastoff. He recovers and they launch.

As the shuttle approaches the space station, Dr. Corbeau has planned a ruse to gain access to the space station based on rising solar radiation. But Lang, denies them permission to land. When the space station's mutant detector alarms, Lang launches a trio of Sentinels to destroy the shuttle. Hit by a Sentinel blast, Storm is sucked out a hole and Colossus is without a pressurized suit.

Dr. Corbeau rams the space station which ends up with the space shuttle sticking in its side. Floating nearby, apparently not bothered by the vacuum of space, Storm sees a Sentinel approaching her fast. She surprises herself when she harnesses the solar winds and uses her power to blow the Sentinel out into the void. She picks a curious time to ponder if this is what she should be doing with her life, but her friends need help so she files this thought away for now.

Inside the space station the X-Men are tearing up Sentinels. Colossus throws an object with such force, it rips right through a Sentinel. Nightcrawler crushes a Sentinel's head with a improvised weapon. The X-Men wonder why the Sentinels are such pushovers as compared to the ones controlled by the Trasks (Issue No.14).

Colossus is worried about Storm, and gets irritated when Cyclops seems to forget about her floating out in space. When she suddenly appears inside the station, he jumps for joy. Cyclops gets an urgent mental message from Jean Grey, "Hurry Scott, Lang means to murder us!" Cyclops sends Colossus, Storm, and Night Crawler to find Wolverine and Banshee, while he plans on facing Steven Lang alone with Dr. Corbeau following him. Cyclops finds Lang threatening Jean with a pistol and physically lays into him. Corbeau releases Jean, Banshee and Wolverine.

Jean yells for Cyclops to stop beating Lang because he is killing him! Cyclops notices a movement in the next room and is zapped. Confusing reigns when the new X-Men, Colossus, Storm, Banshee, Night Crawler and Wolverine come face to face with what looks like the original X-Men, Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Angel, Beast, Iceman and the Professor . The Professor commands the original X-Men to kill "the impostors"!

Notes and Trivia

  • Colossus displays affection for Storm.


Issue No.100 (1976)

Issue No.100- Greater Love Hath No X-Man! (1976)


The X-Men confrontation with Dr. Lang, the anti-mutant crusader and the Sentinels continues on an orbital space station as the new X-Men face what looks like the original X-Men led by Xavier. They figure out these are robots who have been crafted to look like and act like the original X-Men, (Cyclops, Beast, Jean Grey, Iceman, Angel) and are being led by a Sentinel version of Professor Xavier. The new X-Men defeat the X-Men impostors.

Dr Lang tries to kill the X-Men with his gunship, but crashes and presumably dies in the resulting explosion. The X-Men escape the burning space station in the shuttle they arrived in, but face a dilemma. The flight control computer has been damaged and the only way to get back to Earth is for someone to manually pilot the shuttle. The pilot seat is not located in the part of the shuttle with shielding from the solar flares that are currently erupting. Whoever pilots the shuttle will being exposed to massive amounts of radiation. (And exactly why would the shuttle be designed this way?) Jean Grey volunteers to pilot the shuttle by mentally absorbing Corbeau's piloting skills (matrix style!). Her plan is to use a mental shield to protect her from radiation as she pilots the shuttle. Cyclops objects, but she immobilizes him. During re-entry into Earth's atmosphere, Jean discovers she can't adequately protect herself from the intense amounts of radiation and her fate remains unknown until the next issue!

Story Details

At the end of the last issue the new X-Men (Storm, Night Crawler, Wolverine, Colossus, and Banshee) came face to face with the original X-Men (Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Angel, Iceman, and The Beast) or what appears to be the original X-Men and the Professor too! After the Professor orders the orignal X-Men to kill what he calls the impostors, the new X-Men in a confused state defend themselves as a huge brawl takes place. Individually, the X-Men figure out they are dealing with robots. Night Crawler notices that the Beast looks like his original self, a human, not blue and furry (a change that took place during the X-Men hiatus when Beast joined the Avengers.) Then Night Crawler notices something peculiar about Cyclop's visor just before he is zapped by it. Iceman attacks Wolverine with ice, but before Wolverine can retaliate, Angel picks him up flinging him into Colossus.


XMen vs Xmen (Issue 100)

When Havok attacks Colossus with his energy, Colossus whacks him with an iron girder. When Marvel Girl attacks Storm, Storm realizes she is not Jean Grey but an impostor. Polaris knocks Storm down but before they can kill Storm, they are attacked by Banshee and decide to regroup with the other X-Men impostors. Wolverine goes after the fake Xavier, but in his confrontation, Xavier stands up out of his wheel chair and punches him across the room! Then Marvel Girl psychically attacks Wolverine, and although his brain feels like it's frying, he realizes this is not Marvel Girl he is fighting. Despite the attack he is able to strike out and kill her with his blades! Thinking Wolverine just killed Marvel Girl, Banshee screams "no!", but horror turns to revelation when it's revealed to be a robot, a sentinel!

Dr Lang has a fit, not believing that his X-Men Sentinels can't beat the the real X-Men! He also mentions his association with the Council of the Chosen, a sinister group, the inner circle of the Hellfire Club (see link) who seek world domination. While their goal is to manipulate mutants for their own end, Lang's intention is to betray them by using the Council's support to kill off all mutants!

The real X-Men now "get" that they have been fighting Sentinels. Dr Lang tries to make a quick break, jumping into his gunship to press another attack against the X-Men, but he is no match for them as Cyclops blasts his vehicle, the real Marvel Girl uses her mental power to jam the controls, but in an attempt to get away, Lang hits the vehicles thrusters and careens out of control, then blows up as it crashes into a wall, setting the space station ablaze.

After abandoning the orbital station for the shuttle, Dr Corbeau discovers that the shuttle's flight re-entry computer has been fried by the collision with the space station. The problem is there is a solar flare that will cook anyone who is not in the shuttle's protected area, but with the computer out, someone will have to manually fly the shuttle and be exposed to high levels of radiation. (Would they design a space shuttle like this?)

Jean Grey volunteers, making a mental link with Corbeau and in a first, absorbs his abilities, learning to fly the shuttle. Her plan is to protect herself from the solar radiation using a mental shield. When Cyclops, her honey objects, she zaps him into an unconsciousness. Wolverine objects and Jean tells him to stuff it. Storm questions her and she states "it's either me or everyone, tell Scott I love him!" With her new skills, Jean Grey pilots the shuttle towards the Earth. As the radiation builds she realizes her psychic shield is failing with twenty minutes to go before the shuttle will be within the Earth's protective atmosphere!

Notes and Trivia

  • Marvel Girl- Jean Grey can use her mental powers to absorb the physical skills of another human, in this case piloting the space shuttle for reentry into Earth's atmosphere. She also tries to use a psychic shield to protect herself from high does of radiation, but she fails.


Issue No.101 (1976)

Issue No.101- Like The Phoenix, From The Ashes! (1976)

  • Credits: Written by: Chris Claremont; Art by: Dave Cockrum; Inked by: Frank Charamonte; Lettered by: J Constanza; Colored by: B. Wilford; Edited: Archie Goodwin.
  • Characters Introduced: Phoenix (Jean Grey), Dr. McKay, Black Tom Cassidy
  • Characters Featured: Dr. Peter Corbeau, Moira MacTaggert, Juggernaut.
  • Gadgets: Image Inducer- Used by Night Crawler to make him appear like a normal guy.


The story continues as Jean Grey pilots the Space Shuttle and after being exposed to an immense dose of radiation crash lands the Shuttle into the water off of Kennedy International Airport, NYC. After escaping the Shuttle, the X-Men think Jean is dead, but she surprises them by erupting from the water, announces she is now the Phoenix before collapsing. Cyclops rescues her and goes for medical attention. The doctors tell the X-Men, they think she will be all right and the Professor promptly sends the team, minus Cyclops away for a vacation. They go to Sean Cassidy's (Banshee) ancestral home, Cassidy Keep in Ireland only to be imprisoned by Black Tom Cassidy (Sean's Cousin) and Juggernaut!

Story Details

This episode is the end of the X-Mens' third encounter with the Sentinels and is considered the beginning of the Phoenix Saga, which turns into the Dark Phoenix Saga.

After defeating Dr. Lang and his anti-mutant Sentinels, the X-Men and Dr. Corbeau are returning to Earth in the space shuttle piloted by Jean Grey (Marvel Girl) for a landing at Kennedy International Airport, NYC. The Space Shuttles flight computer had been damaged requiring the Shuttle to be manually flown. A massive solar flare hitting the Earth, required that all passengers on the Shuttle ride in a radiation shielded area. However, the manual flight controls are not in the protected area. Jean volunteered to become the pilot by mentally absorbing Dr. Corbeau's pilot skills, thinking she could "mentally" shield herself from a massive dose of radiation exposure. However she also suspected she might not survive, passing a message to Cyclops that she loved him.

During reentry from orbit, Jean is exposed to more radiation than she can imagine and feels her life slipping away. But at Kennedy Airport, she manages to crash land the Shuttle. It careens down the runway and into Jamaica Bay where it sinks below the waves.

The X-Men including Dr. Corbeau, survive, popping to the surface of the water. However Jean is not there. When Cyclops announces his intention to dive down for her, Night Crawler tries to dissuade him. Cyclops threatens Night Crawler, but before he can dive, a disturbance in the ocean, turns into an eruption as the form of Jean Grey shoots into the air wearing a new outfit. Jean, the former Marvel Girl announces "Hear me X-Men. No longer am I the woman you knew! I am fire and life incarnate! I am Phoenix!" Suddenly she swoons, with memories and sensations, crashing back into the water! But Cyclops is there to rescue her! The X-Men and Professor manage to get away from the scene without being noticed assisted by the Professor's mental manipulation of the swarming crowd.

The scene flashes to Wolverine dressed in western clothing at a flower shop buying flowers. In a monolog, he reveals he has feelings for Jean, and "what Wolverine wants, Wolverine gets!". But as he steps into the hospital room, he is surprised to see all of the X-Men team, plus Cyclops, Moira, and the Professor waiting for word on Jean. Wolverine dumps his flowers in the trash. Mean while in a nearby waiting area Scott Summers (Cyclops) laments the many lost years he could have spent with his love, and he is afraid he is going to lose her. Dr. McKay and Dr Corbeau appear to tell the group they think she will be all right! The X-Men, including Wolverine celebrate while Scott breaks down with relief.

The Professor tells the others to pipe down and informs them he is sending them on a vacation so that he and Scott can focus on Jean's recovery. Wolverine is not happy with the decision. Sean Cassidy (Banshee) receives a letter informing him that he has just inherited the Cassidy ancestral home in Ireland and suggests that as the X-men destination. The Professor agrees and by plane, train, and automobile, the X-Men tour Ireland before arriving at Cassidy Keep, a thousand year old castle built on the coast to protect from Viking raiders.

The vacation appears to be short lived as a sinister character Black Tom Cassidy, Sean's cousin, dressed in purple with red highlights awaits within. He beats the servant, Eamon O'Donnell, to get him to meet and great the X-Men, showing them to their rooms. Soon the evil plan will be revealed.

Storm hates the place and summons up a little shower in her room to refresh herself. She dons formal attire for dinner and is escorted by Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner) using his "Image Inducer" to look like a regular person. Peter Rasputin (Colossus) and Kurt end up competing for Storm, but she wants both of them to escort her. On their way to dinner the floor of the hallway opens up and swallows, Banshee, Wolverine, Night Crawler, Storm, and Colossus! They are greeted by Black Tom Cassidy and none other than Xavier's step brother, Juggernaut! Black Tom tells them he will accomplish what no other has been able to, kill the X-Men! Storm feels claustrophobic and screams!

Notes and Trivia

  • The start of the Dark Phoenix Saga!
  • Storm can re-polarize the molecules of her uniform to change it's appearance.
  • Storm is debilitatingly claustrophobic.
  • Wolverine has affections for Jean Grey.
  • Wolverine calls Banshee "Irish" and Banshee calls Wolverine "Short-Stuff".

Movie Parallels

  • Regardless of Cyclops's feelings for Marvel Girl, Wolverine has affections for Jean Grey.
  • Storm's (Ororo Munroe) claustrophobia is revealed in episodes 101-103.


Issue No.102 (1976)

Issue No.102- Who Will Stop the Juggernaut? (1976)


The battle continues in Ireland at Cassidy Keep between, Banshee, Storm, Wolverine, Night Crawler, Colossus, and Black Tom Cassidy (Banshee's cousin) and Juggernaut. Storm remains paralyzed with emotion from some vision she is seeing. Night Crawler is taken out of the action by Black Tom and is pulled to safety by unknown benefactors. Without Storm, the other X-men fail to defeat Juggernaut and Black Tom. Meanwhile Xavier orders Cyclops to go to Ireland to help the X-Men, but Cyclops refuses. While Xavier is yelling at Cyclops, he sees more visions from his dreams that upset him. Before besting Banshee, Black Tom describes a mysterious benefactor who freed both him and Juggernaut from prison and are playing them a lot of money to kill the X-Men! As the X-Men lay defeated, Juggernaut announces the only one left to take care of is Xavier.

Story Details

The story continues from the last Issue with the X-men at Cassidy Keep, Banshee's ancestral home, in a battle against Juggernaut and Banshee's evil cousin, Black Tom Cassidy. It is revealed that Black Tom is immune from Banshee's wail and he wants to know if Banshee is immune to a punch in the jaw! Simultaneously Juggernaut is fighting Night Crawler and Wolverine. If you remember, Storm screamed at the end of last issue. Instead of fighting, Colossus is asking Storm what is the matter? Wolverine intervenes, telling Colossus to forget Storm and get to fighting! Colossus takes exception to Wolverine's tone of voice. Wolverine says "fine" as he grabs Colossus by the wrist, spins him around and slams him into Juggernaut, quipping "Way to go, Russkie!" Overlooking the fact that Wolverine just flung him, Colossus takes exception to the fact that Wolverine called him "Russkie" and came between and his friend Storm. But as they bicker, Wolverine suddenly yells for Colossus to "look out!" as Juggernaut slams Colossus. Juggernaut brags he can never be stopped. Wolverine tries by raking Juggernaut with his adamantium claws, but he does not scratch Juggernaut, who then punches Wolverine across the room.

Nightcrawler is seen comforting Storm, who is huddled in the corner crying, then tells her "Snap out of it woman, we are being murdered, why won't you help?" Storm replies "Kurt, please, I...", just as Nightcrawler is all most punched by Juggernaut, but he is too fast. When Juggernaut snatches Storm up by the hair, she cries out. Then he throws her down and turns to engage Nightcrawler who curses Storm, "damn you"!

Storm is incapacitated with grief because she sees a vision from her past. It is of Harlem, N.Y. 1951 and her parent are leaving NYC for Cairo, Egypt. Then a flash forward to the 1956 Suez War involving the British, French, and Israelis who invade Egypt. Storm sees her parents flee to the U.S. Embassy. But a damaged jet crashes all most on top of them killing her Mother. Her Father is no where to be found. Ororo Munroe survives to become a street urchin and is taken under the wing of Achmed El Gibar. When she is 12 years old, she is pulled to take a year walking south two thousand miles to the Serengeti Plain to find her new home. (I'm just not sure why these visions would paralyze her, overpowering?- Titanic.)

Back to the present, Xavier feels Storm's pain from thousands of miles away and sees the vision of Cain Marko, Juggernaut, his evil step brother! At the mansion, he enter's Jean Grey's room to talk to Cyclops and is introduced to Misty Knight, Jean's room mate. As Cyclops accompanies Xavier outside to talk, Misty asks Jean what is wrong. Jean asks her "How would you feel if you died, then brought yourself back to life?" She is referring to her experience on the Space Shuttle.

In another room, Xavier orders Cyclops to leave immediately for Ireland to help the X-Men fight Juggernaut, but Cyclops refuses! He is staying put near Jean until she recovers. Xavier berates Cyclops until suddenly Xavier sees a face in the mirror, from his dreams and panics!

Back in Ireland, Juggernaut is busy trying to smack Nightcrawler, when Wolverine jumps in, while Storm huddles fearfully in a corner. Black Tom zaps Nightcrawler taking him out of the action. Some unknown individuals pull his unconscious body aside and to safety.

Banshee and Black Tom beat each other with their fists and feet because each one is immune to the other's power. It is revealed that Banshee was once an interpol agent who had his cousin, Black Tom put away in prison for life. An unknown person freed both Black Tom and Juggernaut from prison and paid them large amounts of cash to turn the castle into a death trap for the X-Men! Black Tom defeats Banshee for the moment. Colossus hurls himself into Juggernaut as they trade physical blows! Ironically, when Colossus kicks Juggernaut into a wall, it collapses on Colossus! Storm finally comes back to her senses, shooting a weak lighting bolt at Juggernaut, but he deflects it back, knocking her out.

As the episode ends, Juggernaut pronounces the X-Men defeated, the only one left is Xavier who will run into their trap when he senses he fellow X-Men suffering.



Issue No.103 1977

Issue No.103- The Fall of the Tower! (1977)


Having defeated the X-Men in battle, Black Tom Cassidy and Juggernaut, plan on torturing the X-Men, thereby luring Professor Xavier to Cassidy Keep. But with the help of Nightcrawler, the X-Men revive for more fighting and ultimately are victorious. Leprechauns and Eamon O'Donnell help the good guys. When Banshee flips Black Tom over the Castle wall plummeting into the ocean, Juggernaut dives in to save him, but it appears neither survive, at least they can't be found. In another location, the person posing as Erik The Red is in communications with an alien who refers to the arrival of Princess Neramani on Earth and tells Erik, she must not speak to the X-Men! Just who is Erik the Red?

Story Details

In the last issue, the X-Men got their butts whipped by Black Tom Cassidy and Juggernaut at Cassidy Keep. Storm was of no help in the fight as she was upset by a vision (of unknown origins) that was overpowering. The plan is to lure Xavier to Cassidy Keep so they can do away with him and the X-Men.

Nightcrawler was knocked out by Black Tom and whisked away by little people (Leprechauns). After recovering, Nightcrawler is told by the Leprechauns of the plot by Juggernaut and Black Tom to take over the castle. And that they are being paid by someone called Erik the Red to get rid of the X-Men.

The Leprechauns and Eamon O'Donnell, the housekeeper are willing to help Nightcrawler. Nightcrawler discovers when he moves in front of shadows, his body blends right in, essentially disappearing.

One of the Leprechauns informs Nightcrawler that Black Tom has the X-Men prisoners in his laboratory and is planning on m torturing them with his Neuronic Tangler Glove. Because Xavier can sense when the X-Men are in pain, the idea is to lure Xavier to Cassidy Keep. Nightcrawler decides to teleport himself to Xavier's mansion. (Now that is now a long distance teleport!)

When Xavier appears in Cassidy Keep and confronts them. Juggernaut lunges at him but Xavier bounds out of his chair avoiding the attack! Black Tom asks Juggernaut, "You said Xavier was a cripple?" In response, Xavier throws a flying kick at Black Tom, knocking him across the room. Juggernaut figures out this is not Xavier, but Nightcrawler in some kind of image disguise. He lashes out with a punch and knocks a hole in the wall of Cassidy Keep!

Through the hole in the wall, Storm, who is tied up, can see the sky. Whatever was effecting her melts away and she creates a hurricane inside the castle that frees the X-Men. Juggernaut grabs Banshee before he can escape. Wolverine and Colossus bicker again when Wolverine calls Storm a "broad" (slang for "woman") and Colossus calls him "Shorty"!

Juggernaut follows Black Tom up to the castle battlements carrying Banshee. Black Tom calls out to the X-Men "If you want Banshee alive, you'll have to come up for him!" Storm flies up to engage. When Wolverine calls her a "broad" again and yells, "how can we follow?", Colossus who is peeved at the name calling, tosses Wolverine completely over the wall! Then Colossus laments there is no one to toss him over the wall as he starts climbing. As Storm flies, energy blasters pop out of castle turrets and shoot at her. As Colossus climbs, Juggernaut tries and fails to knock him off the wall by flinging parts of the castle at him. Storm conjures up a huge gail that lashes Cassidy Keep.

Wolverine is pissed because Colossus threw him all the way over the castle and out of the fight. When a leprechaun pops up in front of Wolverine, he calls him "Bub and tells says he does not believe in Leprechauns. The Leprechaun responds "maybe Leprechauns don't believe in talkin' Wolverines either!" Padraic, the Leprechaun offers to help Wolverine get back into the fight.

Nightcrawler sneaks up and frees Banshee, who promptly knocks Juggernaut over with a sonic wail, and then takes after Black Tom dueling him with a sword! Meanwhile, Wolverine and Colossus lay into Juggernaut. Banshee flips Black Tom over the wall to plummet into the ocean. In a panic, Juggernaut launches himself over the castle wall diving into the ocean in pursuit of his friend!

The conflict ends for the time being as the X-Men search for Black Tom and Juggernaut in vain. However at another location, the plan for the X-Men's demise continues as the Erik the Red sits in front of a view screen addressing the Shi'ar Emperor, D'Ken Neramani as "my liege". The Emperor mentions the arrival of Princess Neramani on Earth and tells Erik, she must not speak to the X-Men! Who is Erik the Red?

Notes and Trivia

  • Colossus's nickname for Wolverine: "Shorty"!


Issue No.104 1977

Issue No.104- The Gentleman's Name is Magneto (1977)


After the battle at Cassidy Keep, the X-Men (minus Cyclops) rent a hydrofoil boat to cruise over to Moira MacTagart's island and her secret Mutant Research Center off the coast of Scotland on Muir Island. It is designed to imprison bad mutants and look for a cure to eradicate their hatred of humans. They walk into a fight and discover Erik the Red has broken Magneto out of the facility. The new X-Men are lacking experience fighting Magneto and barely escape heading back to N.Y. to protect Xavier from Erik. Jean Grey is out of the hospital and is reunited with her parents. Outside, Erik with Havok, and Polaris (who are being mentally manipulated by Erik) plan on storming Jean's apartment!

While overhead in space aboard the command deck of an intergalactic pirate ship, a Starjammer vessel, the leader Corsair tells an alien figure named Ch'od that the nine stars are moving into alignment and if the Emperor goes through with his plan to open the dimensional gate it will be the end of everything! On another bug shaped spaceship, Princess Lilandra Neramani speaks of her brother the Shi'ar Emperor who must be stopped, when she is attacked by a Shi'ar Imperial Cruiser!

Story Details

After the battle at Cassidy Keep, Banshee's ancestral home, the X-Men are now on a dock at Stornoway, in the outer Hebrides, 50 miles off the N.W. coast of Scotland. Banshee is having a disagreement with the owner of a hover craft the group has rented. Although they paid for the rental, the owner, Angus MacWhirter does not plan on letting a bunch of "costumed freaks" use the boat, and intends on keeping their money! The X-Men decide to take his boat for the rental period. They cruise away, leaving the disgruntled owner hanging from a hook unharmed, but agitated!

The X-Men are headed to Moira MacTaggert's island. She is described as a friend of Xavier's (although she is much more) and she has been acting as caretaker for Xavier's Mansion in New York State. Meanwhile, she has not heard from the caretaker she left in charge of her Mutant Research Center. As they approach the island, a bolt of Eldritch Fire hits their craft destroying it. The X-Men swim to shore and are impressed by the facility that serves as Moira's lab. Colossus takes point as the group heads up the hill, but he runs into an invisible force field that has trapped the X-Men on the beach. There is little time to ponder their dilemma before the chunk of beach they are standing on, lifts into the air and throws them at the laboratory wall. With Banshee's urging, each individual X-Man focuses their powers on the wall of the Lab punch a hole through it.

Once inside the lab, they are confronted by th oldest of X-Men nemeses, a prisoner who has been released by Eric the Red, none other than the (drum roll please) metal manipulating, Magneto! This new team of X-Men have not faced him before.

Outside in the courtyard, the X-Mens' SR71 touches down in a vertical landing (this is a new aircraft, the first one was destroyed in a pervious issue) with Moira MacTaggert and Cyclops onboard. The story reveals that the Lab is a glorified prison to hold dangerous mutants, with a secondary purpose of finding a cure of their hatred towards mankind. Inside the facility Moira discovers her assistant Jamie Madrox laying unconscious on the floor.


Magneto Returns! 1977

After reviving, he recounts how the lab was stormed by Havok, Polaris, and Erik the Red. (If you remember Cyclops used a disguise and called himself Erik the Red, so at this point Erik's real identity is a mystery although it appears he is in league with the guys from the Shi'ar Empire.) They went Magneto's cell, (the Magneto who had been turned into a child in the Marvel Comics Defenders Issue No.16) Erik hit Magneto with a ray that reverts him back to his adult self. Magneto was humiliated and furious vowing vengeance!

Back in the present, Cyclops takes off to help his team that are facing down Magneto. Moria wonders what the big deal is since the X-Men have defeated Magneto in the past, but Cyclops tells her, that while the old team could have beaten Magneto, the new team has little chance due to lack training and experience with him. And Cyclops is right!

The new X-Men team don't do so well. With the wave of his hand, Magneto deflects Wolverine's adamantium claws, sending him flying across the room. In his metal state, Colossus is similarly tossed. Storm's attempt to attack Magneto fails when he sets up a magnetic interference field so her lightning bolts are deflected back at her. Next Colossus tries to fling a piece of scrap metal at Magneto but he easily deflects it away from him. Nightcrawler tries to teleport out of danger's way, but Magneto can sense the Nightcrawler's magnetic field disruption, (even though he is invisible in the shadows) and drops a pile of scrap metal on him. Banshee comes close to making a dent by using his sonic wail to collapse the floor under Magneto, but Magneto levitates himself up. Then Magneto covers Banshee with ferrous particles from the metal wreckage laying about, immobilizing and eventually it will suffocating him.

Magneto gloats that he can't believe he beat the X-Men as he is blasted by Cyclops, but it is only a stunning blow. However this gives Cyclops enough time to gather up the X-Men for a quick retreat. Wolverine who is always itching for a fight, challenges Cyclops's decision, but Cyclops prevails. Wolverine is pissed because they ran away, but Cyclops's reasoning is that the Professor is in grave danger and they need to be by his side. Back at the Lab, Magneto celebrates his victory over the X-Men as he walks by a door marked Mutant X ( a future story).

When it rains it pours. Aboard the Command Deck of a Starjammer vessel, a humanoid tells an alien figure named Ch'od that the nine stars are moving into alignment and if the Emperor goes through with his plan of open the dimensional gate it will be the end of everything! The Starjammer's are Interstellar Pirates. On another bug shaped spaceship high in orbit over the Earth, Princess Lilandra Neramani speaks of her brother, the Shi'ar Emperor who must be stopped, as she is attacked by a Shi'ar Imperial Cruiser! Down in a Greenwich Village apartment, Jean Grey is united with her Mom and Dad, with Xavier and Moira MacTaggert present. Outside the apartment Polaris, Havok, and Erik the Red prepare to ruin Jean's homecoming!

Notes and Trivia

  • First X-Men reference to "Mutant X"!

Movie Parallels


Issue No.105 1977

Issue No.105- The Phoenix Unleashed! (1977)


Lots going on in this chapter. Eric the Red deceives the Firelord into believing the X-Men are trying to take over Earth. When the Firelord confronts Xavier in Jean Grey's apartment a huge duel breaks out between them. Jean's parents witness this battle and for the first time realize their daughter is a mutant. Eric is revealed to be a secret agent of the Shi'ar Empire, whose mission on Earth is to capture Princess Neramani, a traitor, and take her back to the Shi'ar Empire for execution. Part of his plan included taking mental control of Havok and Polaris so they would do his bidding starting back in Issue No.97. The Princess is the brother of the Shi'ar Emperor who knows he is going to try something that endangers the entire Universe. The chapter ends with Eric escaping through a Star Gate with the Princess as his prisoner, with the X-Men, including Phoenix following close behind.

Story Details

This chapter starts with a bang as Eric the Red invades Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters and the X-Men attack! Amazingly, Eric cries out "Stop, I beg you! I come in peace!" "Fine by me" responds Wolverine "'cause yer goin' in pieces!" Suddenly a new voice booms "I have seen enough!" and in swoops Firelord, the former herald of Galactus! "You will harm Eric The Red no more!"

Colossus and Cyclops are zapped by a single blast from Firelord's firestaff! Nightcrawler keeps Firelord busy hopping all over the place until Firelord's sweeping attack takes him out. As Banshee catches Nightcrawler in mid fall, Storm launches herself at the Firelord who unleashes a powerful optic beam that knocks out all of the X-Men and the fight is over.

We know Erik is hostile to the X-men and realize his plan is deception when he asks the Firelord, "Did you have to treat the X-Men so harshly?" Then he thanks the Firelord saying "the X-Men would have killed me without a second thought!" Eric reveals to the reader that he would have been the one to have killed the X-Men if he had only had the chance.


Phoenix Unleashed! 1977

Prior to this encounter, Erik and the Firelord did not know each other. Eric used his mind control over Havok and Polaris, to set up a ruse where he appeared to be attacked by them just as the Firelord happened to pass by. And then under Erik's mind control, they attacked the Firelord who approached with peaceful intentions, but was forced to defend himself and now thinks that the X-Men are menaces. These feelings are reinforced when Eric lies to him saying he is an explorer who accidentally got in the way of the X-Men who are seeking to rule the Earth! Oh the treachery! And now the Firelord thinks that Charles Xavier, head of the X-Men is a threat that must be dealt with!

Out in space Princess Lilandra Neramani's scout ship is headed to Earth so she can speak to Professor Xavier. Her brother is the emperor of the Shi'ar Empire. She was once the Grand Admiral of the imperial fleet, but after leading the Great Rebellion, she is on the run coming to Earth. Her goal is to speak with Professor Xavier about a grave danger facing the Universe.

On the Shi'ar ship pursuing the Princess, the Science Officer reports to the Captain, that this planet (Earth) has successfully defended itself from Galactus four times. (When did that happen?) The Captain does a 180 and moves away at max sub-light acceleration, and ordering power to the defensive screens! Before completely out of range, the Shi'ar ship fires a salvo of photon torpedos that hit Lilandra's ship just after she teleports off and lands right in the middle of Jean Grey's apartment!

Xavier can't believe he is seeing the girl from his dreams as Princess Lilandra walks out of the transporter beam and collapses. Jean and Misty Knight help Lilandra out of her space suit as she lays on the sofa. Before Jean and the Professor can discuss regarding her identity an explosion rips a hole in the apartment's wall and through the wreckage appears the Firelord who has come to deal with the Princess and Xavier! Feisty Misty pulls a gun, but Jean tells her, the Phoenix will take care of the Firelord and asks Misty to get her parents out of harms way.

Jean's persona transforms into The Phoenix and she yells at the Firelord to get out of her house, as she physically ejects Firelord with huge blast of energy! As usual in this kind of fight, while flying towards each other, the Phoenix asks the Firelord "Why do you want him (Xavier)? He's done nothing to you." The Firelord who has been manipulated by Erik, calls her a liar, saying that Xavier with his conquering horde plans on ruling the Earth! She calls him "nuts" and she blasts him with an even larger surge of energy that bounces him off the Washington Square Park monument.

In a nearby alley, Eric the Red observes the aerial duel between Phoenix and Firelord and decides this is the perfect time to stop the Princess from speaking to Xavier. While Phoenix and Firelord battle, in Jean's apartment the Princess and Xavier are trying to communicate through their language barrier. Misty pulls a gun on Eric the Red when he enters the apartment. Eric stun-blasts the group, then takes the Princess to the roof of the apartment and activates a Star Gate just as Banshee, Storm, and the X-Men's Hover Jet full of X-Men zooms over head.

Erik hits the Hover Jet carrying Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, and Colossus, with an energy beam. Hilariously, Wolverine harasses Cyclops who is fighting to maintain control of the vehicle. The controls are fused so Cyclops orders everyone to bail. Soon after the Hovercraft explodes! Overhead in the sky, Phoenix shakes off Firelord's attack and hits him with a wave of mental energy so powerful, it blasts him twelve miles away into the Jersey Meadowlands! Phoenix is euphoric over the immense powers she wields and wonders what has she become?

Xavier calls Phoenix to him with a telepathic message. The X-Men are flying towards Xavier, with the help of Banshee who carries Cyclops, and Storm who carries Colossus and Wolverine. While Banshee wonders what happened to Night Crawler, Wolverine worries that Nightcrawler teleported over to Jean's apartment so he could "hog all of the action!" But Nightcrawler has opted acrobatically fling himself to the rooftop just in time to see Erik step through the Star Gate with the Princess in his arms! Nightcrawler tries to follow, but bounces off the device as the gate snaps shut.

Xavier screams, "It can't end this way!" Jean's parents had no idea about the real nature of Xavier's school are surrounded by costumed mutant and for the first time witnessed the tremendous mutant powers their daughter possesses. Jean tells them there is no time to explain. Xavier panics, shouting "You've got all the time in the world, Jean. Eric is gone with Lilandra and the Star Gate is closed!" Jean tells the Professor to cool it. Using her telepathic powers, Jean informs the X-Men about the Princess, who led the revolt against her brother because he might destroy the Universe! Lilandra lost the revolt and came to Earth seeking X-Men assistance. Erik the Red, real name, Davan Shakari is a secret agent who was sent to Earth to prevent that from happening. And the Phoenix wields enough raw power to open and power the gate allowing the X-Men to pass through.

Her parents yell at Jean to wait as Jean and Team X-Men fly through the gate and disappear. Jean's Father asks Xavier "what have you done with my daughter?", he responds "I've probably sent Jean and the X-Men to their deaths!" The icing on the cake is when the Firelord storms into the scene demanding to know where the Phoenix is? When Firelord threatens to destroy the Earth, Xavier tells him to "blast away because if the X-Men fail, tomorrow the Universe will die!"

Notes and Trivia

  • This episode uses Sci-Fi terms like Imperial Fleet, Class M Planet, Prime Directive, sublight acceleration, transporter, defensive screens (shields), Star Gate, and Photon Torpedoes. Many of these terms were first introduced in 1969's Star Trek.


IssueNo.106 1977

Issue No.106- Dark Shroud Of The Past! (1977)


Xavier has a dream. Read about it if you want.

Story Details

This chapter picks up with the Firelord in Jean Grey's demolished apartment demanding that Xavier tell him where Phoenix is, while Jean's terrified parents and Misty Knight look on.

The narrative tells us "It began with a dream , an ethereal, eldritch plea for help that reached across the universe to touch Charles Xavier's mind. Aye, first Xavier's dream and then the woman of his dreams, Lilandra, an alien princess whose life and soul have been bound to his in ways he's only just begun to comprehend."

If you recall Eric, the Red (Davan Shakari) a secret agent for Shi'ar Empire, apprehended Princess Lilandra taking her through a Star Gate back to the Shi'ar Empire so she could be judged for treason. The Princess's brother, the Emperor is planning something that could destroy the universe. After leading a failed rebellion, the Princess came to Earth seeking Xavier's help. Now she and Eric are gone, along with the X-Men and Phoenix. Firelord was duped by Eric. While being confronted by Firelord, Xavier collapses with another waking nightmare and Firelord has pity on Xavier. (If you recall, Xavier has been having nightmares for quite some time, visions from the Shi'ar Empire.)

The dream takes Xavier back to Moira MacTaggert's arrival at the mansion several issues ago. He sees the X-Men practicing in the Danger Room. Surprisingly the new X-Men are confronted by the original X-Men who are hostile to the new team and start fighting. This entire issue is devoted to Xavier's dream of the two X-Men teams fighting one another. In the dream, the new X-Men have clues that the original X-Men are not really themselves but they are real enough to kill. (Keep in mind this is a dream.) Then an "evil" Xavier appears, evil because his mind is in disarray based on "the forced rapport between two telepathic minds that are strikingly similar yet frighteningly alien." It is the evil Xavier that created the vision of the original hostile X-Men. Xavier realizes this is the point of the dream and finds some peace as he resolves some of what is going on inside his head. (I think the point could have been made without devoting an entire issue to an imaginary fight between X-Men. -Titanic71.)


Issue No.107 1977

Issue No.107- Where No X-Man Has Gone Before! (1977)


One of the best X-Men issues to date. The X-Men have followed Eric the Red and his prisoner, Princess Neramani through a Stargate back to the Shi'ar Empire (in the Shi'ar Galaxie) where she is to be executed for betraying her brother, the Emperor. Phoenix used her power to open the gate allowing the X-Men and herself to pass through, but she was exhausted. The X-Men confront the D'Ken Neramani, the Shi'ar Emperor as he is about to execute the Princess by allowing a demon called Soul Drinker to consume her soul.

D'Ken's main plan regards nine stars that align once every million years. This will result in the M'kraan Crystal, a huge crystal structure to fill with power and open a gate allowing him to seize some kind of "absolute power". The problem is that this process may (will?) destroy the Universe!

The X-Men fight the Shi'ar Imperial Guard to save the Princess. Nightcrawler saves Lilandra from the Soul Drinker, but as the X-Men are about to lose the fight, a group of intergalactic pirates called the Starjammers (Issue No.103) jump into the fight on behalf of the X-Men.

The X-Men win the fight with the Shi'ar guards, but at the end of the episode, the nine stars align, the M'kraan Crystal fills with power and explodes, disrupting reality. Back on Earth, Dr. Corbeau and the entire population of Earth feels the effects of temporarily ceasing to exist. Dr. Corbeau is terrified that if the cosmic blinks continue, the fabric of time and space will tear itself apart destroying the Universe!

Story Details

The X-Men have followed Eric the Red through a star gate taking them to the Shi'ar Empire across the Universe. There is a large crystalline structure, the M'kraan Crystal and a multitude of new and strange alien figures who confront the X-Men. Eric the Red is seen restraining Princess Lilandra along side her Brother, the Emperor.

Cyclops addresses the aliens "Hey you! We are the X-Men from the planet Earth! We've come for the woman Lilandra and Eric the Red!" When the head Imperial Guard, Gladiator tells him no, Cyclops attacks the guards with an optic blast!

Chaos erupts as the X-Men take on the Shi'ar. Wolverine tells Cyclops "another fine mess you've gotten us into, what's with Jean?". By using her powers to open the Star Gate, Phoenix appears exhausted and is unable to fight. One of the Shi'ar leaders commands Hobgoblin, an Imperial Guard, to use his shape changing powers. Hobgoblin turns himself into a giant Barrach'an Shovel Beast! Quick thinking Night Crawler who carries an Image Inducer, uses it to create a vision of another, even bigger Shovel Beast! This breaks Hobgoblin's concentration and when he reverts to his normal shape, Nightcrawler stuns him with a punch!

Wolverine goes after Oracle (Shi'ar Imperial Guard). She realizes her mental powers can't stop him. Starbolt another Shi'ar Imperial Guard thwarts Wolverine's attack with a blast that burns up most of his clothing. Oracle manages a giggle before Wolverine grabs and tosses her at Starbolt. Then Wolverine attacks Fang, another Imperial Guard.

On a nearby podium, Lilandra pleads with D'ken Neramani (The Emperor) and Eric The Red to "stop this madness"! D'ken tells her "within this crystal exists the ultimate power, a force nothing in the universe can withstand! And it will be mine!"

107Big- Shi'ar

Shi'ar Look'n For A Fight! (1977)

A demon called the Soul Drinker appears and tries to take Princess Lilandra's soul. Cyclops alerts his team, but he does not have a clear shot. Phoenix is too weak to take action, but Nightcrawler teleports to her location, snapping a chain that holds her so they can flee. But the Soul Drinker has her in a mind lock, freezing her in place. Nightcrawler embraces her and teleports them out of harms way as the Soul Drinker disappears with a shriek. This is the first time Night Crawler has teleported with another person and it takes all of his strength.

Of all times, Cyclops wonders why, exactly did they come to rescue her? A quick summary of events leading up to the X-Men's current situation is provided by the Princess. She explains that the horror began when her imperial brother, D'Ken Neramani discovered the existence and location of an ancient force, the deadliest weapon in history, and he wanted it. When the Princess opposed his plan, she was arrested. A civil war broke out among the Shi'ar star fleet. Lilandra was captured, but on the way to her execution, she escaped in a scout vessel. Racing to escape, she saw the face of the Professor and in an instant, her soul was bound to Charles Xavier (however that happened). This was when Xavier started having waking nightmares and visions. D'Ken's telepathic spies sensed the connection between the Princess and Xavier and knew she would travel to Earth. They alerted their agent Davan Shakari, who appeared on Earth as Eric the Red with a plan to do away with Xavier and the X-Men while capturing Princess Lilandra and returning her to the Shi'ar Empire. 
Shakari took mental control of Havok and Polaris and used Magneto to in an attempt to accomplish his goals. Although he failed to eradicate Xavier and the X-Men, his plan to deceive the Firelord provided enough distraction, allowing him to escape through the star gate with the Princess.

"Why?" asks Cyclops. Lilandra explains that the great M'kraan crystal is a gateway to the power her brother seeks and is only accessible once every million years. According to the legend, only within the crystal can absolute power can be obtained. An Imperial Shi'ar guard named Gladiator appears and reminds Lilandra of her oath to the Emperor. She tells him that "an oath to a madman does not count!"

Fighting breaks out anew as Wolverine appears in Fang's clothing! Members of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard think he is Fang, until he attacks them! Meanwhile Lilandra tries to convince Gladiator that her goal is to save the Empire when intergalactic pirates, called the Star Jammers crash the party. Corsair, Ch'od, Hepzibah, and Raza, storm into the fight, helping the X-Men. During the fight, Colossus and Ch'od make acquaintances and the current battle is concluded with the X-Men and Star Jammers on top!

Corsair and Cyclops meet each other and immediately Jean Grey senses a connection. After a quick mind scan she makes a discovery! But before she can act on it, D'Ken stands above them on the M'kraan Crystal and goads them, "Fools, it will make no difference! In another moment the stars will align, the gateway will open, and absolute power will be mine!" To confirm his notion, a blue white lights shoots down from the heavens pouring into the crystal. It pulses as it absorbs power until finally the gem can take no more and explodes. In that instance, all existence goes BLANK!

Back at Starcore, an Earth orbiting space station, Dr. Peter Corbeau and on Earth, Dr. Franklin Richards consult regarding the disruption of physical reality that just hit the Earth. Corbeau tells Richards, "for a fraction of a second, we ceased to exist!" The real scare is that if the cosmic blinks continue the fabric of time and space will tear itself apart and destroy the Universe!

Notes and Trivia

  • First issue where Night Crawler teleports with another person, Princess Lilandra Neramani when he rescues her.


IssueNo.108 1977

Issue No.108- Armageddon Now! (1977)


The X-Men and Starjammers defeat the Shi'arans, but as the nine Death Stars align the M'kraan Crystal fills with energy and erupts with power. The group is hailed by Jahf, the first guardian of the Cyrstal. His job is to prevent anyone from entering the Crystal's gateway and he appears indestructible until Banshee uses his sonic wail to scramble the little android's circuits.

The Second Guardian of the Crystal, is a huge robot named Modt, but before the fight can renew, the crazed Shi'ar Emperor, D'Ken Neramani is there eager to acquire "the Ultimate Power". One of the Starjammers named Raza is incensed by Emperor's mindless thirst for power, regardless of the destruction it will cause and tosses the Emperor at the Crystal. A blinding flare of light, transports the X-Men inside the Crystal where Pheonix with the help of Storm and Corsair, uses her life force, reinforced by theirs, to prevent a mysterious lattice from dying, an event that would release the ultimate destructive force, killing all life by scrambling the Universe in a gravity well, followed by the ultimate explosion. Catastrophe is avoided. The X-Men and Princess Lilandra return to earth through the Star Gate just before it turns white hot and disintegrates.

The Firelord is waiting for them but Xavier has explained the true nature and deception of Eric the Red's plot to do away with the X-Men and apprehend Princess Lilandra. Lilandra is a fugitive from the Shi'ar Empire and is in love with Xavier!

Story Details

The X-Men and the Starjammers just defeated the Shi'arans, however, the conflict is not over. As the nine stars align, an event that only happens once every million years, massive quantities of energy are piped into the M'kraan Crystal until that power can no longer be contained and the sky lights up with brilliant white beams of power. Corsair, the leader of the Starjammers wants a sensor scan of the crystal so they can figure out what is happening. Wolverine suggests it is time to leave. Princess Lilandra (sister to the Shi'ar Emperor) seems hopeless and Hepziah, a Starjammer declares her intention to fight as long as she is alive.

Back at Starcore, Dr. Peter Corbeau's Earth orbiting space station, he is in a conference with the President of the U.S., The Avengers, and Dr. Franklin Richards (of the Fantastic Four). The President's Science Advisor feels that Corbeau is exaggerating, but Corbeau hammers home that there was a "total disruption of the nuclear and gravimetric lines of force that bind all matter together, and if this disruption should occur again, it could be the end of the universe as we know it!" The Beast who is now part of the Avengers mutters "Oh my stars and garters!" However, the Avengers realize they are too far away from the action to do anything about it.

Back on the Shi'ar world, Jean realizes there is a connection between Cyclops and Corsair but has no time to speak of it. Up on the M'kraan Crystal, they are hailed by a small creature named Jahf who declares himself the guardian of the Gate Into Eternity and tells them "So long as the gate is open, no one may approach the Crystal and live!" Wolverine's nature is to fight the little fella, and gets a surprise when Jahf "pows" him into orbit around the planet! Somehow Wolverine remains alive until the Starjammer ship controlled by Waldo, a semi-sentient robotic extension of the ship, moves to rescue him.

The little fella appears to be immune from the X-Men and Starjammer attacks. Ch'od tries to disengage from fighting asking for Jahf's leave, but Jahf tells him that his programming allows no exceptions, they are near the Crystal and consequently must pay the ultimate price!

Jean still weak from opening the Stargate (that brought them to the Shi'ar empire) manages to use her telekinetic power to grab a small meteor passing over head and brings it down on top of Jahf resulting in a large explosion! But when the dust settles little Jahf is still standing there and announces "pity all that effort for nothing." Cyclops tells Storm to create a cyclone for some cover and Banshee uses his sonic wail will scramble Jahf's circuits!

But the good guys get no rest as a humongous robot named Modt appears, telling them he is the Second Guardian who is one thousand times as powerful as Jahf! And when he is defeated the Third Guardian, a thousand times more powerful will replace him! After Modt punches Colossus and Raza, the D'Kin Niramani, the Shi'ar Emperor appears and is ecstatic about the prospect of the StarJammer's being defeated the same day he acquires the Ultimate Power! Colossus asks Raza if his Emperor is mad? Raza tells him, "D'Ken is not my emperor and yes, he is mad!"

Waldo, the robot in the Starjammer vessel reports that when the Second Guardian appeared there was a second "cosmic blink". In a rage, Raza charges the Emperor, yelling "Thous wouldst not be content with the ravaging of worlds! Thous must destroy all that exists to satisfy thy insane lust for power!" The Emperor screams when he is picked up and tossed at the Crystal. There is a blinding flare of light and a "ghost image of time spinning to a halt"! In an instant, all present are transported to a new location, an empty alien city next to a golden sphere. Pheonix tells them they are inside the crystal and "reality" as they know it has no meaning! The Guardians only have power to keep others out, but have no power here. She tells Scott she can sense beauty and life inside the crystal.

Suddenly red beams erupt from the sphere connecting to each member of the group, plunging them into living nightmares! However Jean who died and was resurrected as the Phoenix although shaken, has no fear. Cyclops experiences a nightmare and is shooting his optic beam all over. When he hits Phoenix, she turns transparent and responds by silencing him with a mental blast to prevent anyone from being accidentally hurt, but not before his optic blast cracks the sphere.

The image of a real Phoenix (bird) is seen entering the sphere and as it does, the nightmares cease for the others. Jean senses she is beautiful, she is the Phoenix and for the first time in he life, feels truly alive! She feels bound to a lattice of power that is dying. In her mind's eye she sees the future, understanding that when the lattice dies, a neutron galaxy will be freed, destroying the Universe and all life in it by pulling stars and planets from their orbits, sucking all down into a gravity well, destroying matter and tearing reality apart, ending with an explosion that will cause the universe to be reborn!

To prevent this from happening, Phoenix connects to the lattice, feeding it power, in essence feeding it herself, but she does not have enough reserves. Storm and Corsair allow their life force to join with Jean as they hold hands. After receiving their energy, she moves into the sphere addressing Corsair as Major Summers, telling him "If this does not work, look after Cyclops, the man I love. He is also your first born son!"

Inside the sphere Jean becomes one with the lattice, energizing it. She falters but is reassured by the spirits of Storm and Corsair who are within her. Regathering her strength, a new pattern forms, a tree of life that includes Xavier and the X-men connected by the Phoenix! She keeps the lattice powered but suffers complete exhaustion and collapses.

Moments later on the roof of Jean's apartment building, the X-Men team including the Phoenix emerges from the Star Gate and waiting for them is the Firelord! Cyclops alerts the others to be ready. Phoenix says she is done with fighting, "if Firelord wants my life, he can have it!" The Firelord tells them not to worry, Xavier has explained the deception of Eric the Red.

The Star Gate opens a second time and Princess Lilandra Neramani emerges. As she moves away, it turns white hot and melts away. "I thought I'd never see you again!" Xavier exclaims! "It will not be that easy to get rid of me" she responds. Lilandra explains that her brother, the Emperor was driven insane by the M'Kraam Crystal and although she is currently considered a traitor for leading a rebellion, she is confident the Shi'ar High Council will see the truth of what she did and will summon her home in the near future. The final surprise is when Lilandra tell Xavier "Till then my dearest love, I am exiled here on Earth and I am yours!"

Notes and Trivia

  • Corsair is revealed to be U.S.A.F. Major Summers, the Father of Scott Summers (Cyclops) and Alex Summers (Havok).
  • Xavier finds love with Princess Lilandra Neramani?? Read story details.


Issue No.109- Home Are the Heroes! (1978)


From last Issue, the X-Men return to Earth after their adventure with the M'kraan Crystal and the Shi'ar Emperor's power grab. A Shi'ar council member tells Princess Lilandra, she should leave for the time being until the Council sorts our their feelings regarding her traitor status. Corsair tells Phoenix, that he would rather not have Cyclops know that he is Cyclops's father.

At Xavier's Mansion, Phoenix (Jean Grey) has a heart to heart talk with her parents. Cyclops wonders about his future with Jean. Nightcrawler goes out on a date. Sean (Banshee), Ororo (Storm), Peter (Colossus) and Moira MacTaggert plan a picnic. Wolverine tags along so he can hunt in the forest by himself. While the group relaxes by a pond, Wolverine is confronted by Guardian, someone from Wolverine's past. Guardian tells him that Control wants him back and his job is to bring him back.

Wolverine does not go peacefully and their fight eventually intrudes upon the picnic. Colossus, Storm, and Banshee coming to Wolverine's aid. Banshee is especially angery after his girlfriend Moira is accidentally injured by Guardian. Guardian realizes he is outmatched and transports away, vowing to return and get even. Wolverine tells the group that this was a former buddy of his, who was almost a brother, and that this encounter is only the beginning of a conflict that will get worse!

Story Details

A quick flashback describes that after Phoenix saved the Universe and the X-Men emerged from the M'kraan Crystal, the Shi'ar Imperial Guards were about to renew fighting, but Lilandra persuaded them otherwise. A Shi'ar elder told her that she would eventually be crowned the Shi'ar Emperor, but for the time being, she should leave until the Council could sort the situation out. On another front, Corsair tells Phoenix, that it would be better if Cyclops did not know he was his father. She disagrees with Corsair's wish, but honors it as the Starjammers beam up to their vessel.

In the present, Team X-Men, Professor Charles Xavier, and Princess Neramani have returned home triumphant to Xavier's mansion. Moira MacTaggert is there to greet them and fusses at Nightcrawler when he teleports inside, but she is interrupted by a big hug and kiss from Banshee. Storm floats upstairs to visit her plants in the attic. She talks to them like pets, then whips up a small shower to water them and then doffs her clothes to wash herself while frolicking in the rain! Jean's parents, John and Elain Grey are at the mansion and desperately feel the need to talk to their daughter, who we know as Phoenix. When Scott asks Jean if she wants company talking to her parents, she tells him "no". Scott wonders when he and Phoenix are going to talk? Somehow Scott thinks he knows Corsair, but is not sure how.

Cyclops asks Moira if she has seen Havok (Alex Summer), his brother. She tells him that Havok and Polaris needed some time to themselves to recover from Eric the Red's mind lock and have volunteered to help out at Moira's mutant lab in Scotland.

The scene switches to a picture of a targeting screen with a green gloved hand and the fateful words "Target marked! Tracking system's locked on! He's stationary, estimate contact in two hours!" Can't the X-Men ever get a break?

Up in Kurt Wagner's (Nightcrawler) room that's plastered with movie posters, Kurt is hanging from his ceiling gym, making plans with someone named Amanda and then he teleports down to Peter Rasputin's (Colossus) room, where Peter is writing his parents. Kurt tells Peter that Amanda and Betsy are free, wondering if he'd like to double date to see Star Wars? Peter declines, because he's going out with Sean Cassidy (Banshee) and Moira.

Kurt teleports to the Living Room, finding Scott watching Jean with her parents discussing her adventures as the Phoenix and they are not taking it well. Scott is grumpy with self pity but does not get any sympathy from Kurt who is blue, furry, and has a tail. Kurt manages to give him a pep talk, but it is interrupted when Sean comes in and invites them to a picnic with him, Moira, Ororo (Storm), and Peter. Both Kurt and Scott decline, but Wolverine invites himself so he can take off and hunt in the woods while the group enjoys their picnic. Ororo berates him for killing Bambis, but he explains that hunting in this case, does not include killing. She apologizes.

Another scene change and a flying military vehicle is seen tracking Wolverine, also known as Weapon X in a previous organization he belonged to! See this link: Weapon X Project. As Wolverine hunts, suddenly Guardian, (James MacDonald Hudson, Weapon Alpha) appears before Wolverine wearing his battle suit. He tells Wolverine that "Control" demands he return to their service and Guardian is there to get him. Wolverine declines the demand. When Guardian calls him a "pipsqueak", he barely manages to get his force field up as Wolverine rakes whim with his claws!

While Wolverine and Guardian fight, a few miles away, Sean, Moira, Ororo, and Peter are enjoying a bright summer day in the woods. Sean is cavorting with Moira in a pond while Ororo and Peter are laying on a blanket soaking up the Sun. Ororo is complaining about wearing her bathing suit as she prefers going "ou-natural", but she honors "this land's strange taboos" to keep the Professor happy. Ororo asks about Peter's home land, but in the middle of his description, Wolverine "whams" into a nearby tree trunk. "Lenin's ghost!" Peter exclaims. Ororo runs to tend to Wolverine, while Peter confronts Guardian. Peter tells Guardian, "if you want Wolverine, you'll have to come through me". Guardian responds "it's your funeral, big fella!" Where upon Peter transforms into Colossus and "kroms" Guardian through the forest with a powerful punch! Guardian's Battle Suit not only protects him, but allows him to pick up a large tree trunk to use as a weapon. However, Storm is now on the offensive and conjures up a lightning bolt and blasts his tree trunk to cinders! Guardian responds with an energy blast from his hands. Colossus jumps in front of Storm to take the blast, but his metal body deflects it, striking Moira! Sean saves Moira, from drowning, and then he launches himself at Guardian, like a Banshee! Guardian avoids Banshee's attack, but seeing Storm launch into the air, Guardian realizes he is outmatched and transports away! As Peter carries an unconscious Moira, he asks Wolverine "who was that man"? Wolverine tells him "Once upon a time we were buddies, almost brothers. I'm real sorry folks, this is just the beginning and it's just going to get worse!"

Notes and Trivia

  • Banshee and Moira MacTaggert are romantically involved (if not mentioned before).
  • Storm gets naked while watering her plants in the attic of Xavier's Mansion!
  • Kurt Wagner is a Star Wars fan!


Issue 110 (1978)

Issue No.110- The X-Sanction! (1978)

  • Credits: Written by: Chris Claremont; Art by: Tony DeZuniga; Art Assist: Dave Cockrum; Lettered by: Annette Kawecki; Colored by: Andy Yanchus; Edited: Archie Goodwin.
  • Characters Introduced: Warhawk, Police Capt Delaney.
  • Characters Featured: Moira MacTaggert, Phoenix (Jean Grey).


Moira is about to leave for Scotland. She and the X-Men take a day off to play baseball in back yard of Xavier's mansion. There were some telephone issues in the mansion and Moira leaves the game to greet the repair man. When she opens the mansion's front door, she is shot with a drugged dart. The repair man is Mitchell Tanner/Warhawk. He is there to observe the X-Men and try to discover the source of their powers. Who has sent him is unknown. He runs into the Professor and Jean Gray, shooting both of them with darts. Jean is not able to mentally defend herself and wonders why? Warhawk disables Danger Room's safety circuits creating a deadly test for the X-Men when they enter it to practice their skills. After many challenges, the X-Men escape the Danger Room and face Warhawk whose backup plan is to use a gas bomb on them. However Nightcrawler relieves Warhawk of the device causing the fight to end quickly. The surprise ending is that although she has been a continuous presence ever since leaving the team in 1975, Jean Grey (Phoenix) asks to officially rejoin the X-Men!

Story Details

It's Moira MacTaggert's last day in New York and the X-Men are seeing her off with a game of baseball in the backyard of the Mansion. The group includes the regulars including Scott (Cyclops) and Xavier. Peter (Colossus) is up at bat and Wolverine who has recovered from his fight with Guardian is at first base harassing him, "easy out!" Despite a perfect pitch from Night Crawler, Peter whacks the ball out of the park. To prevent broken windshields or damaging airplanes overhead, Jean (Phoenix) uses her telekinetic power to snag the ball, but house rules dictate that Peter must be tagged out. Wolverine yells at Jean to "quit babblin' and throw the flamin' ball!" As Peter barrels towards Wolverine she throws it. A huge dust cloud is thrown up as they collide and when the air clears, Colossus is sitting on top of Wolverine, presumably safe? As usual, there is some conflict between Wolvie (as Jean calls him) and Colossus because Wolvie has some trouble differentiating between playing and fighting. Jean consoles Wolverine and tells him, he can't be a loner all of his life. Wolvie thinks he likes being a loner, no complications, no grief, and he has not known love in his whole life, until he met Jean Grey. Moira and Banshee are clearly established in a romantic relationship and are thinking of settling down with each other.

There was a problem with the phones in the mansion and Moira runs to the front door to meet the repair man. Opening the door, she is startled by his face, but the reader only sees a shadow. Suddenly he pulls out a weapon and shoots her with a drugged dart knocking her out! The assailant refers to "the master" as he searches the mansion and finds the computer center where he pulls up a camera feed of the X-Men's baseball game. As he prepares to reprogram the computer, the assailant, named Mitchell Tanner appears to be taken over (or becomes) Warhawk. Now in mental control, Warhawk reminds Tanner, it was Warhawk who saved Tanner from death and made him a sane man, and that his allegiance is required or Tanner will face death! Tanner begrudgingly agrees to cooperate butsecretly vows vengeance against Warhawk. So are we talk'n split personality, or is he possessed, and is Tanner good or bad? That remains to be seen.

In the back yard, the ball game wraps up and Wolverine asks Jean if she'd like to play some nineball and have a brew with him. Cyclops notes the invite and bursts Wolvie's bubble telling him the X-Men have a date with the Danger Room (DR), the X-Men's combat practice facility. Xavier thinks Jean needs to practice or she might lose her edge, but then considers that she single-handedly matched the Firelord and saved the Universe! Jean is scared of the power she possesses but it feels so good when she uses it, she is afraid she will become corrupted wielding immense power.

Inside the mansion, the intruder comes face to face with Xavier and Jean shooting them with drugged darts. Jean, barely conscious, wonders why she was unable to mentally defend herself from the assailant.

As Cyclops briefs the group in the Danger Room, his brain is flooded with images of Jean and the Professor being attacked! Cyclops orders the group to help them, but the Danger Room door slams shut before they can exit. The X-Men fight for their lives as the equipment activates and in a short time,Team X-Men realizes the safety interlocks have been disabled! Warhawk has reprogrammed the computer controlling the Danger Room!

Nightcrawler is hit by a beam. When Storm grabs him, a steel net snares both of them. To prevent them from falling thirty feet to the floor, Wolverine and Colossus execute a maneuver tossing Wolverine into the air so he can shred the net so they can escape. As Wolverine falls to the ground, he pushes Cyclops out of the way of flying razor wings! Then Cyclops tries to disable the Danger Room, but realizes the circuits have been tampered with.

Cyclops ask Nightcrawler if he can teleport outside with Wolverine. Although Nightcrawler has doubts they can survive a double teleport, he grabs Wolverine and poof, they disappear. In the Danger Room, Storm is hit by a stun ray and then she is captured in a coffin size metal box. Banshee remembering she is claustrophobic grabs Cyclops and they fly up to intercept. Before Banshee can break open the box with his sonic wail, sound absorbers appear around the room nullifying his abilities and causing him to fall to the floor. A large robot appears and faces Cyclops and Colossus! Colossus's tremendous punch has no effect on the robot. It responds by smothering him in sticky paste.

Outside the Danger Room, Nightcrawler is weak after teleporting two people. Wolverine stands and rakes the computer console with his claws hoping this will disable the machinery. Warhawk punches Wolverine from behind then fires his dart pistol. He is amazed when Wolverine cuts the dart that in two! In return Wolverine is amazed when his metal claws have no effect on Warhawk! A helpful explanation is offered by Warhawk who explains as he counter attacks, that his skin and bones are an organic metal, tougher than steel. He also tells Wolverine, "my orders are to observe you people to find out what makes you special, and to avoid killing you if possible", but in Wolverine's case he is ready to make an exception!

Before Warhawk can act on that thought, the Danger Room door turns white hot and burst open. The X-men pile through and confront him. Realizing he can't beat all six of them, Warhawk reaches for his gas bomb only to discover Night Crawler has relieved him of it! A one-two punch from Night Crawler followed by Colossus ends the fight.

Later the police have been summoned to the mansion. Police Capt Delaney knows about Warhawk and asks how the X-Men beat him? Cyclops tells him "luck". It is assumed the police are now detaining Warhawk.

Later at an X-Men conference, Jean (Phoenix) tells the group she is not sure why she was unable to use her powers against Warhawk. The surprise ending of this issue is when Jean tells them she has changed her mind and "for as long as you'll have me, you've got yourself another X-Man!" Cyclops notes there is something wrong with Jean, but he is not sure what.

When asked about Warhawk's origins, Xavier tells the group that Warhawk's mind was shielded from Jean and his mind probes, so they have no idea what the motivation is or who else might be behind the attack. Xavier tells the group he senses great and powerful forces gathering that could destroy the X-Men. Wolverine as always, is ready for a fight.

Notes and Trivia

  • Reference is made to Moira MacTaggert and Xavier's romantic past, a past that had turned into a nightmare.
  • Wolverine is attracted to Jean Grey (Phoenix).
  • Jean Grey (Phoenix) rejoins the X-Men!


Issue No.111 (1978)

Issue No.111- Mindgames! (1978)

  • Credits: Written by: Chris Claremont; Art by: John Byrne; Inked by: Terry Austin; Lettered by: Tom Orzechowski; Colored by: Mary Titus; Edited: Archie Goodwin.
  • Characters Featured: Beast, Mesmero, Magneto, and Phoenix (Jean Grey) has rejoined the X-Men!


Hank McCoy (Beast) gets a call from Lorna Dane (Polaris) because no one is answering the phone at Xavier's mansion. Beast investigates and finds the X-Men headquarters has not been inhabited for weeks. Cranking up Cerebro, Beast locates the X-Men in Sullivan County, Texas. Arriving at a carnival, Beast can't believe he is seeing the X-Men on the marquee as circus performers. Apparently they are missing their memories have been tampered with! He follows Jean Grey to her wagon, but she does not recognize him. Beast gets into a scuffle with Scott Summers, then the entire troupe of carnies who manage to beat him.

Wolverine who is restrained in chains, breaks out and burst into Jean's wagon confronting Jean and Scott. Slapping Jean jolts her out of her memory lapse. Coming around, she uses her telekinetic power to revive the X-Men who take on the roustabouts.

Beast is dragged before Mesmero, the villain behind the abducted X-Men. He has the power to mesmerize but is unable to effect Beast. The fight between the X-Men and the carnies distracts Mesmero enough that Beast can crack some heads. As the good guys converge on Mesmero, he collapses and they discover the real power behind Mesmero is Magneto!

Story Details

The Beast (Hank McCoy), former X-Man and now Avenger, has come to Sullivan County, Texas looking for the X-Men. What he finds are circus performers- a scantily dressed woman who can call up lightning, a blue "is it a man or a beast?", a man who grows claws, another made of metal, and a woman with flaming red hair and telekinetic powers being promoted by an Irishman who can "wail", if you know what I mean. If you been watching the 2009/2010 season of NBC's Heroes, this should seem oddly familiar. Mutants in the circus? Just remember X-Men did it first! The X-Men are carnival performers and Beast wonders what the heck is going on as he locates each of the X-Men.

In a quick flash back, Beast had an urgent call from Lorna Dane (Polaris) in Scotland because Alex Summers (Havok) her love had been kidnapped. When she initially called the X-Men for help, there was no answer at the mansion. So Beast scouted the mansion and found it empty, apparently no one had been there for weeks. The newspapers had piled up by the front door and he also found a post card from Charles and Lilandra (the girl from the Shi'ar Empire) off on a vacation somewhere. Beast used Cerebro to locate the X-Men in Texas.

And now Beast is watching Miz Destiny do a flying trapeze act. When she misses a catch, she falls and to the amazement of the crowd, spreads her arms and floats safely to the ground! Yes, it's Jean Grey. Beast follows her to a wagon. She does not recognize him although she knows she is Jean Grey. Thinking Hank is a kook, Jean calls for "Slim", aka Scott Summers to bounce "this Bozo" out of her wagon. Beast tells Scott, "it's me, Hank!", but Scott does not recognize him either and they get into a scuffle. When Hank's hat is pulled off, Jean thinks he is a monster! Scott calls for help and Hank fights off a mob of carnies as he tries to escape. Stripping down to his shorts so he can maneuver, no one recognizes him as an Avenger and the ultimate insult is when a kid calls him a "monkey on the loose"!

Hank ducks into the nearby tent and ponders what it all means. If these are the X-Men why don't they know him? Who has been messing with their minds? These considerations end abruptly when Beast gets socked in the head by Colossus and he is captured. Wolverine who is chained in the same tent, cries out "NOOO!" as the roustabouts drag Beast off to see the "Boss Man" who reportedly will do for him, what he's done to the other X-Men!

The mystery is partially resolved when Beast comes face to face with the Boss Man who is Mesmero, an X-Men mind-altering foe who was first seen in Issue 49. Mesmero tries to enthrall the Beast!

Meanwhile across the carnival lot, the sound of chains snapping can be heard as Wolverine busts out his restraints with rage, apprehending a terrified Carny telling him to talk or else get adamantium claws inserted into his noggin. The next scene is that of Wolverine crashing through the door of Jean's wagon to confront her and Scott. He backhands Scott and serves up a similar dose of medicine for Jean to snap her out of her trance. She reacts by blasting Wolverine, but her memory has returned and she rushes to his side.

Back in Mesmero's wagon, he is frustrated that his hypnotic powers are not working on Beast. Wolverine's commotion at Jean's wagon distracts the group as Beast finds the will to crack some heads, but as he moves to thump Mesmero, someone knocks Beast out with an energy blast. Mesmero gasps "you, but it can't be!"

With Jean Grey's help, the X-Men have regained their memories and are kicking carny buttock. Then the X-Men confront Mesmero and ask him if it's going to be a fight or is he coming quietly? But to the gasps of the X-Men, Mesmero collapses before them and behind him reclined in a chair is their all time X-Men nemesis, Magneto who vows "this time the final victory will belong to Magneto!"

Notes and Trivia

  • Mutants and Circuses? X-Men did it long before Heroes! See the 2009/10 season arc concerning Sullivan Brother's Circus.
  • Quotes: Heard in a crowd gazing upon Storm a carnival performer dressed in a jungle bikini: "Jim-Bob that is one goddess I wouldn't mind bunkin' in the boondocks with, know what I mean?"

Movie/Media Parallels

  • Mutants and Circuses? X-Men did it long before Heroes! See the 2009/10 season arc concerning Sullivan Brother's Circus.


Issue No.112 (1978)

Issue No.112- Magneto Triumphant! (1978)

  • Credits: Written by: Chris Claremont; Pencilled by: John Byrne; Inked by: Terry Austin; Lettered by: Bruce Patterson; Colored by: M Titus; Edited: J. Shooter.
  • Characters Introduced: Nanny.
  • Characters Featured: Beast, Mesmero, Magneto, and Phoenix (Jean Grey) who has rejoined the X-men.


From the last episode the X-Men face down Magneto in Mesmero's carnival wagon. You might think that wagon is a bit small for everyone to fit, but they do. They discover the wagon has become a flying vehicle zooming South to Antarctica. And because Magneto is controlling the wagon, they realize someone might die at seventy five thousand feet, so they wait for Magneto to make his move. Magneto tosses an unconscious Mesmero out the door but spares his life, floating him down to Earth.

The wagon flies into their destination, an active volcano, right into the volcano's caldera and into the lava, but Magneto's control of magnetism forces the lava away and protects them from the heat as it sinks to his under-volcano fortress. Inside the facility but before touchdown, Magneto explodes the wagon and the fight begins. The new X-Men are weak in team tactics, as each of them attack Magneto individually and lose. Magneto wins the fight, but he wants vengeance. Instead of killing them, he decides a better punishment is to keep them prisoners without the ability to use their voices or powers while strapped to specially designed chairs that tap into the X-Men's central nervous systems, rendering them helpless.

Story Details

The X-Men face down Magneto in Mesmero's circus wagon. Magneto swears he will destroy them! Cyclops senses a trap and sends Nightcrawler teleporting outside to scout ahead and gives orders for the X-Men to vacate immediately! But as Colossus rips open the door, he finds Night Crawler barely hanging on to the steps of their wagon as it flies through the sky high above the Earth's surface.

Wolverine confronts Magneto who tells him, "do your worst!" But before Wolverine can act impulsively, Cyclops holds him back reminding him of who is controlling the wagon as it hurdles high through the sky. So the X-Men wait for Magneto to make the next move.

Magneto takes the moment to describe how he followed the Beast (flying an Avenger Quinjet) down to Texas where to Magneto's amusement he discovers Mesmero has enthralled Team X-Men, turning them into circus performers. But Magneto had no affinity for a "fellow evil-doer" and wanted the X-Men action for himself, so he made his move knocking out Mesmero. (If you remember from Issue 58, the Magneto that Mesmero served was a robot. But still you might wonder why he would not look upon Mesmero as an ally?)

In thirty minutes Mesmero's Wagon has traveled four thousand miles south over the Andes mountains in South America. The scene pulls back from the wagon to reveal its flight has not gone unnoticed by the the local military as a fighter jet follows, but the wagon leaves them behind as it accelerates and climbs well above seventy five thousand feet. Mesmero is unceremoniously tossed out the back. Jean calls Magneto a monster, but he reassures her that he is controlling Mesmero's descent to a safe landing.


Magneto Triumphant! (1978)

Meanwhile their wagon has passed overhead the Drake Passage and into Antarctica where it descends into a live volcano, plummeting into it's lava pool! Instead of burning to a cinder, the wagon descends through the lava intact because of Magneto's ability to control magnetic forces and keep the lava (and heat?) at bay. Their destination is Magneto's latest secret fortress deep in the Earth protected by ceramic steel underneath the volcano. This fortress is described as one of several similar self sufficient and automated facilities built by Magneto around the world.

It could have been a soft landing, but before touching down, Magneto explodes the wagon causing the X-Men to plummet towards the floor! The X-Men are not going to fall helplessly as Cyclops spins and hits Magneto with an optic blast. Colossus tries to hit Magneto but his metal body makes him a poor opponent as Magneto flings him up and away with a wave of his hand. Beast's assault on Magneto is deflected when Magneto zaps him with a "multi-kilovolt static charge" making the Beast look like a frizzed animal, slamming him against a beam. Storm whips up a blizzard against Magneto, but always concerned about killing, her mistake is holding back. In response, he zaps her across the room. When Nightcrawler emerges from the shadows to make his move on Magneto he is similarly flung into the air on a collision course, with Colossus who is falling towards the ground. Colossus realizes that Kurt will be killed if they collide while he is in his "metal" state so he changes into his normal fleshly self before they hit which renders them both unconscious. Banshee fails in his attack when Magneto warps Banshee's wail back at him.

It dawns on Cyclops that the X-Men are not working as a team but as individuals. His thought is cut short when he is whacked from behind by a piece of metal controlled by Magneto.

Now Magneto thinks "only one left, Marvel Girl!" But to his shock, he is assaulted not by Marvel Girl, but by Phoenix as he is surrounded by psychic and telekinetic powers that rivals Xavier's and he is pushed back. Phoenix is so enthralled with flexing her power she feels joy dueling Magneto! But then something happens. Jean hits a mental wall and realizes that Magneto is shaping the magnetic forces around her in such a way that it is sucking life out of her! Wolverine recovers from his fall in time to see Phoenix losing to Magneto. He hops up and takes a swipe at Magneto surprising him, but Magneto quickly recovers and uses his magnetic power in combination with Wolverine's adamantium frame to force Wolverine to punch himself out.

That's it. Magneto stands over the X-Men victoriously laughing! Later the X-Men awaken to find themselves confined to metal chairs with Magneto standing before them. He explains that it was Xavier and Magneto's own treacherous creation, "Alpha" who humbled him. (See Defender Issue No.16.) He swore vengeance against Xavier and the ones he loves. But we also know that the Magneto holds a grudge against the X-Men for continuously thwarting his evil plans over the years!

Magneto seems content to hold the X-Men prisoners for the time being. He introduces them to Nanny, the caretaker robot who will tend to the prisoners. She seems friendly and hospitable under these strange circumstances.

The final surprise of this encounter is when Magneto tells the X-Men to speak. To their surprise, none of them can utter a word, nor use their powers as their central nervous systems have been wired into electronic circuity that Magneto controls. He tells them "You will not die, but you will soon wish you had. You will suffer as I suffered, to be aware of who and what you are, to each possess your powers in their fullest measure, yet to be as unable to use them as a six month old child, to be helpless. If there is a hell, X-Men, surely it can't be more terrible than this."

Notes and Trivia

  • Quote- Magneto's triumphant speech to the defeated X-men: "You will not die, but you will soon wish you had. You will suffer as I suffered, to be aware of who and what you are, to each possess your powers in their fullest measure, yet to be as unable to use them as a six month old child, to be helpless. If there is a hell, X-Men, surely it can't be more terrible than this."


Issue No. 113 (1978)

Issue No.113- Showdown! (1978)

  • Credits: Written by: Chris Claremont & John Byrne; Art by: Terry Austin; Lettered by: A.Kawecki; Colored by: G. Wein; Edited: Roger Stern; Editor-in-Chief: Jim Shooter.
  • Characters Featured: Nanny, Beast, Magneto, Princess Lilandra Neramani, and Phoenix (Jean Grey) who has rejoined the X-men.


While Magneto is off raiding scientific research stations around the world, the X-Men, who lost the fight in the last issue are now prisoners in Magneto's secret Antarctic under-volcano fortress, and are restrained in specially designed chairs that tap into their central nervous systems rendering them helpless. That is except for Storm who is able to produce some lock picks and use her dexterous tongue to pick the locks restraining her. She releases the others. They neutralize Nanny, the care-taker robot left by Magneto to watch them.

When Magneto finally realizes something is up, he walks into a fight with the new and improved X-Men who are now using team work! However during the fisticuffs, the fortress's electronic control circuitry is accidentally damaged by Phoenix. The dome under the volcano opens and lava starts pouring in. Heading in different directions Magneto, Phoenix and Beast escape, but the fate of the other X-Men are unknown as the fortress implodes! Phoenix and Beast's unconscious forms are last seen lying in the frigid snow of Antarctica.

Story Details

The scene opens with Magneto' storming his way into the Royal Australian Aerospace Research Facility in Woomera, Australia causing death and destruction. A news report describes a series of raids Magneto has single handedly conducted on research facilities across Australia and New Zealand. None have been able to oppose him, and what he is seeking and may have stolen remains unknown. There seems to be no super-heroes available to intercede. The where a bouts of the X-Men is unknown. But we know where they are, Magneto's prisoners at his secret fortress located below a volcano in Antarctica.

At a villa in Kirinos, in the Cyclades Islands off Southern Greece, Xavier is vacationing with his love, Princess Lilandra Majestrix of the Shi'ar Empire and heir to the throne. They love each other but at some point, she will have to choose between him and the throne, unless he agrees to go with her. When she asks Xavier what is wrong? He tells her he has lost telepathic rapport with the X-Men and is worried.


Wolverine Spoon Fed! (Issue 113)

In Magneto's fortress, deep under a volcano, the glum X-Men are greeted by the cheerful robot, Nanny. The chairs restraining them have wired their central nervous to control circuitry, that prevents the X-Men from speaking, from using their powers and reduces their physical abilities to the equivalent of six month old babies. Worst of all, they have to endure Nanny's suffocating hospitality as she feeds and bathes them and even offers to put bows in Beast's hair! No wonder they are grumpy!

The focus moves away from the group onto Storm. Magneto has made an error with her because even though she only has the motor control or a six month old baby, Ororo was an extraordinary baby who was physically advanced for her age. When Nanny, Storm is able to move her head dislodging her head piece which falls in her lap. It contains lock picks which she is deftly able to retrieve with her tongue. If you remember, in her youth, Ororo was an urchin who served a thief in Cairo as described in Issue 102, hence the lock picking skills. Alas, she drops the pick before she is finished and then Nanny shows up and notices Ororo's headpiece has fallen off, puts it back on her head and suggest some pins might hold it on more securely. Tears fall down Ororo's cheeks.

In orbit around the Earth, a stealth asteroid is revealed to be Magneto's home away from Earth, equipped with sophisticated electronics to keep its presence hidden from Earth bound sensors. He senses a minor malfunction in his Antarctic base and wonders why Nanny has not fixed it. Apparently not bothered by the vacuum of space he launches himself out the door and down to investigate, thinking "Soon I'll be the master of the world!"

But his master plan might be in doubt as he enters the base and finds it completely dark. Then he spots Nanny running in a circle, but before he can react, a command rings out "X-Men, hit him now!" as Banshee's sonic wail knocks Magneto down! It turns out that Storm was finally successful in picking the locks that held her.

The X-Men are now using a new tactic. Phoenix telepathically links the X-Men's minds to Cyclops through her allowing him to instantly transmit orders. Banshee descends on Magneto and hits him a second time before he can recover. Wolverine rips him before Magneto flings him away. Then Phoenix blasts him with telekinetic power and although Magneto's personal shield protects him, this energy is deflected hitting the facilities' control panel.

Suddenly Colossus is on Magneto pummeling him despite Cyclops's order that he remain on the sidelines, but Peter is able to hold his own, not giving Magneto a chance to use his magnetic powers. Cyclops calls for Beast and Nightcrawler to engage! In what looks like a painful strategy for Nightcrawler, Beast turns in a rapid circle holding Kurt by his tail before flinging him across the room. To add to the element of surprise, Nightcrawler teleports reappearing next to Magneto ripping his helmet off!

Despite Colossus's powerful punch, a helmet-less Magneto is still standing. Nightcrawler notices hot lava falling around them as the dome starts to open. Now we know the result of Phoenix's blast that deflected off of Magneto. The control circuitry has been fried and they are under a live volcano a mile below the surface with lava flowing in!

Banshee yells at Cyclops, "What do we do?" Magneto tells Cyclops to "hurry up and make a decision!" Nightcrawler suggests they force Magneto to take them out the way he brought them in via a magnetic force bubble. In response, Magneto yells, "I think not!" as he blasts the X-Men away from him and simultaneously they start dodging globs of falling hot lava. Beast dives at Jean saving her from being burned alive as the roof collapses!

Magneto uses this opportunity to reacquire his helmet and flee, realizing he seriously underestimated the X-Men. Once the hot lava hits the fortresses's thermal converters it will only be minutes before the place blows! Creating a protective magnetic bubble around himself, Magneto pushes through the lava and escapes just as the volcano explodes behind him. "It's over", he thinks.

Unknown to Magneto, a large Phoenix shaped force blasts out of the ground bringing Jean and Beast to the surface. But she is injured, exhausted, and collapses. Beast picks her up and attempts to walk out of the Antarctic frigidness but does not get far collapsing on top of her. And the question remains, what has happened to the other X-Men?


Issue 114 (1978)

Issue No.114- Desolation (1978)

  • Credits: Written, Plotted, & Penciled by: Chris Claremont & John Byrne; Inked by: Terry Austin; Lettered by: Jean Simek; Colored by: Glynis Wein; Edited: Roger Stern; Editor-in-Chief: Jim Shooter.
  • Characters Featured: Beast, Princess Lilandra Neramani, Sauron (Karl Lykos) and Phoenix (Jean Grey) who has rejoined the X-men.
  • Gadgets: Hoverjet.


After escaping Magneto's secret base, Jean and Beast are rescued by helicopter in the Antarctic. They presume the oyhrt X-Men have been killed and return to Xavier's mansion to give him the bad news. In actuality, the X-Men have survived escaping the laval flooded fortress. Storm created an ice storm which slowed down the lava so the X-Men could dig their way out, emerging into the Savage Land, the underground tropical, prehistoric world and home of Ka-Zar (Issue 10). The X-Men presume that Phoenix and Beast have perished in the lava.

After encountering a pterosaur that ends up victim to Wolverine's claws, the X-Men move to a native village where they all don native clothing and relax for a bit, a brief bit. Wolverine is torn up over losing Jean whom he loves, and Cyclops wonders why he is not feeling any loss for his love, Jean Grey. While looking into a pond, Cyclops notices the similarity of his reflection to Corsair, the mutant he met in the Shi'ar empire. He starts to suspect Corsair is his real father. The respite ends when Storm is attacked by an unknown assailant who is revealed to be Sauron (Issue 59)!

Story Details


Ororo Goes Native (Issue 114)

Last we saw Beast and Phoenix, they were collapsed in the snow of Antarctica having barely escaped the calamity of Magneto's under-volcano fortress. The fate of the other X-Men are unknown. Beast is back to carrying an unconscious Jean Grey when the "whup-whup" of an approaching helicopter is heard. He jumps up and down screaming "Over here!" But the helo does not see them, so Beast rouses Jean hoping she can produce a light.

Suddenly Jean bolts upright yelling "SCOTT!" as she lights up the night sky blasting the ground trying to dig out Cyclops and the X-Men. Beast convinces her that there is no way the others could have survived the lava as the helo approaches to pick them up.

However, the X-Men are alive! Fleeing the lava, the X-Men found a side tunnel, and despite Storm's claustrophobia, she was able to conjure an ice storm to slow down the lava, allowing the team to dig for a day and night before escaping into the Savage Land, (featured in Issue No.10) the underworld, prehistoric, tropical world located deep beneath the Earth's surface.

Banshee suggests he and Storm go flying to relax, but it's not such a good idea as a giant pterosaur flies up behind Banshee, grabbing him in its claw. Storm is too weak to fight, but quick thinking Wolverine has Colossus fling him into the air, with no regard of what kind of landing he might have. Colossus's aim is good allowing Wolverine to tear into flying dinosaur. It releases Banshee as it goes down with Wolverine riding it's back! The X-Men run to Wolverine who is found sitting victorious atop the dino's carcass.

Cyclops and Wolverine bicker about the wisdom of Wolverine's attack. Banshee tells Cyclops to stop yelling at the "shrimp" just because he does not his methods. Banshee suggests they move towards a village about 20 miles away. As the X-Men head cross country, they are being observed by an unknown man who knows Cyclops and realizes this is a group of mutants, the type of people he needs.

Back in Westchester, N.Y. at the School for Gifted Youngsters, Jean and Beast arrive by hover jet and are greeted by Princess Lilandra. She tells them that Xavier is waiting up stairs for her. Jean walks through the mansion mentalling preparing to give Xavier the bad news about the X-Men. She remembers the first time she met Scott Summers. Xavier is visibly shaken as Jean sits down with him.

In the Savage Land, the X-Men have found the village and are all outfitted in native duds, Storm's outfit is scantily appealing! The group presumes that Beast and Jean did not survive the lava. Banshee comments on Cyclops's stoic nature. But while he sits looking into a pond, Cyclops wonders why he has not been effected by Jean's loss? Then he notices a resemblance between himself and Corsair. He thinks back and remembers that Corsair knew his real name! Cyclops is on the verge of remembering the blank spot of his childhood memories when Ororo appears and breaks his concentration. She tells him she is there to morn Jean's loss with him, but Cyclops tells her that since the shuttle flight (Issue 101) Jean had changed and was no longer the girl he loved. Ororo tells him, "then maybe it was not love at all" as she walks away.

Peter invites Wolverine to accompany him and two pretty native girls who want to show them their special island (wink) but Wolverine passes on the opportunity. Wolverine is morning the loss of the only woman he has ever cared about, Jean Grey.

Meanwhile, Ororo has found a secluded spot to go swimming. After reveling in the cool clear waters she reclines on the bank when two hands grasp her head and a voice is heard to say "I'm sorry child, but I need your life energy, only a little!" The stranger is shocked by such power that floods his body and he changes into a monster.

Back at the camp, the X-men hear a crack of lightning and realize it came from the vicinity of Storm. They pile into the clearing and come face to face with an old nemesis, Sauron! (Issue 59), a guy named Karl Lykos who needs other mutant's energy to survive, but if he absorbs too much, he transforms into an evil, alter-ego flying dinosaur!

Notes and Trivia

  • Banshee refers to Wolverine as "Shrimp".
  • Quote: Wolverine lamenting the apparent loss of Jean Grey: "Babe, you were the first person I ever really cared for, and I never even told you my real name. I had plans for use Jeanie. Now all I got is an ache inside that's killing me, like someone cut out my heart."


Issue No.115 (1978)

Issue No.115- Visions of Death! (1978)

  • Credits: Rabelaisian Raconteurs: Chris Claremont & John Byrne; Inked by: Terry Austin; Lettered by: Rick Parker; Colored by: Francoise Mowly; Edited: Roger Stern; Editor-in-Chief: Jim Shooter. (Rabelaisian Raconteurs was the description used.)
  • Characters Introduced: Priestess Zaladane, Kirk Marston, Garokk.
  • Characters Featured: Sauron (Karl Lykos), Ka-Zar, and Zabu.


The X-Men are in the Savage Land after escaping Magneto's under-volcano fortress. They encounter, fight and defeat Karl Lykos, the guy who must absorb the life force of others to stay alive. (Issue No. 59) Although normally a decent person, it seems to happen a bit too often, Lykos has absorbed too much of Storm's life force, transforming him into Sauron, an evil alter-ego who is a large pterosaur.

Ka-Zar, the lord of the Savage Land (Issue No.10) intervenes on behalf of Lykos and together they tell the X-Men a story of the resurrection of Garrok, also called the Petrified Man by Priestess Zaladane. Garrok is described as a threat to the Savage Land by domineering over its residents. If you don't agree to live in his city, you will be killed.

Despite a plea for help, until the Magneto threat is resolved top side, Cyclops tells Ka-Zar the X-Men can't help him, but promise to return. On the way out of the tropical Savage Land, they find their way blocked by ice and it starts snowing! Ka-Zar tells them somehow Garrok has upset the natural balance and if nothing it done quickly, it means the death of the Savage Land!

Story Details

The X-Men escaped Magneto's under-volcano fortress emerging into the tropical Savage Land, and are now confronting Sauron, (Issue No. 59) a man who must absorb the life force from other humans and creatures to stay alive. But he absorbed too much life force from Storm and has transformed into his evil alter-ego, Sauron, a big ugly flying pterosaur. If you read the original Sauron episode, you know that when he's not Sauron, Karl Lykos is a decent person.

Sauron is standing over an unconscious Storm thinking he will soon rule the Savage Land. Wolverine has seen enough and launches himself at Sauron telling him, "The only place you're gonna rule is in Hell!". Cyclops remembering Sauron's ability from the X-Men's previous encounter with Sauron (Issues 60-61), yells at Wolverine to stop because this is what Sauron wants! Indeed, Sauron mesmerizes Wolverine, making him think the other X-Men are demons and turns to attack them.


Garokk! (1978)

As Wolverine leaps towards the X-Men with murder in his eyes, Cyclops hits him with an optic blast. Banshee yells at Cyclops asking "Did ye have to?" Cyclops tells Banshee he had no choice and to get himself airborne, but to avoid eye contact with Sauron no matter what! Banshee follows orders and hits Sauron with a sonic wail that smashes Sauron against some trees.

When Nightcrawler checks on Wolverine, he is backhanded as Wolverine screams "Lousy Demons, you aren't taking me!" Wolverine pops up to see a demon attacking Phoenix, but in his altered state, really he is seeing Cyclops attacking Sauron. Cyclops is able to deflect Wolverine's attack and although Wolverine has the advantage, somehow he realizes that it could not be Phoenix he saw because he thinks she is dead. He hesitates and Cyclops blasts him across the sky.

Then as Sauron descends on Cyclops, Banshee hits him from above with a wail, while Cyclops hits from below with an optic blast. However, it's not over yet. Sauron flees the scene realizing the energy he absorbed from Storm is all most depleted and soon he'll revert back to Lykos. But Sauron's luck holds for a moment as he comes across Peter Rasputin (Colossus) carrying Storm. He dives and grabs him by the head, sucking life force from him! Cyclops in hot pursuit, yells at Colossus to transform! As Peter turns into Colossus a massive power surge blasts Sauron off of him and into the foliage just as Wolverine shakes off Cyclops's attack. The jolt to Wolverine has brought him back to his senses just as Sauron transforms back into a human.

Grabbing Karl Lykos by the hair, Wolverine prepares to pound him, asking "any last requests?" But before Wolverine can act, Ka-Zar, an old X-Men acquaintance appears along with Zabu, his pet saber tooth cat demanding that Wolverine free Lykos.. Wolverine is not about to back down and fortunately Cyclops and Banshee appear, Cyclops yells at Ka-Zar, "It's me, Cyclops!" Ka-Zar remembers, explaining, "Karl and I were on our way to see you. We need your help!"

Because Cyclops knows Sauron's background, the X-Men agree to hear an explanation. Karl explains (Issue 61) when the X-Men prevented him, as Sauron from killing the father of Tanya, the woman he loves. Realizing he must get away to shield others from his evil, he fled to Tierra Del Fuego, but Tanya found him. He tried to kill himself by jumping off a cliff, but survived by landing on a ledge and eventually made his way down to the Savage Land where he healed in body and spirit coming to terms with his existence. He still took life energy to survive but only from the lesser animals around him.

In the jungle of the Savage Land, Lykos chanced upon a strange procession of people, led by an exotically woman named Priestess Zaladane whose destination was an ancient temple. She prayed to her God, Garokk for fulfillment of an ancient prophecy by the appearance of an outsider, Kirk Marston. In the ritual of painting a fiery hot liquid on Marston's chest, Zaladane resurrected Garokk also known as the Petrified Man in the body of Marston to save them from "death and worse". Garokk demanded to see what is "worse" than death and was taken to view an alien city that had sprung out of the swamp in a few days. Garokk agreed that the city was a source of suffering. A blinding flash of golden light shot out of Garokk's eyes and the city vanished.

In the meeting with the X-Men, Lykos explains that he thinks Garokk manipulated a trans-dimensional warp sending the city to another dimension. Ka-Zar jumps in and describes leading an attack on the City of Sheenars that appeared in the Savage Land and suddenly it disappeared. (For clarification sake, Ka-Zar thought he was in another dimension leading the attack, but in actuality the city and himself had been moved to the Savage Land when Garokk made the city disappear. See Ka-Zar No. 20 for more info. Cross pollinating Marvel story lines makes for more convoluted stories.) Ka-Zar describes them as the Sheenar Vampire race.

After banishing the Sheenar, Garokk insisted that all who dwell in the Savage Land live in the new fortified city he had built at the central lake using slave labor. All those who refuse to comply were being killed. Ka-Zar and Lykos join forces to defeat Garokk. But by the time his friends healed from fighting the Sheenar, they were unable to successfully assault Garokk's fortress.

Ka-Zar asks for the help of X-Men. Wolverine and Banshee are ready to fight with Ka-Zar and Lykos, but Cyclops tells them and Ka-Zar, "no". Cyclops is worried that Magneto escaped the volcano and if so, their primary concern is protecting Professor Xavier, but he promises they will return once the situation is resolved on the surface. Ka-Zar accepts his decision although Wolverine thinks it's BS.

Ka-Zar escorts the X-Men to the tunnel that leads to the ocean, but on the way out they notice that the temperature is dropping, the foliage is covered with frost, and then snow starts falling. They discover the tunnel is clogged with ice. Nightcrawler and Wolverine decide to have a snowball fight, until Ka-Zar calls them fools! He explains that somehow Garokk has upset the eco-balance of the Savage Land, allowing the cold of Antarctica to seep through. If nothing is done quickly, the Savage Land will die!

Notes and Trivia

  • Quote- Wolverine to Ka-Zar regarding Karl Lykos: "This guy owes me, Blondie, but since he's your friend, I'll be happy to take on you and your pussy-cat too!"


Issue No.116 (1978)

Issue No.116- To Save The Savage Land (1978)

  • Credits: Written by: Chris Claremont & John Byrne; Inked by: Terry Austin; Lettered by: Tom Orzechowski; Colored by: Glynis Wein; Edited: Roger Stern; Editor-in-Chief: Jim Shooter.
  • Characters Featured: Priestess Zaladane, Kirk Marston, Garokk, Sauron (Karl Lykos), Ka-Zar, and Zabu.
  • Gadgets:


The Savage Land is starting to freeze because of an immense city Garokk has built over the primary heat sink that keeps this underground world tropical. The X-Men want to leave, check on Xavier, and come back later, but can't escape due to ice blocking the exit tunnel, so they decide to help Ka-Zar now.

During a fight outside the city, three of the X-Men, Cyclops, Banshee, Colossus, and Ka-Zar are captured by flying warriors on pterosaur mounts. The three remaining X-Men , Storm and Nightcrawler led by Wolverine take out a sentry and sneak into the walled city. They discover a huge amphitheater and crowd where Garokk and Zaladane are about to execute the prisoners. As the new self appointed Lord of the Savage Land, Garokk has decreed, that the residents of the Savage Land shall come live in his city, following his rules or else, death. Nightcrawler teleports to Cyclops and removes a blind that disabled his optic weapon. Cyclops quickly releases Cyclops and Banshee. Soon the X-Men and Ka-Zar are free, wiping the floor with Garokk's troops.

Garokk was weakened from rapidly building the city so he flees up a long set of spiral stairs to the roof with Cclops in pursuit.. His plan is to recharge his batteries by drawing from the city's power grid. On the dome of the city Cyclops and Garokk engage in a powerful duel, so damaging that it causes the domed city to crumble. When the dome collapses, Garokk and Cyclops fall. Banshee scoops up Cyclops, but Storm is unable to save Garokk. On the ground, the other X-Men barely escape before the city implodes and collapses into a hole centered on the heat sink.

The fate of Garokk along with the unwilling residents of his city are unknown. Garokk, was summoned once. Presumably, he can be summoned again.

Two weeks later the X-Men prepare to leave the Savage Land saying their goodbyes to Ka-Zar and Karl Lykos. Wolverine has developed a relationship with Zabu, says goodbye to the saber tooth cat. While they might hope for clear sailing, the X-Men emerge from the Savage Land straight into a terrible Antarctic gail!

Story Details

The last issue of 1978. Since their escape from the Savage Land was cut off by ice, the X-Men have decided they should help Ka-Zar save the tropical Savage Land from Garakk and perpetual Winter.Garokk's appearance has adversely effected the Savage's Land eco-system because he built an immense city over a heat sink that normally keeps the Savage Land tropical. The X-Men are climbing over a mountain approaching Garokk's city. Cyclops asks Ka-Zar how the city got built so fast? Ka-Zar responds, "when you are a God, all things are possible".

The group hears, "Intruders, stand where you are!" Overhead is a warrior riding a flying dinosaur. Storm and Banshee take to the air, challenging the warrior. But Storm is still weak from her encounter with Sauron, so Nightcrawler surprises the warrior by teleporting to his mount and punching him out. The fight turns against the X-Men after more flying mounts appear. Cyclops gets whacked in the head and grabbed along with Colossus. Banshee is snared in a net, knocking Ka-Zar off balance. And as he falls, he too is grabbed by a flying Pterosaur. The four warriors retreat to the city with their prisoners.

Wolverine, Storm, and Nightcrawler plan their next step. Wolverine takes charge telling his companions they are going into the city to bust out their buddies, but before they do, he makes friends with Zabu, Ka-Zar's pet saber tooth, tells him to return to Ka-Zar's village, and bring all able warriors. The cat seems to understand and takes off.

The three X-Men go to a city entrance. Wolverine silently takes out an enemy sentry. The first thing that hits them upon entering the city is the smell of garbage. The place reeks. When Wolverine points down a hallway telling Nightcrawler to scout ahead, a raptor sized dino appears out of the darkness biting Wolverine's hand. He is injured but dispatches it with his claws. Three more dinos rush them. Storm creates a wave of water that washes them away!

The X-Men explore Garokk's city noticing what a dismal design and atmosphere the place has, while wondering where all the people are? They discover a huge arena dominated by a large central dais and an enormous effigy of a face where thousands of people are gathered. The X-Men can't tell who the distant characters on the raised platform are but assume it's their captured X-Men compadres and Ka-Zar. Looking through a hole in the wall, Wolverine ask Nightcrawler if he can teleport there while he finds another way down.

The four captured X-Men being lorded over by Garokk and Priestess Zaladane on the raised platform. Garokk tells them, their executions will serve as a lesson to those who don't obey his law. Colossus is bound with vibranium locks holding him in a fiery magma pit. As his metal body glows red hot, he wonders how long can he last?

Suddenly Nightcrawler appears in their midst, removing a shield that had been placed over Cyclops's eyes. "Leader, do your stuff" Nightcrawler commands. Cyclops blasts the pillar holding Colossus who launches at the enemy. Cyclops uses his optic beam to release Banshee's bonds, while overhead Storm is descending with Wolverine in tow. "Move it babe, 'fore Irish gets a spear in the back!" yells Wolverine. Cyclops calls for Storm to release him and Ka-Zar. She zaps their bonds with an electrical bolt.

As mayhem erupts with X-Men on the loose, Garrok makes a run for it with Cyclops in hot pursuit. Garokk needs to recharge his batteries using the city's power grid to "save his dream"! Following Garokk up a very long flight of spiral stairs, Cyclops pops out on top of the city's dome. The city sits atop a giant heat sink that normally keeps the Savage Land warm. but is now powering the city. Tapped into the city's power, when confronted by Cyclops, he unleashes a golden beam from his eyes that is returned in kind by Cyclops. As the two beams collide, the contestants duel, trying to overpower the other! Garokk has the power of the city at his disposal, but Cyclops's strength only comes from within.

The intense battle is too much for the city infrastructure to handle as the dome starts to crumble! The X-Men down below realize they must escape. As they get the people moving, Storm uses lighting along with Banshee's wail to blast a way out. When the dome collapses, and Cyclops and Garokk fall, Banshee swoops in to catch Cyclops while Stormflies to catch Garokk. But as she reaches for Garokk's hand, her mind is filled with images of ancient terror and she hesitates, as he falls into darkness. As the X-Men emerge from the city, it implodes, tumbling down into the heat sink as Storm blasts upward out of the wreckage, saddened having failed to save Garokk. The fate of Priestess Zaladane is unknown. Presumably Kirk Marston, the explorer whose body Garrok possessed, died, but if Garokk was summoned once, why not again?

A fortnight later, team X-Men are saying goodby to Ka-Zar, Karl Lykos, and the Savage Land which has returned to normal. Wolverine has a new best friend in Zabu, but the cat will stay with his master. Lykos tells Cyclops that the world thinks he is dead, "Let's leave it at that." Setting out through the tunnel to the world they know, the X-Men sail directly into a severe Winter gale!



Issue No.117 (1979)

Issue No.117- PSI War! (1979)

  • Credits: Written by: Chris Claremont & John Byrne; Penciled by: John Byrne; Inked by: Terry Austin; Lettered by: Clem Robins; Colored by: Glynis Wein; Edited: Roger Stern; Editor-in-Chief: Jim Shooter.
  • Characters Introduced: Shadow King, also known as Amahl Farouk introduced in a flashback.
  • Characters Featured: Princess Lilandra Neramani, Misty Knight, and Phoenix (Jean Grey) who has rejoined the X-men.


After saving the Savage Land, the X-Men set sail home, but they emerge in the vicinity of Cape Horn, and a howling gale. They are rescued by the crew of the Jinguchi Maru, a japanese freighter that is on a classified mission and are must maintain radio silence until they reach Japan.

At Westchester N.Y., Xavier is sinking into depression because he thinks the X-Men, are dead. He tells Lilandra, his love, the story of how years ago he had a relationship with Moira MacTaggart, but while he was in the hospital recovering from "war wounds", she left him without an explanation. Leaving for Scotland, she told him not to follow her. In the compressed version of his story he meets, fights, and kills his first evil mutant Amahl Farouk, in Cairo. He then fought Lucifer and was injured losing the use of his legs. Based on these experiences, Xavier decided to start the X-Men and now they are dead, or so he thinks. Lilandra tells him that she loves him and invites Xavier to return with her to the Shi'ar Empire. Xavier agrees!

Jean is seen at the Pan Am ticket counter at Kennedy International Airport purchasing a ticket. She bumps into her old roommate Misty Knight who is leaving for Tokyo on a JAL 747 flight "to help a friend". As Jean watches Misty's jet takeoff, she realizes for the first time since joining the X-Men, she is alone and on her own.

Story Details

The first issue of 1979, the X-Men emerged from the Savage Land in the vicinity of Cape Horn into a terrible gale! They have been rowing for hours barely staying afloat. Wolverine wants to know why Storm is not controlling the weather? She calls him a lunk-head, as that is exactly what she has been doing, but her power has limits. A nearby Japanese freighter picks up up the X-Men's boat on radar.


Xavier Memories (1979)

On the ship, when the first mate reminds the Captain of "mission security", the Captain tells him that he will not violate the law of the sea. Captain Hama welcomes the X-Men onboard the Jinguchi Maru. Cyclops thanks him and tells him that they are the X-Men. The Captain tells him they are on a delicate government mission and radio contact is forbidden. He insists they remain his guests until they reach port in Japan.

Back in Westchester, N.Y. at Xavier's mansion, Jean Grey tells Princess Lilandra, she can't stay in this house while she deals with the loss of Scott Summers and the X-Men. However, we know that Scott and the X-Men are ALIVE! Lilandra is sad for Jean to know such loss, but then she is so happy to have Charles Xavier. Lilandra brews some coffee the way Xavier likes it. She considers human technology as primitive but is grateful she can eat the food here. She is concerned about Xavier who is sinking into depression dwelling on the dead X-Men. (I wonder why he can't sense them?) She brings Xavier breakfast, but he declines to eat. Xavier is feeling guilt thinking that they'd still be alive if he had not stepped into their lives.

Xavier tells Lilandra a story. When he was young, working on his doctorate, he met Moira MacTaggert and they fell in love. They were talking of marriage, but then Xavier was drafted, and she promised to wait for him. After receiving war wounds, Xavier was recovering in the hospital when he received Moira's letter breaking off their engagement. She was leaving, returning to Scotland, and Xavier should not follow her. Very mysterious.

Xavier became a drifter, bumming around the Mediterranean and eventually landed on the Island of Kirinos where the people needed his help and in return took care of him. Eventually he felt like a whole man and moved on to Cairo, Egypt. He enjoyed the city until a pick pocket named Ororo stole his wallet. He gave chase and was able to stop her with a gentle force bolt. It was not until years later that he realized this was Storm. He knew she had mutant powers and hen he opened his mind to investigate her, he was hit by a psychic bolt filled with malevolence, but not from Storm, from a nearby saloon.

Seeking out the origination this power, Xavier enters the bar, orders a drink and waits for the confrontation. A large bald man wearing a fez approached Xavier. "I am Amahl Farouk. I rule the Thieve's Quarter" he said. Xavier was disgusted by Farouk's evil thoughts and past deeds. Farouk told him they are kindred spirits, and if Xavier joins him, he will show him "pleasure and power beyond your wildest imagination". Not only did Xavier decline, but he vowed to bring Farouk to justice for his crimes! "So be it" responded Farouk as he and Xavier battle in their spectral forms. With the wave of Farouk's hand, they were transported to an alien landscape on a small platform in space. Xavier wonders if Farouk is so powerful he can waste his PSI-energy on special effects.

Farouk creates his psi-weapon a flaming staff. As he swings it, Xavier equips his own psychic armor and weapons. Although they seem equal, Farouk seems to be laughing at Xavier, then demonstrates how he can attack him on many mental levels at once. In the saloon, Xavier's body stiffens, the back of his shirt singed as the battle continues. But as Farouk produces more powerful and monstrous visions, Xavier is able to calm himself, concentrate inwards, and ignores the monster that has him in its clutches. Xavier focuses his mutant power into a beam of incredible strength, it shoots into Farouk's brain like a laser. In a burst of light like a super nova, the battle is over. Back in the saloon, Xavier stands up and walks out. Farouk smacks face forward onto the table, dead. (As far as I know this is the first recorded instance of Xavier killing another person- Titanic71).

Based on this experience with his first evil mutant, Xavier discovered his life's work, to bring mutants and humans together in peace. After this, he fought Lucifer (Issue 20) and lost the use of his legs. He started the X-Men, they became his family, and now he thinks most of them are dead. Lilandra tells Xavier that she loves him and asks him to come home with her, to the Shi'ar Empire and Xavier agrees!

The story shifts to John F. Kennedy International Airport where Jean Grey is at the Pan Am ticket counter, buying a ticket for destination unknown. The public address system announces JAL flight 200 to Tokyo in now boarding. She bumps into her old roommate Misty Knight who is headed to Tokyo to help a friend. As Jean watches the JAL 747 take off, she shivers realizing for the first time since joining the X-Men she is alone, on her own, with no one to turn to.

Notes and Trivia

  • Xavier kills Amahl Farouk (Shadow King) in a flashback, but is it permanent?


Issue No.118 (1979)

Issue No.118- The Submergence of Japan! (1979)

  • Credits: Written by: Chris Claremont & John Byrne; Inked by: Ric Villamonte; Lettered by: Tom Orzechowski; Colored by: Glynis Wein; Edited: Roger Stern; Editor-in-Chief: Jim Shooter.
  • Characters Introduced: Colleen Wing, Danny Rand (Iron Fist), Moses Magnum, Mariko.
  • Characters Featured: Sunfire , Lilandra, Misty Knight.


The X-Men arrive in Agarashima, Japan by way of a freighter and research vessel called the Jinguichi Maru, to discover the city in near ruin, having suffered a powerful earthquake. Because this is the home of Sunfire, they decide the best plan is to seek his assistance. Storm senses this event is not a natural occurrence.

At Sunfire's estate, an important meeting is in progress with the Japanese Prime Minister attending. The government was notified that an earthquake was going to happen at 8 AM, and it did! Someone has the power to reek devastation on Japan and despite Sunfire's objection, the Prime Minister wants the X-Men's help.

When Cyclops tries to call Xavier back in the States, the phone line has been disconnected. He does not know that Xavier has left the planet with Princess Lilandra thinking the X-Men are dead..

The X-Men are attacked by the Mandroids, guys in mech suits. After the battle, a hologram appears and decrees if Moses Magnum is not declared ruler of Japan by tomorrow at midnight, he will sink the island.

Story Details

The X-Men have been stuck on the Japanese ship, the Jinguichi Maru for six weeks incommunicado, returning to Japan after an Antarctic voyage. They were rescued from an Antarctic gale by a kind Captain. As the ship approaches the port of Agarashima on the Japanese island of Honshu, the crew and X-men witness an unbelievable sight- a raging fire storm appears to be engulfing the city! The Captain of the ship refuses to enter the port so Cyclops asks Nightcrawler to teleport ashore and check things out. After Nightcrawler signals an all-clear Storm and Banshee fly the X-Men over. Storm whips up a wind that keeps the fire at bay.

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Wolverine in Japan (1979)

It so happens that Agarashima is the home of Shiro Yohshida, also known as Sunfire, who had a brief association with the X-Men. Their plan is to go to his ancestral manor outside the city for assistance. The city is in disarray and Ororo is reminded of when she wandered the streets of Cairo after losing her parents (as described in Issue 102). Wolverine reads in the local paper that most of the city was evacuated due to an earthquake warning. Yes, he can read and speak Japanese. Cyclops feels the urgency to quickly find Shiro and contact the Professor.

Keep in mind it's been months that the X-Men have been out of touch. Contacting the Professor may be difficult because as the X-Men discuss their options, the Professor and Lilandra have just departed Earth's orbit in an Imperial Starship headed for the Shi'ar Empire. Xavier has agreed to live with his love in another galaxy.

On Earth, the X-Men are overlooking Sunfire's estate. Government limos are parked outside and wonder what is going on? Changing into their costumes, Storm creates a fog bank so they can sneak past the guards. However in minutes, the group is discovered by Sunfire who doubts real X-Men would be sneaking around his estate, despite Cyclops assurance. Sunfire orders them to be arrested by the guards, but he is overridden by Misty Knight, who is there and working with the Japanese Prime Minister and Detective Colleen Wing. She wants the X-Men admitted into the meeting.

Nearby Sunfire's estate a large cargo van comes to a stop. The driver gives the command "Activate all systems. Alert the assault team, we strike at midnight!"

At the meeting with the Prime Minister, Sunfire is raving at the government officials, "We need no lady detectives like Colleen Wing (the Prime Minister's niece?) or American Super-Heroes to help us!" The Prime Minister tells him, we got a message about an earthquake at 8 A.M. and it occurred precisely on time. "Someone has the power to devastate the country and we'll take help from where ever we can get it!"

Listening to the argument, Cyclops thinks "enough of this, I'm going to find a phone." Colleen notices Cyclops and thinks "what a hunk! Too bad he is spoken for." Misty is on the phone with an Avenger, Danny Rand who tells her there is no one available to help." They are affectionate with each other before hanging up. Cyclops knows that Misty was Jean's roommate, but can't bring himself to tell her that Jean, Xavier, and Beast are dead. This is a missed opportunity for him to discover that Jean is not dead! Placing a call to the States, Cyclops is shocked to find out that all numbers to Xavier's mansion have been disconnected. Banshee tells him that Colleen is looking for him.

At 2345 hours (11:45PM), the driver opens up the cargo van's rear door. An assistant asks, "You certain we can take Sunfire? He's no pushover." The driver says, "Greg, ol' buddy, these babies can pulverize any mutant scum without even workin' up a sweat!"

At the estate, Wolverine wanders through the garden, remembering when he was a punk kid in Japan and never figured he'd come back. He meets a girl named Mariko. They talk briefly, but at precisely midnight, the ground quakes and structures collapse around them! The other X-Men appear and Storm tells them that this is not a natural earthquake, but something else! Suddenly the wall of the compound explodes and in march the [Mandroids, thugs wearing mech-armor (see Avengers Issue 95). They announce "the boss wants you as his special guests. You can come alive or stay here dead!"

Sunfire attacks, as Cyclops tries to stop him, telling him that he recognizes the intruders. Sunfire is zapped with a blast from a Mandroid weapon. Cyclops tells the group those outfits were designed to defend against the Avengers, but not the X-Men, "Attack!"

The Mandroids attack Nightcrawler but he teleports away! Colossus feels inferior when he tries to punch a Mandroid and is smacked across the room. Wolverine leaps on a mandroid and shreds its armor while Cyclops and Banshee mutually attack another unit using different frequencies of Banshee's wail and Cyclops optic beam to tear it apart. The final Mandroid realizing defeat, goes after Sunfire to kill him. Sunfire hits him with a fiery blast but the Mandroid operator laughs, telling him, "this only makes me stronger!" Then Storm brings down a freezing rain! The suit becomes so cold it shatters! Outside the Mandroid drivers try to make a run for it in their truck but Colossus's two hands reach out of the ground causing it to crash. (Huh?)

As the dust settles a hologram appears. A muscular mutant in a white suits named Moses Magnum tells the Prime Minister, "you have 24 hours to declare me the ruler of Japan or midnight tomorrow, I'll sink it!

Notes and Trivia

  • Wolverine spent time in Japan in his youth and is fluent in Japanese.


Issue No.119 (1979)

Issue No.119- 'Twas The Night Before Christmas (1979)


The X-Men had their first encounter with Moses Magnum's Mandroids at Sunfire's estate in Japan. Although the Mandroids (mechanized armor suits) are defeated, Magnum delivers an ultimatum to the Japanese Prime Minister, "Surrender Japan or I'll sink it!"

In this issue, the X-Men assault Magnum's hidden base in an extinct volcano in the Kuril Islands north of Japan. Magnum displays great strength in combat, but after his Mandroids are defeated a second time, he decides to fulfill his threat against Japan by triggering the Magnum Force, an ability he picked up in an accident with a laser drill. When Magnum tries to trigger the effect, it is countered by Banshee's Sonic wail resulting in a huge explosion that destroys the volcano. Fortunately, the X-Men survive.

Trying to pick up the pieces of her life, thinking the X-Men and her love Scott Summers are dead, Jean Grey rendezvouses with Moira MacTaggert, Alex Summers, Lorna Dane, and Jimmie Maddox in Edinburgh, Scotland. Moira runs a Mutant Research Facility on Muir Island. On Muir Island, an individual with a grudge, Angus MacWhirter intends on blowing up her lab, but his plans are suddenly cut short.

Story Details

The last episode concluded with the X-Men defeating the Mandroids at Sunfire's estate in Japan. A hologram message from Moses Magma to the Japanese Prime Minister says, "Surrender Japan to me or I will sink it"!


Exploding Volcano! (1979)

The scene opens with Storm winging over the Kuril Islands north of Japan, with Nightcrawler in tow. She asks Kurt, "there is our target, are you ready?" With a pop, Nightcrawler transports into a secret base on an extinct volcano. Knocking a guard out, Nightcrawler makes his way into the facility.

Hours before, Nightcrawler, the X-Men, and Sunfire had been briefed by the Prime Minister on Moses Magnum self proclaimed heir to Anthony Stark's Title of "Arms Dealer of the World", described as ruthless, brilliant, and strong. His base of operations is located in the volcano Nightcrawler is infiltrating. Magnum is threatening Japan with his Magnum Force, the power to sink Japan!

Once inside the facility, Nightcrawler radios Misty Knight and Colleen Wing flying in a nearby orbiting aircraft. Misty in turn signals Storm and Banshee to do their thing! Banshee lets loose with a wail that scrambles Magnum's scanners. Inside the volcano, technicians report a total system failure suspecting an attack. Nightcrawler hears alarm klaxons going off. While the enemy force's attention is drawn to outside, Nightcrawler sticks to the shadows descending to the basement, locating a good place for the X-Men to enter before they run out of air! (keep reading.) As combat hardened troops rush to their battle stations, Storm creates an ice storm with voracious winds. When they try to hit Banshee with a Sonic Disintegrator Cannon, he returns fire with a sonic scream that deafens the enemy operators. Storm thinks, "we've done our part, now it's up to Cyclops."

Cyclops is busy underground, under the ocean, digging a tunnel with the help of Sunfire and accompanied by Colossus and Wolverine. They have limited breathing O2 and are relieved when they start receiving a homing signal from Nightcrawler. They break through the floor of the facility but no sooner than Colossus sticks his head up, he is punched by Magnum crashing through the wall and all most flies off the island. Prior to the X-Men's entrance, Magma had all ready "taken care" of Nightcrawler. Fighting Magma, the X-Men wonder why he is so strong. He tells them, "I am no longer a man!" Cyclops sends Sunfire to fetch Storm and Banshee.

Having the advantage, Instead of finishing Cyclops off, Magnum stands aside and allows two Mark II Mandroids to engage Cyclops. Colossus barrels back into the fight and singlehandedly wipes the floor with them. Magnum screams "you've won the battle, but you'll lose the war!" as he runs to trigger the Magma Force and sink Japan!

The narrative explains how Magnum was zapped by one of his laser drills which inexplicably gave him the power to focus an infinite amount of energy anywhere on the Earth (Powerman Annual No.1). Banshee figures that Magnum must use an energy blast to trigger the Magma force. He yells at the others to get off the volcano asap as he flies out the top of the volcano. Banshee focuses a sonic wail around the volcano. The idea is that his power will deflect Magnum's beam back on itself. Magnum realizes something is wrong and increases power until finally an incredible explosion destroys the volcano and a hundred small islands around it! Magnum's fate is unknown.

A day later, Misty Knight's flying boat is searching the area for survivors when they see a flash of light. It's Sunfire who leads them to the other X-Men stuck on a small rock out in the ocean. Banshee is seriously injured. Ten days later the doctor drops off Shawn Cassidy at Shiro Yashida's estate. Banshee wonders why no one came to see him out of the hospital. But inside, he is surprised walking into a "Welcome Back and Merry Christmas" party thrown for him by the X-Men. After a hearty welcome, Wolverine goes to speak with Mariko. Ororo kisses Kurt on the cheek and tells him she loves him. Then she sees Peter and asks him what is wrong? He tells her that of all the X-Men, he is the only one with a real family and he misses them.

Halfway around the world Jean steps off the train in Edinburgh Station and is greeted by Moira MacTaggart, Alex Summers, Lorna Dane, and Jamie Madrox. The plan is to stay in Edinburgh for a few days and then go to Moira's Mutant Research Center on Muir island.

While the lab remains unattended, Angus MacWhirter, a man who rented the X-Men a hovercraft (Issue 104) is revealed to be a mutant hater and is planning on destroying her facility. But as he sneaks around the Research Center, his plan and his life are cut short, not even getting a chance to scream!

Notes and Trivia

  • Banshee defeats Moses Magnum in an energy duel destroying a large portion of the Kuril Islands north of Japan.


Issue No.120 (1979)

Issue No.120- Wanted: Wolverine Dead or Alive! (1979)

Characters Featured: Vindicator** (Heather Hudson), James Hudson (Guardian), Sunfire , Misty Knight, Moira MacTaggart, Colleen Wing, and Mariko. **Note in Issue 109, James Hudson referred to himself as Weapon Alpha.


Note:There may be some errors in this guide in reference to Guardian versus Vindicator. At one point, I had the notion that James Hudson was both Guardian and Vindicator but this is incorrect. James Hudson is Guardian, Heather Hudson, his wife is Vindicator.

I've gone back and corrected errors that I have noticed. The Canadian Military wants Wolverine back and sends Guardian to get him. He summons the Alpha Team, five mutants who function along the lines of the X-Men, but do the bidding of the Canadian government/military. As best as I can tell, James Hudson has various aliases, Weapon Alpha and Guardian.

After defeating Moses Magnum, the X-Men leave Japan for the U.S. in a Heros For Hire jet, an organization that both Colleen Wing and Misty Knight belong to. Enroute they run into a storm that is controlled by one of the Alpha Team, Shaman who funnels them towards a landing in Calgary, Canada. The X-Men don't know exactly what is going on until after landing when they are confronted by Guardian. When the pilot adds power in an attempt to takeoff, the HFH jet is thrown and destroyed by Sasquatch, whose excuse is I don't know my own strength. Guardian scolds him. As Alpha Team approaches the wreckage, the storm picks up in ferocity. Shaman tells him he is not controlling the storm. In fact it is Storm controlling the storm giving them cover to escape. The X-Men, Misty Knight, and Colleen Wing decide to split up and meet in the city. They don't realize that Alpha Team has equipment equivalent to Cerebro and use it to pinpoint their location. Nightcrawler and Wolverine are nabbed. When Guardian approaches Storm, Misty, and Banshee, he gets more than he bargained for from Storm and decides a tactical retreat makes the best sense. Cyclops, Colossus, and the other X-Men ponder their next step.

Story Details

A group of mutants are observed engaging in battle on a view screen in the Canadian Ministry of Defense. The Prime Minister recognizes Weapon X, also called Wolverine, but does not recognize the others. Vindicator (known as Weapon Alpha in Issue 109) tells him they are the X-Men, are very dangerous in a fight and maybe connected to the U.S. government. The Prime Minister tells Guardian, "I don't care if they are connected to the Boy Scouts, I want him back!" The Canadian military has spent much money training Wolverine. Guardian pushes a button, believing only Alpha Flight, a special-ops mutant team have a chance of bringing Wolverine back. They are Northstar, Shaman, Snowbird, Sasquatch, and Aurora.

After the dust has settled in Japan, the X-Men say good by to the Japanese Prime Minister and Sunfire as they prepare to board a Heroes For Hire DC10 jet for home. Misty Knight and Colleen Wing are part of H4H.)Wolverine gives Mariko, (Sunfire's cousin) a white chrysanthemum before he leaves.

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Hard Landing! (1979)

During the flight across the Pacific, Scott Summers and Colleen Wing get friendly. Their conversation is interrupted when when a crew member comes back to tell Scott there may be a problem. There is a storm in Alaska that forced them to change their designation to San Francisco, then again to Hawaii, but the storm has moved to cut them off and now surrounds them. Ororo senses something is wrong with this storm. She tries to disperse it, eventually realizing an intelligent force is controlling the storm and is resisting her efforts! A clear path opens to Calgary, Canada so they decide to fly there.The tower clears them to land, the passes the word, "pigeons are on final."

After landing the crew spots a man on the taxiway. Guardian challenges Wolverine to come out peacefully so his friends won't get hurt. But Wolverine is not buying. Cyclops tells the pilots to "get us out of here!" But when they add power, the aircraft remains stationary and shakes. Nightcrawler sees a shadow of Sasquatch under the plane when suddenly the DC10 is thrown, smashing into a hanger! Guardian calls Sasquatch a lummox, "I told you to stop the plane not smash it!" Fortunately the DC10 is almost out of fuel so there is no fire.. Guardian enters the aircraft, as the storm doubles in intensity, and amazingly there is no one onboard. Shaman tells Guardian one of the X-Men must be controlling the elements. We know that would be Storm.

Under cover of the storm, the X-Men sneak to the terminal. Cyclops asks "what these people want?" Wolverine explains these are Canadian Government Agents, a team of super heroes, led by Jimmy Hudson (Guardian, Weapon Alpha), much like Xavier assembled the X-Men. Wolverine explains that he is Guardian's first big success and failure. All the "shrinks" said that Wolverine was an "uncontrollable psycho" and he proved them right. Wolverine resigned when Xavier showed up, but apparently the Canadians wants him back by force. The team decides to go covert, split up and rendezvous at a large concrete tower in the center of the city.

Cyclops and Colossus meet at the Calgary Tower, but Nightcrawler, Banshee, Storm and Wolverine are missing. Nightcrawler has been nabbed by Alpha Team, however Banshee, Storm, and Colleen are shopping for something Storm can wear so she does not stand out as a sexy African Rain God.

Overhead Guardian is patrolling the city. The Alpha Team's scanner system is directing him toward Storm's location in a shopping mall. When Banshee sees him, he tries to scream, but instead doubles over in pain. (His voice was injured in his fight with Magma.) Vindicator tells him, "don't talk, I'll call a doctor". But Storm suddenly appears and challenges Vindicator, "you have attacked us twice without provocation and by all that I hold dear..." she blows him across the mall! Banshee urges them to leave immediately to warn Cyclops. Guardian makes a tactical retreat, lamenting that he is just not cut out for this kind of life, a life he intended for Wolverine!

Speaking of Wolverine, he is walking through downtown Calgary headed for the tower, reminiscing when he was a teenager in this city when his cowboy hat is knocked off his head. Caught by surprise, he is pummeled by Sasquatch, then hauled away.

As Colleen and Misty are calling their lawyers for legal assistance, four X-Men Cyclops, Banshee, Colossus, and Storm put their heads together formulating a plan.

Notes and Trivia

  • Scott Summers (Cyclops) and Colleen Wing (part of Heros for Hire) develop a a friendly relationship. Scott thinks Jean Grey is dead.


Issue No. 121 (1979)

Issue No.121- Shoot-Out at the Stampede! (1979)


In an effort to locate Wolverine and Nightcrawler, the X-Men trailed Vindicator to the Calgary Stampede Fairgrounds. Inside they fight Alpha Flight, Canada's equivalent to the X-Men. The Canadian Military wants to force Wolverine to return to their service. A gigantic storm that Shaman created to make the X-Men land in Calgary, gets out of his control and it takes Storm to control it.. What appears like a stalemate is ended, when against Wolverine's nature, he gives up to Alpha Flight instead of risking harm to his X-Men compadres. However the armored truck built to hold Wolverine for transport was not enough. Not only does he escape but he sneaks back onto the X-Men's DC10 before it departs to the States- Wolverine 1, Alpha Team 0.

Story Details

X-Men vs Alpha Flight. During the last episode, the X-Men, returning from the Orient, were forced to land in Calgary, Canada. Alpha Flight has been sent by the Canadian military to force Wolverine's return to service and were successful in nabbing him. But the X-Men are not going to leave him behind. After an encounter with Storm and Banshee, Guardian retreates but Storm sensed an energy trail that the X-Men can follow.


Cyclops vs Vindicator (1979)

Searching for Wolverine and Nightcrawler, the trail takes them to the Calgary Stampede, a large fairground that is closed for the Winter. Storm spots Wolverine and Nightcrawler in an open stadium, bound back to back. Although Cyclops fears it's a trap, he does not think the three of them can afford to split up. The X-Men are confronted by the six members of Alpha Flight, Shaman, Aurora, Northstar, Snowbird, Sasquatch, plus Vindicator.

Vindicator tells the X-Men that they are welcome to take their blue friend and will guarantee safe passage back to the U.S., but Wolverine must stay! Outside the Stampede, Banshee, Misty, and Colleen have arrived by taxi, but when they try to enter, they find the entrance has been sealed by magic, courtesy of Shaman.

Inside the Stampede, Cyclops and Vindicator are arguing, but the bottom line is Alpha Flight intends on bringing Wolverine back to the Canadian Military by force. During the heated words, Colossus notices Northstar subtly moving behind Cyclops. Sensing treachery Colossus jumps out in front and is attacked by Sasquatch. Vindicator yells at his team that he does not want fighting, as Wolverine and Nightcrawler who have been playing possum, explode into action!

As Storm launches into the air, Snowbird takes after her. Shaman sends totems after the X-Men and Cyclops zaps one. He calls the X-Men to rally on him as the blur of Aurora rockets by Cyclops knocking him down. Nightcrawler confronts Aurora and she observes, "a teleporter eh? You'll have to catch me!" As Aurora zooms away, Nightcrawler teleports after her.

Overhead, Storm has been avoiding Snowbird, but then Snowbird shape-shifts into a giant Artic Owl and closes in for an attack. Wolverine defends himself from totems, observing a lack of X-Men coordination. Shaman tells Wolverine the word he is looking for is "teamwork, which we have and you don't" as Shaman conjures a wind that knocks Wolverine off balance.

The narrative explains that in the process of altering the weather to force the X-Men to land in Calgary, Shaman has inadvertently created a giant storm that takes on a life of it's own, over Calgary.

As the weather deteriorates and the fight continues, Wolverine decides he does not want the X-Men killed defending him. Colossus has little success trying to punch Sasquatch, but when Cyclops reminds him to "use his head", Colossus uses a quick judo move to toss the big furry beast (even furrier than Beast!).

If you remember Nightcrawler was after Aurora. She comes to a stop thinking it is safe, thinking "if we were not fighting, this could be fun"! When she reflects that she is a lover, not a fighter, Nightcrawler suddenly appears and kisses her. Then she rockets away! Nearby, Wolverine and Vindicator continue their duel.

Despite Shaman's efforts to keep the storm under control, the wind approaches 200 mph, and it's becoming too much for him to handle! Overhead Storm, realizes she must control the storm, but Snowbird is still after her. Thinking quickly, she nabs Snowbird in her cape and throws her down, then zooms up into the storm. Drawing the energy of the storm through her, she disperses it out across the continent causing surprise snowfalls everywhere!

The process takes hours and when it's over Storm is exhausted. But when she lands, amazingly the fight is still going and despite doing everyone a huge favor, Northstar punches her out saying "without you, the rest (of the X-Men) won't be any trouble!" Cyclops instantly hits him with an optic blast! And as Cyclops prepares to pound Northstar with his fist, Wolverine grabs his wrist and tells him, that the fight is over and he'll go quietly. A specially designed armored truck drives into the Stampede to haul Wolverine away. The X-Men are free to go home, minus Wolverine.

Hours later, the X-Men's DC-10 (which seems to have been resurrected after being thrown into a hanger last episode) is flying towards the U.S. with Canadian Air Force escort. "It's as if they don't trust us",Nightcrawler comments. At the U.S. border the Canadians turn back and Cyclops starts formulating options, "we can go home, or turn back for Wolverine." To Cyclops utter amazement, he hears "I would not do that if I were you, Bub!" It's Wolverine, sitting in the copilot's seat! When Cyclops asks "how?" Wolverine explains "there hasn't been a cage built yet that can hold me!"

Notes and Trivia

  • Wolverine surrenders to Alpha Flight.


Issue No.122 1979

Issue No.122- Cry For The Children! (1979)


Episode is named for the dope addicted kids Storm meets when she returns to the home of her youth in New York City, now abandoned and in disrepair. After being threatened with violence and attacked, Ororo gets an assist from Luke Cage and Misty Knight. In the Danger Room, Colossus is having an inferiority complex testing his strength against a giant hydraulic press and receives some Wolverine style therapy. Banshee and Nightcrawler perform maintenance on the X-Men's SR-71. Cyclops wonders where the Professor is We know he is on the planet called Imperial Center in the Shi'ar Empire with his love, Empress Lilandra. Cyclops and Colleen Wing move forward with their relationship. Although she has doubts, she slips him the key to her apartment. Look for some drama when Cyclops realizes Jean Grey is alive.

Jean Grey is in Stornoway Scotland and bumps into Jason Wyngarde (Mastermind). She does not recognize him, but feels she has met him before. Indeed she has! And finally Black Tom Cassidy and Juggernaut take a ride on a custom Boeing 747 belonging to the notorious assassin, Arcade as it heads for the United States from Heathrow Airport, London, England. They make a deal with Arcade to take out the X-Men!

Story Details

The X-Men are finally home in Xavier's Mansion. Colossus is being tested in the Danger Room, the X-Men's practice facility, but his strength holding open a gigantic hydraulic press is shaky. Cyclops and Wolverine think it's in his head, that Cyclops is psyching himself out about not pulling his weight ever since their last fight with Magneto (Issues 112-113).

Wolverine has his own idea regarding therapy. First he sinks his claws into the control panel shorting it out so there is no way to turn the press off. Then he waltzes into the Danger Room and stands next to Colossus inside the press, who is struggling to hold it open. "What are you doing?" screams Colossus. Wolverine tells him, "Giving you some incentive." With the press at full power, Colossus finds the will to overpower it saving both him and Wolverine! "Way to go, Ruskie!" Wolverine quips. Cyclops walks into the Danger Room and instead of the usual "Wolverine" rant, he hands him a tool kit and tells him to get busy fixing it.

As Cyclops walks out, to find Colleen Wing is waiting for him. During the X-Men's flight from Japan to Canada (Issue 120), Cyclops and Colleen developed a friendship. Now Colleen wants to know what is bothering Cyclops. The Mansion has been closed up and Cyclops is concerned about the Professor and Lilandra who "seem to have cleared out, maybe never to return."


Colossus Therapy

Down in the aircraft bay, Banshee and Nightcrawler are performing maintenance on the X-Men's version of the USAF Blackbird which appears to have been mothballed when the Professor left. The X-Men have no idea where the Professor is. Cyclops calls down on the intercom and asks Banshee to check Wolverine's work after he is done fixing the Danger Room.

On the planet Imperial Center (Shi'ar Empire), Princess Lilandra is ready to assume the title of Empress of the Shi'ar Empire. Although Lilandra and Xavier still profess their love for each other, Xavier hints to the reader that he might not have enough strength to deal with the regal trappings of royalty.

The scene shifts to the town of Stornoway in the Outer Hebrides off the coast of Scottland where Jean Grey is walking down the street, her arms full of shopping loot, when she rounds a corner and bumps into Jason Wyngarde, dropping her packages. He helps her and offers to accompany her, but she declines and arrives at the dock where Moira's boat is waiting to take her along with Jamie Madrox, Alex Summers (Havok) and Lorna Dane (Polaris) to Moira's Mutant Research Center on Muir Island. As the boat pulls away from the quay, Jean notices Jason Wyngarde watching them and senses deja vu as if she has met him before. On the dock Wyngarde thinks, "soon you'll love me and belong heart and soul to the Hellfire Club".

Near the dock, two men are observed nearby looking for MacWhirter, the mutant hater, who rented a boat to the X-Men in a previous issue. He disappeared on Moira's island in Issue 119. On the boat, Moira is pressing Jean to have some tests performed on her. As Phoenix, Jean possesses an immense amount of power and Moira wants to be sure she can handle it, muttering "heaven help us if she can't" This could be a reference to future events.

In Salem Center, New York, Westchester County, Scott Summers and Colleen Wing head for a late lunch. They have a heart to heart with Scott telling Colleen how everything in his life has been turned topsy-turvy and it's hard for him to relax. She has noticed.

In New York City on the corner of 135th and Broadway, Wolverine drops off Ororo in the Professor's Rolls Royce. She tells him, she needs to do something alone. Wolverine makes a mental note to come looking for her if she does not return to the mansion in a timely fashion. As he drives through traffic, Wolverine sees Mariko, the woman he befriended in Japan with a male escort. Mariko steps into a residence, and although Wolverine tries to let her know he's there, her escort tells him that Ms. Yashida is not to be disturbed before closing the door in his face.

Mean while uptown, Ororo locates the row-home of her youth, now in disrepair and it's inhabited by young drug addicts who attack her. Storm could wipe the floor with these punks, but she holds back because the building is in such disrepair she could accidentally destroy it. When one of the kids tries to knife her from behind, a hand flies out and slams him into the wall. That hand belongs to Luke Cage and he is accompanied by Misty Knight who just happened to pass by and noticed lightning bolts popping out of the windows.

Back in Salem Center, Scott Summers says good bye to Colleen Wing as she jumps on a train back to her place (not sure exactly where that is). Colleen is debating whether she should allow her relationship with Scott to get serious. Despite the debate, she gave him a letter with her key in it, inviting him to stop by any time.

Labeled as "Prologue", the scene switches to the skies over Heathrow Airport, England where a private Boeing 747 is climbing out over the Atlantic. It is adorned with a large "A" on the tail. On board, Juggernaut and Black Tom Cassidy (Banshee's Cousin) meet a lovely lady who introduces herself as Miss Locke. Her boss, the world's most expensive assassin, will join them once the aircraft has reached cruising altitude. Juggernaut is having misgivings about their plan to rely on an assassin to take care of the X-Men. As Black Tom and Juggernaut argue, they are interrupted by a man in a white suit, white gloves, a polka dot red and yellow bow tie, and a white cane. He introduces himself saying Arcade's the name, murder's the game"!

Notes and Trivia

  • Scott Summers (Cyclops) and Colleen Wing (a member of Heros for Hire) appear to be a couple in this Issue. Ironically Scott and Jean Grey both think each other is dead. Jean is in Scotland.

Movie Parallels

  • Juggernaut has a long and rich history as a X-Men adversary which is not even touched upon in the X-Men movies.


Issue No.123 1979

Issue No.123- Listen--Stop Me If You've Heard It--But This One Will Kill You! (1979)

  • Credits: Written by: Chris Claremont ,John Byrne, and Terry Austin; Inked by: Terry Austin; Lettered by: Tom Orzechowski; Colored by: Glynis Wein; Edited: Roger Stern; Editor-in-Chief: Jim Shooter.
  • Characters Featured: Colleen Wing, Spiderman, Miss Locke, Arcade.
  • Gadgets: Murder World


Spiderman makes a guest appearance heading for his date with Cissy Ironwood when he spots Cyclops and Colleen Wing on the street in NYC. Exchanging pleasantries, Spidey takes off but hears a noise reminding him of an incident from his past. Returning to where he saw Cyclops, the couple and a rigged Sanitation truck have vanished.

In a similar fashion, all of the X-men are captured by Arcade, a paid assassin and placed in his lethal house of fun named Murderworld which is not fun if you are the ones struggling to survive. Cyclops and Wolverine confront a brainwashed Colossus. Storm faces a deadly room rigged to neutralize her manipulation of the elements. Banshee is chased by WWII era dive bombers as he wonders if they are real or illusions. At the end of this Issue, the X-Men are barely holding on while Arcade heartily laughs with glee!

Story Details

This episode begins with Spiderman heading for a date with Cissy Ironwood (Call me ignorant, but where is Mary Jane? ). As he swings overhead Greenwich Village he spots a couple he recognizes, Scott Summers and Colleen Wing. Scott is telling Colleen that he has been trying to get in touch with Jean Grey's parents but has had no luck. Spiderman talks with the couple and then departs, swinging over a city sanitation truck heading towards them. This is no ordinary truck. As it approaches, a special device springs out of the top and comes down on top of the couple! The driver reports "Target one secured, proceeding to target two!"

Spiderman recognizes the sound this trap makes and turns back to intercept, but he is too late! Scott, Colleen, and the truck are gone. He decides to call the Professor.

At Lincoln Center, Kurt Wagner and Peter Rasputin with their dates Betsy and Amanda, have arrived for a Bolshoi Ballet performance. Not realizing it, they are greeted by trouble in the name of the always sensuous Miss Locke who tells them that the Professor's private box is being refurbished so the Director has made special accommodations for them. Their date gets exciting when the special accommodations turn out to be a room that looks like a steel box. The door slams shut behind them and before Kurt can teleport out, the cell fills with gas, knocking them out. A helo lifts the cell and whisks them away. Mss Locke reports to code name, Pinball Wizard, "Targets three and four secured!".

123big-pinball xmen

Pinball X-Men (1979)

Back in the city, after dinner with his friend Mariko, Wolverine is nabbed by the Sanitation truck.

At the Professor's mansion, home of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, the phone wakes up Banshee who has dozed off in front of the fireplace. The narrative describes the high level of security in the mansion making it virtually impossible to penetrate without detection. However, when Shawn answers the phone, he is knocked out when shot in the back by a weapon wielded by Arcade! Annoyed by the continued ringing of the phone downstairs, Ororo dives over the banister to answer the phone and meets the same fate at Arcade's hand. Arcade hears a voice on the phone, and answers "hello"? It's Spiderman, who is trying to warn the X-Men. Arcade responds "You got it, Wall Crawler. I am gunnin' for the X-Men and you are a wee bit too late! When I'm done with them, I'm coming after you! Bye now."

Cyclops awakens to see Colossus, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Banshee, and Storm all trapped in transparent spheres in some kind of cylinder. Arcade has placed them inside his giant pinball machine, part of the amusement partk he calls "Murderworld", where nobody survives! It has been built completely for his amusement. The X-Men are groggy having been knocked unconscious and can barely hold on, much less use their powers to escape the pinballs spinning them around a giant pinball machine, until they finally fall in the dead ball slot, each X-Man to face a custom designated challenge. Arcade is not impressed.

Cyclops falls into a room with 3 doors, his pinball shattering upon landing. Arcade tells him that when he opens a door or blasts it with his optic beam, a hydraulic press will crush him, so make his choice count. As Cyclops considers his options, the press is slowly moving the wall, making the room smaller. Arcade knows there is nothing but concrete behind each of the doors.

In another room, Colossus is confronted by a man describing himself as KGB who accuses him of treason for abandoning the USSR to work with the X-Men in the U.S.

Wolverine is in a fun house hall of mirrors with crazy shaped android Wolverines popping out of the walls attacking him! With a maniacal laugh, Arcade switches to another closed circuit channel to observe Nightcrawler in a spherical room. Carnival style bumper cars equipped with buzz saws pop out of the walls and chase him! Teleporting to the ceiling Nightcrawler does not see the car that goes straight up the wall, hitting him!

Banshee who is still recovering from his injuries (Issue 119) is in an ill-defined space. Suddenly he is in a landscape with WWII era Stukas flying around. They turn to dive, strafe, and bomb him. He avoids them wondering if this is real or an illusion? He can't afford to be wrong.

Storm falls through a trap door into a room partially filled with water. She tries to conjure a storm, but something prevents her from manipulating the wind. She shoots a lightening bolt at the trap door, that bounces back hitting her!

Back in the room with three doors, the wall is slowly closing on Cyclops. He must make a choice, but not the obvious ones. Instead he blasts a hole in the side wall and escapes!

In the Hall of Mirrors, Wolverine is busy fighting androids, but they stop generating when Cyclops bursts through the wall. Together they run down a hallway and spot someone hiding in the shadows. Wolverine leads the way and is clocked on the chin by a metallic fist. It is Colossus in a communist worker's outfit and somehow he has been recruited to help Arcade finish off the X-Men! Colossus proclaims, "No longer am I the X-Man Colossus, a traitor to his motherland and his people! Now I am proletarian, workers' hero of the Soviet Union!"

Arcade is having a great time in the control room watching the X-men fight for their lives. Behind him are three women wrapped in 3 large pink boxes with ribbons who Arcade refers to as Miz Amanda, Miz Colleen, and Miz Betsy. (Who are they?)

Notes and Trivia

  • Good thing for the X-Men, Arcade the assassin traps them before killing them, giving them a chance to live.
  • Quote- After Colossus is brainwashed by Arcade he announces: "No longer am I the X-Man Colossus, a traitor to his motherland and his people! Now I am proletarian, workers' hero of the Soviet Union!"


Issue No.124 1979

Issue No.124- He Only Laughs When I Hurt! (1979)

  • Credits: Written by: Chris Claremont & John Byrne; Inked by: Terry Austin; Lettered by: Tom Orzechowski; Colored by: Glynis Wein; Edited: Roger Stern; Editor-in-Chief: Jim Shooter.
  • Characters Featured: Miss Locke, Arcade.


The X-Men continue the fight for their survival in Murderworld', Arcade's giant deadly Assassination Park. 'A brainwashed Colossus, attacks Wolverine and Cyclops. Wolverine helps Banshee avoid WWII dive bombing aircraft, then they fight Magneto and The Hulk imitations. Cyclops helps Nightcrawler by destroying buzz saw bumper cars. Storm almost drowns in a large room of water, but manages to burn through a wall releasing a deluge that sweeps through Arcade's facility. Nightcrawler locates Arcade's control room, teleports in and destroys the circuitry. Colossus attacks the X-Men a second time but is talked down by Storm and Banshee. Arcade concedes defeat and releases them. Wolverine wants to go after Arcade, but Cyclops calls it even and stops the X-Men from retaliating.

Story Details

Arcade sits in his control console in hysterics as the X-Men battle for their lives. Behind him, three women prisoners, Miz Amanda, Miz Colleen, and Miz Betsy (whoever they are) are trussed up like giant presents, wrapped with big pink bows and are furious. Arcade describes his past briefly, that of a spoiled rich kid from Beverly Hills. He discovered his talent for murder when he killed his father who had cut off his allowance. Steeling his father's fortune he created Murderworld, the first assassination amusement park. Based on a Maggia contract, he captured Spiderman and Captain Britain, but they escaped. He was about to go after Spiderman for a second time when Juggernaut and Black Tom offered one million dollars to take care of the X-Men.

Arcade completes his narrative then checks back on the X-Men. Cyclops and Wolverine battle Colossus, whose mind has been altered into thinking the X-Men must be destroyed. When Wolverine attacks Colossus, he is flung across the room and disappears behind a revolving door. When Cyclops contemplates using a full powered optic blast against Colossus, he too gets flung through a revolving door. About this time, Colossus almost comes to his senses.

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Nightcrawler and Arcade (1979)

Storm is busy fighting the elements in Arcade's special room. A powerful downdraft pushes her into the water and by the time she fights her way back to the surface, she realizes the room has almost filled up. She takes deep breaths, dives looking for a way out and finds a water vent. She uses her lightning ability to arc wield her way out.

Cyclops hurdles down a long tube and pops out with Nightcrawler who is about to be run over by a buzz-saw bumper car. Cyclops destroys it but more emerge from the walls. Cyclops makes quick work of the them with multiple optic blasts that also blows a hole in the wall allowing them to escape into the guts of Murderworld. They split up looking for other X-Men and Arcade's control room.

Wolverine emerges along side Banshee who has been dodging WWII diver bombers. Because of previous injuries, Banshee is helpless. Wolverine uses his senses to find and cut a hole through a wall providing an escape route. But climbing through the wall they come face to face with The Hulk and Magneto doppelgangers and engage in fisticuffs. Wolverine realizes these guys aren't the real thing.

Arcade sees that the situation is deteriorating and the X-Men are holding their own. Just about this time, Nightcrawler has located the control room and teleports in scaring the bejebus out of Arcade. As Arcade falls backwards, Miss Locke opens fire in Nightcrawler's direction, but he quickly subdues her, seizes her shotgun and blasts the controls circuits! Arcade calls for Chambers (a helper) to turn on the gas, knocking Nightcrawler out.

Cyclops finds Wolverine and Banshee who are mopping up the fake Magneto and Hulk when a flood of water bursts through the wall washing them through the facility. After the deluge passes, they find Storm unconscious. Cyclops gives her mouth to mouth to revive her. Colossus who is not quite normal, runs into the room and punches Banshee. He knocks down Wolverine then grasps Cyclops and Storm by the neck! But they manage to talk Colossus down. In gratitude, he hugs them!

About then, Arcade's white gloved hand is seen pushing a button commenting "Ah, well, you can't win them all!". A sphere pops up around the X-Men carrying them down a long maze of pipes depositing them in a long abandoned Bronx Amusement Center. Behind them fireworks go off and four packages descend by parachute, the girls and Nightcrawler wrapped up like giant presents. This is Arcade's way of conceding "Round One to you, X-Men. Till next time!" Wolverine wants to go after Arcade. Cyclops suggests the X-Men call it a draw. (Personally I find Arcade such a threat it's hard to believe the X-Men would call things even. -Titanic71)

Notes and Trivia

  • Arcade Background: Arcade describes his past briefly, that of a spoiled rich kid from Beverly Hills. He discovered his talent for murder when he killed his father who had cut off his allowance. Taking his father's fortune he created Murderworld, the first assassination amusement park. Based on a Maggia contract, he captured Spiderman and Captain Britain, but they escaped. He was about to go after Spiderman when Juggernaut and Black Tom offered 1 million dollars to take care of the X-Men.


Issue No. 125 (1979)

Issue No.125- There's Something Awful On Muir Island (1979)


Phoenix submits to having her mutant powers tested by Moira MacTaggert on Muir Island. Moira debates about telling Jean just how powerful she is.. Angus MacWhirter has been turned into some kind of an abomination by an evil force in Moira's Mutant Research Facility and has been turned into some kind of abomination. Magneto is briefly seen hanging out in his asteroid nursing his wounds.

Professor Xavier is living in the Shi'ar Empire with his girl friend Empress Lilandra. He becomes aware of the details of the fight between the X-Men and former, Shi'aran Emperor over the M'kraan Crystal. When he realizes that Jean Grey saved the entire Universe, he decides he must return to Earth immediately. Hank McCoy and the X-Men are reunited and Cyclops is told that Jean Grey is alive! The X-Men and Beast prepare to fly to Muir Island, but when Cyclops calls ahead, the conversation with a panicky Lorna Dane is cut short by her scream!

Story Details

At Moira MacTaggart's Mutant Research Facility, located on Muir Island, Jean Grey, aka Phoenix, is submitting to testing by Moira, the second-most authority on genetic mutation behind Professor Charles Xavier. Phoenix does not realize, the amount of power she possesses and it scares Moira. A brief flashback tells the story of how she became Phoenix, how she and Hank McCoy escaped Magneto's under-volcano base, and suffered greatly thinking the X-Men were dead. Ironically, the X-Men think she and Hank McCoy are dead too!

In the shadows observing Jean and Moira is Angus MacWhirter, who was last seen sneaking around on Muir Island. If you remember something bad happened to him in Issue 119. The narrative says "he was a most unpleasant man...when he was alive!"

At Xavier's Mansion, the X-Men continue their practice sessions in the Danger Room. Cyclops is not impressed with the team's performance and argues in typical fashion with Wolverine, who departs for a "brew" in s huff.

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Cyclops and Beast Reunite (1979)

In Earth orbit, Magneto is seen nursing his wounds in his asteroid base. He looks at a portrait of his late wife, Magda, remembering how deeply it hurt when she ran away from him.

In Stornoway, Scotland' on the outer Hebrides Islands, Jason Wyngarde (Mastermind) sits in his room at the Red Lion Inn plotting to mentally manipulate Jean Grey into loving him and having her willingly do the bidding of the Hellfire Club. He is stalking her every move.

Later that day, Jean is talking to Lorna Dane praising her for building a life separate from the X-Men. Jean tells Lorna, she can't get away from her powers while she can do this, as she pirouettes across the floor telekinetically changing the molecules of her clothing to create a new outfit with each revolution.

Moira thinks that although Jean has tremendous power, it includes instinctive psychic circuit breakers that cut back on her power to something she can manage. Regardless Phoenix is the most powerful mutant Moria has ever observed. She wishes that Xavier was there to offer some advice.

Which brings us to the Shi'ar Empire and Empress Lilandra who is hosting the first State Ball of her reign. Running the empire takes most of Lilandra's time and energy. When Xavier offers advice, he is gently rebuffed. Xavier obtains a tape of the X-Men's battle with the former Shi'ar Empireror (Issue 108), describing how Phoenix saved the Universe. Xavier is staggered by Jean Grey powers and decides he must return to Earth immediately.

Back on planet Earth, Moira MacTaggert is mulling over telling Jean Grey the truth when she steps on a tooth in front of Mutant X's cell. (The first reference I'm aware of Mutant X was on Muir Island, (Issue 104). No explanation was given about who or what Mutant X is. - Titanic71). When Moira checks on Mutant X's cell, she finds it empty, screaming "No! Oh, No!"

Although it's breezy and cold outside, Jean Grey is strolling to the Moira's Mutant Research Facility in a blouse and skirt. Alex Summers notes she is showing off by manipulating her body's metabolic levels to counteract the cold. Jean is indeed a powerful mutant. She picks up Alex's thoughts and agrees she is showing off.

Once inside the building Jean picks up Moira's terrified thoughts and changes into the Phoenix. Zipping around a corner, she finds herself standing in a full length gown in an 18th century mannor house!! It's an illusion that distracts her allowing the creature that used to be Angus MacWhirter to tackle her She threatens him, but screams as she looks into his eyes. Alex Summers and Jamie Madrox run to her aid.

At Xavier's mansion , Beast makes an early morning visit to check on the mansion and is confronted by Nightcrawler. They both gasp, as Nightcrawler teleports away thinking he's seen a ghost. Remember they think each other is dead (Issue 114). Nightcrawler appears in the Danger Room and reporting to Cyclops. The X-Men race to confront the intruder and indeed discover Hank McCoy, the Beast. The reunion is joyous especially when Cyclops discovers that his love Jean Grey is alive! After comparing notes with Beast, Cyclops and the X-Men make immediate plans to fly to Muir Island in their Black Bird. Hank insists on coming too. When Cyclops phones ahead, he reaches a panicky Lorna Dane who asks how long before they can get there. But then the conversation is cut short by a voice that says "Human, I need you!" as the line goes dead!

Notes and Trivia

  • Little is known about "Mutant X". The first reference I'm aware of Mutant X was on Muir Island in Issue 104. No explanation was given about who or what Mutant X is, just that it needs to be kept locked up in a high security cell. The indications are that "it" has escaped it's cell on the Muir Island Mutant Research Facility and has done something terrible to Angus MacWhirter and has sinister plans.-Titanic71.


Issue No.126 (1979)

Issue No.126- How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth! (1979)


Mutant X was first mentioned in Issue 104. He calls himself Proteus and is the psycho mutant who has been kept in solitary confinement on Muir Island by his mother, Moira MacTaggert. Proteus is a parasite, possessing other peoples bodies, using their energy for his mutant powers until they are dead. Then he looks for his next victim. When his cell is damaged, he escapes and takes possession of Angus MacWhirter, uses him up and then discards his lifeless body looking for his next victim. He also has the ability use the mutant power, if his subject is a mutant and to warp the victim's perception of reality. Proteus's weakness is that he can't stand metal or non-organic materials.

In this episode, The X-Men are streaking across the Atlantic in their SR-71 Blackbird because something is terribly wrong on Muir Island at Moira Taggert's Mutant Research Facility. It's Proteus that is wrong. In addition, Mastermind is stalking Jean Grey, manipulating her brain causing her to experience flashes back in time to make her fall in love with him.

After they decide Proteus has escaped from Muir Island the X-Men fan out to Stornoway and the Scotland mainland. Wolverine and Nightcrawler track Proteus by means of Wolverine's sensitive nose. Wolverine figures out that a policeman who approaches him is in reality Proteus, but when Proteus tries to take over Wolverine, the adamantium in his body rejects Proteus. Plan B is for Proteus to warp reality for both Wolverine and Nightcrawler. Storm crashes the party, but falls prey to Proteus's reality warp. Conscious but groggy, Storm conjures an intense wind storm, but it's not enough as Proteus staggers towards her, intent on murder.

Story Details

This episode starts with a roar as the X-Men's Black Bird streaks across the North Atlantic practically skimming the waves and all most capsizing a fishing vessel. There is no time to worry about that. Colossus ejects from the aircraft as it passes over Moira MacTaggart's Mutant Research Facility on Muir Island, shooting down and crashing through the roof ready for trouble, but initially he finds nothing amiss. The second Black Bird pass allows Storm to launch with Wolverine in tow. She drops Wolverine off at the seaward entrance of the facility then takes off for a fast sweep of the island as the Black Bird executes a vertical landing. Nightcrawler teleports to Moira's residence on the island and quickly radios, "come quick"! Cyclops and Banshee burst through the door of Moira's house to find the desiccated thing that used to be Angus MacWhirter lying dead on top of an unconscious Lorna Dane.

Banshee volunteers to stay with Lorna as he has no ability to use his sonic wail. Nightcrawler teleports to the Research Facility. Cyclops sprints out the door and calls for Storm to pick him up. There are four missing people, Moira, Alex, Jamie, and Jean, not to mention whomever is behind the current events on Muir Island. Inside the facility, Havok corners Nightcrawler in the shadows and thinking the real Nightcrawler is dead, prepares to fight him. But before he can attack, Colossus gives him a bear hug and the crisis is averted. More surprise and happiness when Havok realizes the X-Men are alive!

In another section of the facility, Cyclops and Storm cross paths with Moira. Cyclops wants to know where Jean is. Moira has no idea and tells Cyclops that Mutant X has escaped! Cyclops takes off on his own to search for his love. He finds her crumpled in a corner. She barely rises to consciousness, but when she looks into Scott Summer's face, she sees Jason Wyngarde (Mastermind), and tells Scott, "Jason I knew it was you" and then falls back into a deep sleep. Cyclops mutters, "Jason?!" Clearly Mastermind is the culprit behind the mental manipulation of Jean Grey.


X-Men Black Bird (1979)

Later that day all the participants of this drama, including Jean Grey are sitting around a table recounting the events. Jamie Madrox, known as Multiple Man created duplicates of himself when the alarms went off. He describes how Lorna Dane fired a Magnetic Force Bolt at Mutant X that blew out the lights. One of his duplicates tackled Mutant X, but it felt like his soul was being sucked out and he was unable to stop him.

It is revealed that Mutant X is Moira MacTaggert's son! Apparently he is the one behind the physical assaults on Muir Island and the death of Angus MacWhirter. Mutant X has left Muir Island and that evening, hides in the shadows outside of the Red Lion Inn in Stornoway. When Mastermind emerges, Mutant X's (arbitrary?) attack against him is thwarted by a psychic shield. (This seems to indicate that Mutant X and Mastermind are not working together.- Titanic71) Near the Stornoway docks, a man named Ferdie Duncan is abducted and taken possessed by Mutant X. What exactly is happening to Duncan and previously MacWhirter is unexplained but Mutant X needs host bodies.

The next day, the X-Men are searching for Mutant X, first in Stornoway, then on the mainland. Moira describes her baby, recounting that when his mutant powers emerged, she tried to find a cure. She says she hated his father, but loves him to. (The father at this point is not revealed, however the Moira MacTaggert and Proteus links reveal the father.-Titanic71)

While Phoenix flies over the countryside searching for Mutant X, she is observed by Mastermind. Suddenly for the second time in several days she seems to be a noble lady, transported back to the 18th century, out hunting on horse back with dogs, a group of men, and Jason Wyngarde by her side! Somehow, Jean starts to accept this new reality and regards Jason as her lover. The dogs corner the prey which is revealed to be a man in a stag suit. Jean returns to the present and finds herself standing over another desiccated corpse!

Meanwhile Wolverine is tracking Mutant X by scent with Nightcrawler in pursuit driving a car. Just after the signal comes over the radio that Jean has found another of Mutant X's corpses, Wolverine is approached by a constable driving a car. By scent, Wolverine recognizes the policeman is Mutant X! Wolverine calls out a warning to Nightcrawler as he is attacked. Mutant X tries to take over Wolverine's body. But the metal in Wolverine's body (in fact all metal) is deadly to Mutant X so his attack fails.

As Wolverine moves to attack, Mutant X, tells him, "You can call me Proteus, the mutant who masters reality!" as the world goes psychedelic for Wolverine and Nightcrawler! They sink farther into a nightmare, until Storm blasts into the scene! She recognizes Mutant X and although she won't take his life (Storm does not kill), she moves to prevent his escape by exploding his car which hurts Proteus. He slaps her into the ground using his warp reality abilities. Conscious but groggy, Storm conjures a great wind, an incredible wind that strips the vegetation from around the clearing. All Wolverine and Nightcrawler can do is hang on. But she sees it's not enough as Proteus approaches her for the kill!

Notes and Trivia

  • Mutant X is Proteus!
  • Banshee is easing towards the exit.

Movie Parallels

  • Although different, the relationship between Moira and her son, Mutant X is similar to the relationship as portrayed between Colonel William Stryker and his son Jason in the second X-Men movie. A parent with a dangerous mutant offspring.


Issue No.127 (1979)

Issue No.127- The Quality of Hatred! (1979)


Storm has engaged Proteus but had her hands full and is almost defeated. Bullets fired by his mother Moira MacTaggert hit the ground around him, driving him away before he can harm Storm. Before she can kill her son, Cyclops interferes allowing Proteus to escape. Cyclops's intent was to capture not kill, but a pissed-off Moira, knocks Cyclops down, then takes off in pursuit of Proteus who has decided he should flee the area and continue towards Edinburgh, Scotland.

Moira arrives in Edinburgh to warn her husband Joe MacTaggert, advise him that his son is coming to Edinburgh most likely to kill him. The meeting does not go well. Joe throws Moira out of his home. Before Moira can leave, Proteus shows up in the possessed body of a girl he has killed, takes over his father's body, killing him and moves to assault Moira. The X-Men arrive and discover that Proteus's reality altering ability is a serious challenge, complicated when Proteus takes his mother hostage, threatening her with death!

Story Details

At the end of the last episode Storm had produced an intense whirlwind in an attempt to keep Proteus at bay as Nightcrawler and Wolverine hang on. Storm realizes that Proteus is an energy creature who needs a host human body. As Proteus approaches her, she launches into the air, but he turns her reality upside down causing her to smack into the ground. When Nightcrawler urges Wolverine to help him take on Proteus, shockingly Wolverine whimpers, he can't! As Nightcrawler prepares to teleport towards Proteus, bullets start ripping into the ground around Proteus's feet.

From a hilltop knoll, Moira MacTaggert shoots to drive him away from Storm, and tries to kill him, son or no son! But the killing shot is deflected when Cyclops grabs her rifle! "We are going to capture him!" exclaims Cyclops. "I'm not playn' by your rules, Scott, not this time!" responds Moira. She whacks Cyclops in the gut with the butt of her rifle, then raps him on the back of the head dropping him!

In the mean time, Proteus notices the bullets have stopped and decides to flee in the X-Men's jeep. Moira heads to her vehicle to follow Proteus. She knows where he is headed. Team X-Men converge on the scene of the fight. Wolverine sits off by himself apparently shaken. Cyclops starts picking on him and it turns into a two page fight. Nightcrawler and Storm are puzzled and concerned by the altercation, but it is revealed that Cyclops is testing Wolverine making sure Wolverine still has the will to fight. Wolverine is grateful to be snapped out of his funk.

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Phoenix- One Powerful Mutant! (1979)

On his way South, Proteus kills his forth victim Jennie Banks, discarding the policeman's body. Moira drives to Edinburgh, Scotland to see her husband Joe MacTaggert, to advise him his son wants to kill him (for the pain Joe MacTaggert caused his mother?). The MacTaggerts are married, but the don't live together. Moira wants a divorce, but Joe found being married to a noble prize winner has its political advantages. Apparently Joe is indignant that Moira never told him about their child. (The Moira MacTaggert and Proteus links don't jive with this episode on who Proteus's real father is.) She warns him that their son is coming for him. They get into an argument, Moira pulls a gun on Joe and he orders her out of his home! As Moira stomps away, Joe MacTaggert's call the police is interrupted by Proteus!

The X-Men have arrived in Edinburgh. Although Phoenix can't track Proteus, she can sense the psychic scream of his victims when they die and she is knocked over when Proteus takes over his father. Jean advises Scott, that with each new body, Proteus is becoming stronger. The group takes off for a confrontation and in another amazing display of telekinetic power, Phoenix picks up five members of the team and carries them aloft without any noticeable strain.

Joe MacTaggert's house explodes and Moira who is sitting in her jeep, sees her husband coming for her, but realizes it is Proteus and her husband must be dead. When she pulls her gun, it is transformed into a snake by Proteus's reality altering skills that also turns everything around her to mush, as she tries to crawl away from him. As the X-Men approach, Phoenix releases Colossus allowing him to plummet towards Proteus. His metal body makes him ideal to lead the attack, but Proteus responds by turning gravity 90 degrees sideways causing Colossus to fall down the street! The reality changes only seem to affect those whom Proteus has directed it at. Cyclops lands no problem, but when he tries to blast Proteus with an optic blast, his beam is diffused by Proteus reality bending skills. As Phoenix zooms in to engage in a psychic duel, Proteus grabs Moira and threatens her with death if the X-Men don't stay back. Moira screams at the X-Men to kill him! Not eager to see Moira die, the X-Men face a dilemma!

Notes and Trivia

  • This episode is the first time Wolverine is visibly shaken by a fight.
  • See these links for more info on Moira MacTaggert's Son known as Proteus. They indicate that Joe MacTaggert is not Proteus's father.


Issue No. 128 (1979)

Issue No.128- The Action of the Tiger! (1979)


The fight against Proteus continues with Edinburgh, Scotland being turned on it's ear. Proteus quickly burns through the bodies he inhabits, especially when he is forced to use his powers. The X-Men plan is to force him to use up his current body's energy, that of Joe MacTaggert, and not allow him to take possession of another. The X-men coordinate attacks against Proteus wearing him down, with Storm. Phoenix, Cyclops and Havok. Wolverine climbs up a cliff, the side of Castle Rock with Moira MacTaggert, Proteus's mother in tow. Proteus is looking worse for wear and needs a new body badly. He escapes Cyclops and Havok's duel attacks, shooting up and grabbing Moira, and knocking Wolverine down.

Proteus takes her to the top of Castle Rock, but before he can take possession of Moira, he is thrown against a wall by Colossus, shattering his human body and reducing him to his pure energy form. Colossus sticks his metal hands into him, short circuiting Proteus's existence, and killing him while providing Edinburgh a light show.

Story Details

The City of Edinburgh screams as reality twists for all occupants. Proteus holds Moira MacTaggert in his arm using his power to warp reality. Moira screams at him "Why are you doing this? These people have done you no harm!" Proteus replies, "They need to be taught who is the master!" The X-Men take time in the maelstrom to save innocent bystanders from harm. A quick review of this story is presented. Of note, when Proteus tried to take over Phoenix on Muir Island, he caught her by surprise, but she was still able defend herself and all most killed him.

Moira begs for mercy but to no avail, then screams, as Proteus using his reality altering skills, temporarily turns her into a grey, sloth-elephant creature. Suddenly reality snaps back allowing panicky Edinburgh residents to flee the scene.

The X-Men jump into action. They have observed that when Proteus possesses a body and uses his power, it destroys the physical body, requiring replacement. Cyclops's plan is to make Proteus burn through his current body and not allow him to access another. Using Phoenix as his psychic switchboard, she transmits Cyclops's plan to the X-Men.

Storm leads the attack throwing out a fog knowing that Proteus needs visual contact with victims to use his power, however Proteus got a psychic fix on her and encases her in amber. Wolverine leaps to her side and cuts through the material! As Proteus moves to attack Wolverine, a shot rings out from a gun wielded by Banshee, hitting Proteus in the shoulder. The metal bullet hurts Proteus but he is able to open a pit which Banshee falls into, and then Proteus closes it on top of him. Cyclops blasts a hole in the ground and sends Nightcrawler down to fetch Banshee. But in the hole, reality starts to spin for Nightcrawler and Banshee. Nightcrawler teleports them back to the surface, but neither in any shape to continue fighting.

128big-Collossus, Moira, and Proteus

Colossus smackdown of Proteus (1979)

Proteus has taken Moira to Castle Rock in Edinburgh and as he starts to climb he is hit by a psychic blast from Phoenix. "Time for a rematch" she says, hitting him with multiple psychic blasts. Proteus is down but not out and he counter attacks with his own psychic powers that rock her. Wolverine pops out of the bushes and slashes into Proteus's host body, introducing metal, which hurts him badly. Wolverine grabs Moira and starts climbing the side of Castle Rock.

Both Cyclops and Havok hit Proteus with all of their powers but he transforms and speeds after Wolverine and Moira. Proteus needs a new body fast! Knocking Wolverine off the rock, Proteus grabs Moira and continues upward. Cyclops pulses his optic beam hitting Wolverine to slow him down to a safe landing. Colossus climbs up the side of Castle Rock, grabs Proteus whose human body is looking rather wretched at this point, and flings him across the battlement into a stone wall before he can hurt Moira. The impact shatters his decaying body leaving only energy.

Colossus remembers that in this state, Proteus is the most vulnerable and the most dangerous, desperate to steal another host body! For some reason, Colossus knows that Proteus can't stand metal, yet, he Colossus is not in his metal form. (This is curious.) Proteus tries to bedevil Peter Rasputin with images of psychic torment, but then Colossus finally transforms into metal and plunges his hands into Proteus's energy form. Metal! The metal of Colossus short circuits Proteus's energy, scattering his essence to the four corners of the Earth and paying back Edinburgh for all the trouble with a spectacular light show atop of Castle Rock!

Phoenix flies the X-Men to the top of Castle Rock to find Moira hugging Colossus. Although Moira is weeping for the loss of her son, she knows it was his destiny. Moira sees Sean Cassidy, embracing him as the X-Men know the sweet feeling of victory!

Team X-Men 1975-1979

Note: Number after name designates what comic episode they first appear in with a movie code if applicable: XM= X-Men Orig; X2= Sequal; X3= Last Stand; X4= Wolverine Origins. Don't confuse my term Team X-Men that I use to describe the Xavier's X-Men with the Weapon X Project that included a "Team X" composed of Wolverine, Sabretooth, and others.

  • Team X-Men shake up: The rebirth of the X-Men series in 1975 starting with Giant Size X-Men Vol.1 is followed by a shakeup of Team X-Men. In Issue No.94, most of the original team leave, their stated reason is that they have grown up and need to be on their way. In addition to Professor Charles Xavier and Cyclops (Scott Summers) new members of Team X-Men are Banshee (Sean Cassidy), Colossus (Peter Rasputin), Nightcrawler {Kurt Wagner), Storm, (Ororo Munroe) and Thunderbird (John Proudfoot). Departing members are Angel (Warren Worthington III), Iceman (Bobby Drake), Marvel Girl (Jean Grey), Havok (Alex Summers), and (Polaris) Lorna Dane.
  • Professor Xavier (XM,X2,X3,X4): Can communicate and control other people's minds with telepathy. Created the X-Men and has been with the team through the time frame of this article.
  • Jean Grey- Marvel Girl- Original Team X-Men member who appeared in Issues No.1-66, GSX 1, 94, 97-100 1963-1970, 1975-76. Movie appearances: X, X2, X3). Stalwart of the X-Men movies, Next to Xavier, her psychic abilities along with telekinesis makes her a formidable opponent. Officially leaves the X-Men in the 1975 (Issue No.94) shakeup but her presence in the comic continues as Scott Summer's love interest and unofficial X-men helper. Becomes the Phoenix in Issues No.101-102 (1977) making her arguably, the single most powerful mutant in existence. She officially rejoins the X-Men in Issue 110 (1978). Appears in the following issues: 101, 103-105, 107-119, 125-127; 1976-79.
  • Cyclops (XM,X2,X3): Slim Summers, has energy-beam eyeballs. Called Scott in later episodes. Joined the X-Men in Issue No.1 and has been with them through the time frame of this article.
  • Banshee (Sean Cassidy)- (Issue No.28, 35-39,58-59 1967-1969) Joins the X-Men in Giant X-Men Vol1, 1975. This flying mutant is armed with a disabling wail.
  • Colossus (Piotr Rasputin)- can transform his flesh into a steel like substance granting him great power and imperviousness to injury. He appeared in the first three X-Men movies. Joins the X-Men in Giant X-Men Vol1, 1975.
  • Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner)- can teleport and has physical power. Joins the X-Men in Giant X-Men Vol1, 1975. Appears in X2: X-Men United and is the son of Mystique (who has not appeared in the comic as of 1975).
  • Storm (Ororo Munroe)- Can Manipulate the environment appeared in the first three X-men movies. Joins the X-Men in Giant X-Men Vol1, 1975.

  • Wolverine (James Howlett)- Great physical power along with the ability to self heal. In the Weapon X program, adamantium was bonded to his skeleton. Joins the X-Men in Giant X-Men Vol1, 1975. He is also known as Weapon X. See the Weapon X Project link. Has appeared in all of the X-Men movies.

Team X-Men Departures

  • Team X-Men shake up: The rebirth of the X-Men series in 1975 starting with Giant Size X-Men Vol.1 is followed by a shakeup of Team X-Men. In Issue No.94, most of the original team leave, their stated reason is that they have grown up and need to be on their way.
  • Beast (1 X3): Hank McCoy, he's a Beast with super reflexes and power. With super strength he can hop from building to building. Hank left the X-Men some time during the X-Men publishing hiatus 1970-75 to join the Avengers. Events took place during his employment at Brand Corporation that turned him into a real blue furry beast! (See the Beast link.)
  • Angel (1 X3): Warren Worthington III, he's got feathery bird wings and can fly.
  • Iceman (1 XM,X2,X3), Bobby Drake, creates cold/Ice, turns himself into a frozen but animated figure.
  • Marvel Girl (1 XM,X2,X3): Jean Grey, telekensis, can move objects and can levitate herself.
  • Polaris- Lorna Dane, at latent mutant who discovers her power to project power. At one point was manipulated into thinking she was Magneto's daughter.
  • Havok- Alex Summers, Scott Summers (Cyclops) younger brother who can project power.
  • Thunderbird (John Proudstar) - of Apache descent, possesses great power and speed. Joins the X-Men in Giant X-Men Vol1, 1975, dies in the next issue (No.94).

Guest Appearance List (Chronological)

Note: Number after name designates comic episode/issue they appear in with a movie code if applicable: XM= X-Men Orig; X2= Sequel; X3= Last Stand; X4= Wolverine Origins. The year is the first year they appeared in X-Men. For Issues No.1-66, look at X-Men Chronology, Facts, and Opinions here at Wikia Entertainment. There are sure to be errors in this section.

  • Jean Grey- Marvel Girl- Original Team X-Men member who appeared in Issues No.1-66, GSX 1, 94, 97-100 1963-1970, 1975-76. Movie appearances: X, X2, X3). Stalwart of the X-Men movies, Next to Xavier, her psychic abilities along with telekinesis makes her a formidable opponent. Officially leaves the X-Men in the 1975 (Issue No.94) shakeup but her presence in the comic continues as Scott Summer's love interest and unofficial X-men helper. Becomes the Phoenix in Issues No.101-102 (1977) making her arguably, the single most powerful mutant in existence. She officially rejoins the X-Men in Issue 110 (1978). Appears in the following issues: 101, 103-105, 107-119, 125-127; 1976-79.
  • Angel (Warren Worthington III)- Original Team X-Men member who in the Marvel shakeup of 1975, leaves in Issue No.94. Appeared in Issues No.1-66 1963-1970; GSX 1, 94; 1975. Movie appearance: X3). He can fly!
  • Iceman (Bobby Drake)- Original Team X-Men member who in the Marvel shakeup of 1975, leaves in Issue No.94. Appeared in Issues No.1-66 1963-1970; GSX 1, 94; 1975. Movie appearances: X, X2, X3.). He does incredibly things with ice including turning himself into a walking popsicle.
  • Beast (Issues No.1-66 1963-1970; GSX 1, 94, 111-114, 125; 1975, 1978-79) Movie appearance: X3. Original Team X-Men member who leaves the team during the 1970-75 X-Men haitus and joins the Avengers. Hank McCoy, he's a Beast with super reflexes and power. With super strength he can hop from building to building. After leaving the X-Men, he joins the Brand Corporation, discovers a hormonal extract, and ends up taking it to stop Dr. Carl Maddicks. The extract turns him into a real blue furry beast! As of Issue No.94 he is still communicating and coordinating efforts with Xavier.
  • Magneto (No.1,4-7,11,17-18, 43-44, 50-51,58,62-63,103-104, 111-113, 125; 1963-69, 1977-79; XM,X2,X3): By manipulating magnetism, controls objects and the environment, can read minds (issue 7). The X-Men's most consistent protagonist over the years.
  • Vanisher (No.2,37 1964-67): can vanish by teleporting.
  • Blob (No.3,7,20,37-39, 1964-67; X4) Can't be moved, skin can't be penetrated by bullets or harmed by fire.
  • Toad (No.4-7,11,43-44, 59; 1964-69 XM): Hops, hits with his limbs. Personality similar to Renfield in Dracula.
  • QuickSilver (No.4-7,11,27, 43-44, 59; 1964-69): Pietro, brother to Scarlet Witch, possesses great speed. In Issue 44 it is revealed he can now fly (with an Avengers reference).
  • Scarlet Witch (No.4-7,11, 27, 43-44, 59; 1964-69): Wanda, sister to Quick Silver, uses telekinesis like Jean Grey.
  • Mastermind (No.4-8,11.37-39, 122, 125-126; 1964-67, 1979): Mind control with hypnotic illusions. Gets fixated on Jean Grey.
  • Sub-Mariner (6): Prince Namor, a humanoid who lives under the ocean. He can fly by means little wings on his ankles, possesses great strength and is extremely tough by virtue of being able to withstand the great pressures at the bottom of the ocean which allow him to endure a beating from The Beast and with stand Cylcop's energy beam (No.5, 1964).
  • Zelda The Waitress (7, 14, 19; 1964-66)- Works at Cofee-A-Go-Go in Greenwich Village, NYC. Dates Iceman.
  • Unus, The Untouchable (No.8,20,37-39; 1964-67) can't be touched.
  • Lucifer (No.9,20 1965-66) An Alien from the planet Quistalium who has a gifted intellect and knowledge of advance alien technology. He is not a mutant. Issue 9 does not really describe his abilities. The Wiki link says his abilities are Telepathy and Ionic Manipulation.
  • The Mighty Avengers (No.9 1965). Good Guys. Episode 9 includes Thor, Iron Man, Wasp, and Giant Man.
  • Ka-Zar (No.10, 115-116; 1965, 1978) "Tarzan-like" strong dude in loin cloth with pet Saber Tooth Tiger (Zabu) resides in a Lost World Realm accessed in the Antarctic.
  • The Stranger (No.11 1965)- Not a mutant, an alien. Elderly looking man with a thick mane of white hair, thick white eyebrows, a white gotee and a wild Picasso style mustache, also white. He can levitate, walk through walls, form a cone of energy around himself and others that can be used for protection and transportation, can emit incredible bursts of destructive energy, emit a ray that can turn people into solid blocks of matter, and, and he can grow big, as in "giant" on a whim.
  • Juggernaut (No.12-13, 32, 46, 101-102, 122; 1965-68, 1976, 1979; X3)- Cain Marko becomes the Juggernaut, a giant inexorable force that moves onward irresistibly chrushing anything in it's path after touching a cursed Ruby in the Temple of Cyttorak (a Black Magic Diety). Wears a helmit which offers mental block protection from telepaths like Xavier.
  • Human Torch (No.13 1965)- Johnny Storm, part of the Fantastic Four.
  • Sentinels (No.14-16, 57-59; 1965-66, 1969): The Sentinel robots were created by noted anthropologist Doctor Bolivar Trask, who intended to use them to save humanity from mutants.
  • Dr. Bolivar Trask (No.14-16; 1965-66): Created the Master Mold and Sentinels to control and destroy mutants but to his surprise they turn on mankind.
  • Mimic (No.19,26,27,28 1966-67)- Calvin Rankin, absorbs other mutant's powers while he is in their presence. He joins the X-Men in Issue No.28 "Wail of the Banshee".
  • Count Nefaria (No.22, 1966; No.95, 1975)- Wealthy and powerful, head of a crime syndicate uses science to give himself super-human mutant powers.
  • Plantman (No.22, 1966)- Samuel Smithers has mutated into a plant like being, super strength, resistant to damage, can alter his shape, he can control plants and animate them.
  • Scarecrow (No.22, 1966)- Ebenezer Laughton, controls birds among other things (see link).
  • Porcupine (No.22, 1966)- Alexander Gentry, a criminal with advanced mechanical engineering/weapons design skills, wears a porcupine suit.
  • Eel (No.22, 1966)- Edward Lavell, criminal who wears an insulated eel suit that protects him and gives him the power to transmit electricity as a weapon.
  • Unicorn (No.22, 1966)- Milos Masanryk, a Soviet Intelligence Agent who undergoes "hyper-activator" conditioning that turns him into a freak with a stalk growing out of his forehead and a third eye that can project powerful attacks. He can generate a protective force field around himself.
  • El Tigre (Juan Meroz)- Juan Meroz (No.25, 26 1966), gem hunter discovers The God Kukulcan's Pendant of Power at a an ancient Mayan Pyramid.
  • Puppetmaster (No.27, 1966)- Controls people using their image sculpted in radioactive clay.
  • Banshee (Sean Cassidy) (No.28, 35-39,58-59 1967-1969; GXM1 1975)- Uses sound waves to debilitate people, destroy objects, push himself through the air (fly) in such a way as to be invisible. An art lover who puts a high priority on smoking his pipe. Becomes a regular X-Men in the 1975 story shakeup, Giant Size X-Men Vol1.

  • Ogre (No.28, 1967)- Real name unknown is not a mutant, assisted with a suit with many mechanical devices such as rocket assist boots, and repello-ray weapons.
  • Super Adaptoid (No.29 1967)- An artifical life form (android) created by an organization known as A.I.M. using a piece of Cosmic Cube, the Super Adaptoid fought the Avengers and then took refuge in Revolutionary War tunnels before being disturbed by Cyclops wallowing in one his many bouts of self pity and this time rage cause he can't stand the lack of control over his power-eyesballs.
  • The Warlock (No.30, 47 1967-68)- A super-human mutant who was first known as Merlin the Magician (King Author's Merlin) who has the ability to teleport, mind control, and control the environment to some degree.
  • [Cobalt Man (No.31 1967) Not a mutant in issue 31, Ralph is the accidental Cobalt Man, due to a knock on the noggin and creating a powered suit similar to Iron Man. Suit can fly and has built in power rays.
  • The Ancient One (No.33)- Marvel Girl (Jean Grey) sees the Ancient One in a vision as she probes the comotose Xavier's brain.
  • Doctor Strange (No.33 1967)- is located by the X-Men in an attempt to locate The Ancient One for information to fight the Juggernaut.
  • Tyrannus (No.34 1967)- dresses like a gladiator with the arrogance of Magneto.
  • Mole Man (No.34 1967)- wears a cape like most villains in the Marvel Universe.
  • Changeling (Kevin Sidney)- Shape shifter and second in command of Factor 3. (No.35-36 1967).
  • Mekano (No.36 1967)- Tom Regal, neglected son of Mr. Regal, philanthropist, who steals a mechanical suit and tears up his Dad’s library for attention.
  • Mutant Master (No.37-39 1967)- mysterious leader of Factor 3 first mentioned in Issue No.28 and abducted Professor Xavier at the end of Issue No.33. He is an alien from the Siris Star System with designs on conquering the Earth.
  • Grotesk, The Sub-Human- (No.41 & 42, 1968) Formally Prince Gor-tok, he is the last of his kind, a subterranean humanoid whose waring civilization was destroyed by Human nuclear bomb testing. He as been doused with radiation, is very strong, and vows to seek vengeance against the Human Race.
  • Jack O' Diamonds (Jack Winters)- (No.41 & 42, 1968) powers: mental and teleportation, great strength and diamond hard hands. Featured in the Cyclops back story.
  • Red Raven (No.44 1968). Member of the Lost Race of Birdmen.
  • Computo- robot. (No. 48, 1968)- fought by Cyclops and Marvel Girl after the X-Men have split up.
  • Mesmero-Vincent, last name unknown) (No.49-52, 58-59, 111-112; 1968-69, 1978).
  • Polaris- Lorna Dane (No.49-52, 57-59, 65-66 1968-70; Giant X-Men Vol1; 94,97-98, 104-105, 119, 122, 125-129; 1975-77, 1979). Joins the X-Men but leaves after Giant X-Men Vol1.
  • Havok (Alex Summers) (No.54-59, 65-66; 1969-1970, 1979, Giant X-Men Vol1; 94, 97-98, 104-105, 119, 122, 125-129; 1975-77, 1979)- Younger brother of Cyclops (Scott Summers) leaves the X-Men in the 1975 shakeup.
  • Larry Trask- (No. 57-59 1969) son of Dr. Bolivar Trask- believes his father was killed by the X-men, (actually his father sacrificed himself to try to defeat the out of control Sentinels) (see Issue No.14) makes trouble for mutants publicly pronouncing mutants to be a threat to mankind.
  • Judge Chalmers (No.57-59, 1969)- Friend of Larry Trask. Larry Trask created the new and improved Sentinels to take care of the mutant problem.
  • Sauron (Karl Lykos) (No. 59-62, 114-116; 1969, 1978)- Saved Tanya Anderssen when she was a teenager from prehistoric flying dinos, was injured by one giving him the power to draw energy from others transforming himself into an evil flying dino. His alter ego is known as Sauron and he is in love with Tanya.
  • Tanya Anderssen (No.60-62 1969)- Daughter of Dr. Anderssen and loves Karl Lykos (Sauron).
  • Equilibrius (No.62 1969)- Swamp Savage Mutant from the Savage Land.
  • Creator (No.62 1969)- Spoiler Alert: read issue 62 before clicking on this link!
  • Amphibius (No.62 1969)- another Savage Land mutant, along with these other Savage Land mutants who are just pictured- Gaza, Lupo, Brainchild, and the Piper.
  • Sunfire (Shiro Yoshida) (No.64, 118-119 1970, 1979; GXM1, 94 1975)- Had a beef with the USA over WWII and the dropping of atomic bombs on his homeland, but comes to terms with it after his Father dies. His ability is to create tremendous heat and fire, shoot it from his hands and can fly. He briefly joins the X-Men in Giant X-Men Vol1, 1975, but then leaves the next issue.
  • Z'Nox- (No.65 1970) Interstellar warrior race who plan on conquering the Earth.
  • Krakoa (GXM1, 1975)- Large island size organism created as a result of atomic bomb testing.
  • Moira MacTaggert (Issue No.96-98, 101, 106, 119-120, 125-129 1975-77, 1979). A companion of the X-Men and former Professor at Edinburgh College, Scotland. Technical wizard with a lab devoted to helping mutants.
  • Erik the Red (Davan Shakari) (Issue No.97, 103-107, 1976-77). The second appearance of someone calling themselves Erik the Red. In this case it is Davan Shakari, a Shi'ar agent. Name was used by Cyclops to gain admission to a mutant strong hold in a previous issue.
  • Peter Corbeau (Issue No.98-101, 107;1976-77]. Friend of Professor Xavier involved in Issue No.101 when Jean Grey is turned into the Phoenix.
  • Dr. McKay- Doctor who diagnoses Jean Grey (Phoenix) after being exposed to radiation. (No.101 1976)
  • Black Tom Cassidy- Banshee's evil Cousin who tries to kill the X-Men with Juggernaut's help. (No.101-102, 122; 1976, 1979.)
  • Misty Knight. (No.101, 104-106,117-121-122. 1976-77, 1979) Shared an apartment with Jean Grey (Marvel Girl, Phoenix), member of the Heroes For Hire.
  • Corsair- (No.104, 107-108; 1977) founding member of Starjammers, related to Cyclops and Havok!
  • Starjammers- (No.104-108 1977). Intergalactic pirates who have fought the Shi'ar Empire.
  • Princess Lilandra Neramani. (No. 104-108, 114,117-118, 125; 1977-79) Member of the Shi'ar, an alien race who seeks out Xavier to prevent her Brother the Shi'ar Emperor from destroying the Universe! Becomes Xavier's girl friend.
  • D'Ken Neramani- member of the Shi'ar royal family and brother of Princess Neramani. His image was seen in Issue No. 103. He is identified in issue No. 107. (No.103, 107-108; 1977).
  • Gladiator -Shi'ar Imperial Guard. (No.107; 1977).
  • Dr. Franklin Richards- of the Fantastic Four. (No.107-108; 1977). Briefly seen consulting with Dr Peter Corbeau.
  • James MacDonald Hudson- (No.109, 120-121; 1978-79).- Known as Weapon Alpha, Vindicator, Guardian. First seen sent from the Canadian military to fetch Wolverine home by force. Note: First appears in Issue 109 and calls himself Weapon Alpha. Then in Issue 120 is called Vindicator. While online, he is found as Guardian. At Marvel Universe Wiki, Heather McNeil Hudson is listed under the name Vindicator.
  • Nanny.. (No.112-113 1978)- Magneto's robot servant who attends to the X-Men prisoners, in Magneto's under-volcano hideout.
  • Priestess Zaladane (No.115-116; 1978). A resident of the Savage Land, with a ritual, she summons Garokk by transforming Kirk Marston into Garokk.
  • Kirk Marston- Savage Land explorer transformed into Garokk (No.115 1978)
  • Garokk (No.115-116; 1978) Makes X-Men debut when summoned by Priestess Zaladane of the Savage Land when she performs a ritual on Kirk Marston, an explorer.
  • Mariko (No. 118,120; 1979) Sunfire's cousin who developed a relationship with Wolverine.
  • Danny Rand (Iron Fist)- Avenger and friend of Misty Knight (No. 118, 1979).
  • Moses Magnum- threatens Japan with Earthquakes (No. 118-119, 1979).
  • Alpha Flight (No. 120-121; 1979)- a team of mutants organized by the Canadian Military. In episodes 120-121 consists of Vindicator, Northstar, Aurora, Sasquatch, Shaman, and Snowbird.
  • [1] Arcade].- (No. 122-124; 1979) Creator of MurderWorld, Arcade's lethal amusement park. Wealthy assassin who takes on the X-men for Black Tom Cassidy and Juggernauht.
  • Luke Cage- (No. 122 1979) friend of Misty Knight.
  • Miss Locke- (No. 122-124 1979) Arcade's assistant.
  • Proteus is Mutant X, first introduced in Issue No.104, son of Moira MacTaggert. An energy mutant who needs human shells to feed upon.(No.126-128 1979)

Guest Appearance List (Alphabetical)

Note: Number after name designates what comic episode/issue they appear in with a movie code if applicable: XM= X-Men Orig; X2= Sequal; X3= Last Stand; X4= Wolverine Origins. The year is the first year they appeared. There are sure to be errors in this section.

  • Amphibius (No.62 1969)- another Savage Land mutant, along with these other Savage Land mutants who are just pictured- Gaza, Lupo, Brainchild, and the Piper.
  • Alpha Flight (No. 120-121; 1979)- a team of mutants organized by the Canadian Military. In episodes 120-121 consists of Vindicator, Northstar, Aurora, Sasquatch, Shaman, and Snowbird.
  • Angel (Warren Worthington III)- Original Team X-Men member who in the Marvel shakeup of 1975, leaves in Issue No.94. Appeared in Issues No.1-66 1963-1970; GSX 1, 94; 1975. Movie appearance: X3). He can fly!
  • Tanya Anderssen (No.60 1969)- Daughter of Dr. Anderssen and loves Karl Lykos (Sauron).
  • The Ancient One (No.33)- Marvel Girl (Jean Grey) sees the Ancient One in a vision as she probes the Xavier's comatose brain.
  • [2] Arcade].- (No. 122-124; 1979) Creator of MurderWorld, Arcade's lethal amusement park. Wealthy assassin who takes on the X-men for Black Tom Cassidy and Juggernauht.
  • The Mighty Avengers (No.9 1965). Good Guys. Episode 9 includes Thor, Iron Man, Wasp, and Giant Man.
  • Banshee (Sean Cassidy) (No.28, 35-39, 58-59 1967-1969; GXM1 1975)- Uses sound waves to debilitate people, destroy objects, push himself through the air (fly) in such a way as to be invisible. An art lover who puts a high priority on smoking his pipe. Becomes a regular X-Men in the 1975 story shakeup, Giant Size X-Men Vol1.
  • Beast Original Team X-Men member who leaves the team during the 1970-75 X-Men hiatus and joins the Avengers. Appears in Issues No.1-66 1963-1970; GSX 1; 94, 111-114, 125; 1975,1978,1979. Movie appearance: X3. Hank McCoy, he's a Beast with super reflexes and power. With super strength he can hop from building to building. After leaving the X-Men, he joins the Brand Corporation, discovers a hormonal extract, and ends up taking it to stop Dr. Carl Maddicks. The extract turns him into a real blue furry beast! As of Issue no.94 he is still communicating and coordinating efforts with Xavier.
  • Bird-Man (Issue No.94-95 1975). One of the Ani-Men.
  • Blob (No.3,7,20,37-39, 1964-67; X4) Can't be moved, skin can't be penetrated by bullets or harmed by fire. End of Issue 3 he is left with his memory partially wiped working at the carnival.
  • Luke Cage- (No. 122 1979) friend of Misty Knight.
  • Black Tom Cassidy- Banshee's evil Cousin who tries to kill the X-Men with Juggernaut's help. (No.101-102, 122; 1976, 1979.)
  • Judge Chalmers (No.57-59, 1969)- Friend of Larry Trask. Larry Trask created the new and improved Sentinels to take care of the mutant problem.
  • Changeling (Kevin Sidney)- Shape shifter and second in command of Factor 3. (No.35-39 1967).
  • Cobalt Man (No.31 1967) Not a mutant in issue 31, Ralph is the accidental Cobalt Man, due to a knock on the noggin and creating a powered suit similar to Iron Man. Suit can fly and has built in power rays.
  • Computo- robot. (No. 48, 1968)- fought by Cyclops and Marvel Girl after the X-Men have split up.
  • Peter Corbeau (Issue No.98-101, 107;1976-77]. Friend of Professor Xavier involved in Issue No.101 when Jean Grey is turned into the Phoenix.
  • Corsair- (No.104, 107-108; 1977) founding member of Starjammers, related to Cyclops and Havok!
  • Creator (No.62 1969)- Spoiler Alert: read issue 62 before clicking on this link!
  • Eel (No.22, 1966)- Edward Lavell, criminal who wears an insulated eel suit that protects him and gives him the power to transmit electricity as a weapon.
  • El Tigre (Juan Meroz) (No.25,26 1966), gem hunter discovers The God Kukulcan's Pendant of Power at an ancient Mayan Pyramid.
  • Equilibrius (No.62 1969)- Swamp Savage Mutant from the Savage Land.
  • Erik the Red (Davan Shakari) (Issue No.97, 103-107, 1976-77). The second appearance of someone calling themselves Erik the Red. Name was used by Cyclops to gain admission to a mutant strong hold in a previous issue.
  • Garokk (No.115-116; 1978) Makes X-Men debut when summoned by Priestess Zaladane of the Savage Land when she performs a ritual on Kirk Marston, an explorer.
  • Gladiator -Shi'ar Imperial Guard. (No.107; 1977).
  • Grotesk, The Sub-Human- (No.41 & 42, 1968) Formally Prince Gor-tok, he is the last of his kind, a subterranean humanoid whose waring civilization was destroyed by Human nuclear bomb testing. He as been doused with radiation, is very strong, and vows to seek vengeance against the Human Race.
  • James MacDonald Hudson- (No.109, 120-121; 1978-79).- Also known as Weapon Alpha, Vindicator, Guardian. First seen sent from the Canadian military to fetch Wolverine home by force. Note: First appears in Issue 109 and calls himself Weapon Alpha. Then in Issue 120 is called Vindicator. While online, he is found as Guardian. At Marvel Universe Wiki, Heather McNeil Hudson is listed under the name Vindicator.
  • Havok (Alex Summers) (No.54-59, 65-66, 94, 97-98, 104-105, 119, 125-127; 1969-70; 1975-77,79)- Younger brother of Cyclops (Scott Summers). Joins the X-Men but leaves after the 1975 X-Men shakeup in Issue No.94.
  • Iceman (Bobby Drake)- Original Team X-Men member who in the Marvel shakeup of 1975, leaves in Issue No.94. Appeared in Issues No.1-66 1963-1970; GSX 1, 94; 1975. Movie appearances: X, X2, X3.). He does incredibly things with ice including turning himself into a walking popsicle.
  • Iron Fist- See Danny Rand.
  • Jean Grey- Marvel Girl- Original Team X-Men member who appeared in Issues No.1-66, GSX 1, 94, 97-100 1963-1970, 1975-76. Movie appearances: X, X2, X3). Stalwart of the X-Men movies, Next to Xavier, her psychic abilities along with telekinesis makes her a formidable opponent. Officially leaves the X-Men in the 1975 (Issue No.94) shakeup but her presence in the comic continues as Scott Summer's love interest and unofficial X-men helper. Becomes the Phoenix in Issues No.101-102 (1977) making her arguably, the single most powerful mutant in existence. She officially rejoins the X-Men in Issue 110 (1978). Appears in the following issues: 101, 103-105, 107-115,117-119, 125-127; 1976-79.
  • Juggernaut (No.12-13, 32, 46, 101-102, 122; 1965-68, 1976, 1979; X3)- Cain Marko becomes the Juggernaut, a giant inexorable force that moves onward irresistibly chrushing anything in it's path after touching a cursed Ruby in the Temple of Cyttorak (a Black Magic Diety). Wears a helmit which offers mental block protection from telepaths like Xavier.
  • Ka-Zar (No.10, 115-116; 1965, 1978) "Tarzan-like" strong dude in loin cloth with pet Saber Tooth Tiger (Zabu) resides in a Lost World Realm accessed in the Antarctic.
  • Kierrok (Issue No.96 1975 Night of the Demon).
  • Misty Knight. (No.101, 104-106,117-122; 1976-77, 1979) Shared an apartment with Jean Grey (Marvel Girl, Phoenix), member of the Heroes For Hire.
  • Krakoa (GXM1, 1975)- Large island size organism created as a result of atomic bomb testing.
  • Miss Locke- (No. 122-124; 1979) Arcade's assistant.
  • Lucifer (No.9,20 1965-66) An Alien from the planet Quistalium who has a gifted intellect and knowledge of advance alien technology. He is not a mutant. Issue 9 does not really describe his abilities. The Wiki link says his abilities are Telepathy and Ionic Manipulation.
  • Moira MacTaggert (Issue No.96-98, 101, 106, 119-120, 125-127; 1975-77,79). A companion of the X-Men and former Professor at Edinburgh College, Scotland. Technical wizard with a lab devoted to helping mutants.
  • Magneto (No.1,4-7,11,17-18, 43-44, 50-51,58,62-63,103-104, 111-113, 125; 1963-69, 1977-78; XM,X2,X3): By manipulating magnetism, controls objects and the environment, can read minds (issue 7). The X-Men's most consistent protagonist over the years.
  • Mariko (No. 118,120; 1979) Sunfire's cousin who developed a friendship with Wolverine.
  • Moses Magnum- threatens Japan with Earthquakes (No. 118-119, 1979).
  • Kirk Marston- Savage Land explorer transformed into Garokk (No.115 1978)
  • Mastermind (No.4-8,11.37-39, 122, 125-126; 1964-67, 1979): Mind control with hypnotic illusions. Gets fixated on Jean Grey.
  • Dr. McKay- Doctor who diagnoses Jean Grey (Phoenix) after being exposed to radiation. (No.101 1976)
  • ‘’’Mekano’’’ (No.36, 1967)- Tom Regal, neglected son of Mr. Regal, philanthropist, who steals a mechanical suit and tears up his Dad’s library for attention.
  • Mesmero-Vincent, last name unknown) (No.49-52, 58, 111-112; 1968-69, 1978).
  • Mimic (No.19,26,27,28 1966-67)- Calvin Rankin, absorbs other mutant's powers while he is in their presence. He joins the X-Men in Issue No.28 "Wail of the Banshee".
  • ‘’’Mutant Master’’’ (No.37 1967)- mysterious leader of Factor 3 first mentioned in Issue No.28 and abducted Professor Xavier at the end of Issue No.33. He is an alien from the Siris Star System with designs on conquering the Earth.
  • Princess Lilandra Neramani. (No. 104-105, 107-108, 114,117-118, 125; 1977-79) Member of the Shi'ar, an alien race who seeks out Xavier to prevent her Brother the Shi'ar Emperor from destroying the Universe! She becomes Xavier's girl friend.
  • Nanny.. (No.112-113 1978)- Magneto's robot servant who cares for the X-Men prisoners in Magneto's Antarctic under-volcano hideout.
  • D'Ken Neramani- member of the Shi'ar royal family and brother of Princess Neramani. His image was seen in Isue No. 103. He is identified in issue No. 107. (No.103, 107-108).
  • Count Nefaria (No.22, 1966)- Wealthy and powerful, head of a crime syndicate uses science to give himself super-human mutant powers.
  • Ogre (No.28, 1967)- Not a mutant, assisted with a suit with many mechanical devices such as rocket assist boots, and repello-ray weapons.
  • Plantman (No.22, 1966)- Samuel Smithers has mutated into a plant like being, super strength, resistant to damage, can alter his shape, he can control plants and animate them.
  • Polaris- Lorna Dane (No.49-52,57-59,65-66, 94, 97-98, 104-105, 119, 125-127; 1968-70, 1975-77,79). Joins the X-Men but leaves after the 1975 X-Men shakeup in Issue No.94.
  • Porcupine (No.22, 1966)- Alexander Gentry, a criminal with advanced mechanical engineering/weapons design skills, wears a porcupine suit.
  • Proteus is Mutant X, first introduced in Issue No.104, son of Moira MacTaggert. An energy mutant who needs human shells to feed upon.(No.126 1979)
  • Puppetmaster (No.27, 1966)- Controls people using their image sculpted in radioactive clay.
  • QuickSilver (No.4-7,11, 27, 43-44, 59; 1964-69): Pietro, brother to Scarlet Witch, possesses great speed. In Issue 44 it is revealed he can now fly (with an Avengers reference).
  • Danny Rand (Iron Fist)- Avenger and friend of Misty Knight (No. 118, 1979).
  • Red Raven (No.44 1968). Member of the Lost Race of Birdmen.
  • Dr. Franklin Richards- of the Fantastic Four. (No.107-108; 1977). Briefly seen consulting with Dr Peter Corbeau.
  • Sauron (Karl Lykos) (No.59-62, 114-116; 1969, 1978)- Saved Tanya Anderssen when she was a teenager from prehistoric flying dinos, was injured by one giving him the power to draw energy from others transforming himself into an evil flying dino. His alter ego is known as Sauron and he is in love with Tanya.
  • Scarecrow (No.22, 1966)- Ebenezer Laughton, controls birds among other things (see link).
  • Scarlet Witch (No.4-7,11, 27, 43-44, 59; 1964-69): Wanda, sister to Quick Silver, uses telekinesis like Jean Grey.
  • Sentinels (No.14-16, 57-59; 1965-66, 1969): The Sentinel robots were created by noted anthropologist Doctor Bolivar Trask, who intended to use them to save humanity from mutants.
  • Starjammers- (No.104-108 1977). Intergalactic pirates who have fought the Shi'ar Empire.
  • Doctor Strange (No.33 1967)- is located by the X-Men in an attempt to locate The Ancient One for information to fight the Juggernaut.
  • The Stranger (No.11 1965)- Not a mutant, an alien. Elderly looking man with a thick mane of white hair, thick white eyebrows, a white gotee and a wild Picasso style mustache, also white. He can levitate, walk through walls, form a cone of energy around himself and others that can be used for protection and transportation, can emit incredible bursts of destructive energy, emit a ray that can turn people into solid blocks of matter, and, and he can grow big, as in "giant" on a whim.
  • Sub-Mariner (No.6 1964): Prince Namor, a humanoid who lives under the ocean. He can fly by means little wings on his ankles, possesses great strength and is extremely tough by virtue of being able to withstand the great pressures at the bottom of the ocean which allow him to endure a beating from The Beast and with stand Cylcop's energy beam (issue #5).
  • Sunfire (Shiro Yoshida) (No.64 1970; GXM1, 94, 117-120; 1975, 79)- Had a beef with the USA over WWII and the dropping of atomic bombs on his homeland, but comes to terms with it after his Father dies. His ability is to create tremendous heat and fire, shoot it from his hands and can fly.
  • Super Adaptoid (No.29 1967)- An artifical life form (android) created by an organization known as A.I.M. using a piece of Cosmic Cube, the Super Adaptoid fought the Avengers and then took refuge in Revolutionary War tunnels before being disturbed by Cyclops wallowing in one his many bouts of self pity and this time rage cause he can't stand the lack of control over his power-eyesballs.
  • Toad (No.4-7,11, 43-44, 59; 1964-69, XM): Hops, hits with his limbs. Personality similar to Renfield in Dracula.
  • Dr. Bolivar Trask (No.14-16; 1965-66): Created the Master Mold and Sentinels to control and destroy mutants but to his surprise, they turn on mankind.
  • Larry Trask- (No. 57-58 1969) son of Dr. Bolivar Trask- believes his father was killed by the X-men, (actually his father sacrificed himself to try to defeat the out of control Sentinels. See Issue No.14) makes trouble for mutants publicly pronouncing mutants to be a threat to mankind.
  • Unicorn (No.22, 1966)- Milos Masanryk, a Soviet Intelligence Agent who undergoes "hyper-activator" conditioning that turns him into a freak with a stalk growing out of his forehead and a third eye that can project powerful attacks. He can generate a protective force field around himself.
  • Unus, The Untouchable (No.8,20,37-39, 1964-67) can't be touched.
  • Vanisher (No.2,37 1963-67): can vanish by teleporting.
  • Vindicator- See James MacDonald Hudson in this section.
  • The Warlock (No.30, 47 1967-68)- A super-human mutant who was first known as Merlin the Magician (King Author's Merlin) who has the ability to teleport, mind control, and control the environment to some degree.
  • Priestess Zaladane (No.115-116; 1978). A resident of the Savage Land, with a ritual, she summons Garokk by transforming Kirk Marston into Garokk.
  • Zelda The Waitress (No.7, 14, 19; 1964-66)- Works at Cofee-A-Go-Go in Greenwich Village, NYC. Dates Iceman.
  • Z'Nox- (No.65 1970) Interstellar warrior race who plan on conquering the Earth.

Movie Relationships

  • Collossus and Storm appears in the first three X-Men moves. Wolverine has appeared in all four X-Men movies, the forth being the Wolverines Origins movie. Nightcrawler appears in the second X-Men movie, X2: X-Men United.
  • Issue No.94 Doomsmith Scenario- After the 1975 X-Men shakeup, the comic is now closer aligned with the movies, with the addition of Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler. But Marvel Girl and Iceman have left as team members, although Jean Grey (Marvel Girl) is still featured, and Hank McCoy is now a furry blue Beast.

Important X-Men Events & Facts

  • Issue No.94 Doomsmith Scenario- Angel, Marvel Girl, Beast, Iceman, Havok, and Polaris leave Team X-Men, while the new team consists of Xavier, Cyclops, Storm, Wolverine, Colossus, Thunderbird, Nightcrawler (1975).
  • New writer: Chris Claremont takes over as writer for the X-Men. (Issue 94 1975).
  • Beast (Hank McCoy) is no longer with the X-Men. He is now part of the Avengers but is still communicating with Xavier. Based on events that transpired after leaving the X-men, he is now a furry blue beast! See the Beast link. (Issue 94 1975).
  • Thunderbird- After a very short stay with the X-Men, Thunderbird along with Count Nefaria appear to be killed in an airplane that blows up. (Issue 95 1975)
  • Polaris- After being "effected" by a stranger, for the first time Lorna Dane refers to herself as Polaris. (Issue 97 1976).
  • Bad Dream Story Arc"'- begins with Xavier having bad dreams (Issue 97 1976), the appearance of someone calling himself Eric the Red, Jean Grey (Marvel Girl) being transformed into the Phoenix (Issue 101), and takes the X-Men across the Universe to face the Shi'ar Emperor's mad grab for the ultimate power (Issue 109).
  • Colossus and Storm: Colossus displays affection for Storm. (Issue 99 1976).
  • Marvel Girl- Jean Grey can use her mental powers to absorb the physical skills of another human, in this case piloting the space shuttle for reentry into Earth's atmosphere. (Issue 100 1976).
  • Wolverine and Jean Grey- Regardless of Cyclops's feelings for Marvel Girl, Wolverine has affections for Jean Grey. (Issue 101 & 110 1976).
  • Mutant X- Issue 104 1977, first X-Men issue with reference to "Mutant X"!
  • Sci-Fi Terms- * Issue No.105, 1977, uses Sci-Fi terms like Class M Planet, Prime Directive, sublight acceleration, transporter, defensive screens (shields), Star Gate, and Photon Torpedoes. Many of these terms were used in 1969's Star Trek.
  • Nightcrawler Duo Teleport- * Issue 107, 1977, first issue where Night Crawler teleports with another person, Princess Lilandra Neramani when he rescues her.
  • Corsair's Identity is revealed to be U.S.A.F. Major Summers, the Father of Scott Summers (Cyclops) and Alex Summers (Havok). (Issue 108, 1977)
  • Xavier Finds Love? with Princess Lilandra Neramani?? Read story details (Issue 108, 1977).
  • Banshee and Moira MacTaggert are romantically involved (if not mentioned before) (Issue 109, 1978).
  • Storm Gets Naked while watering her plants in the attic of Xavier's Mansion! She prefers kavorting "oo-natural when she can (Issue 109, 1978).
  • Nightcrawler, aka Kurt Wagner is a Star Wars fan! (Issue 109, 1978)
  • Moira and Xavier- Reference is made to Moira MacTaggert and Xavier's past as being romantically involved. A past that had turned into a nightmare (Issue 110, 1978).
  • Storm (Ororo Munroe) is claustrophobic as revealed in Issue 101-103 and reinforced in Issue 110, 1978).
  • Jean Grey (Phoenix) rejoins the X-Men! (Issue 110, 1978) How long will it last?
  • Mutants and Circuses? X-Men did it long before Heroes in Issue 111- Mind Games (1978)! See the Hero's 2009/10 season arc concerning Sullivan Brother's Circus.
  • Banshee's nickname for Wolverine- In Issue No. 114, Banshee refers to Wolverine as "Shrimp".


  • Giant Size X-Men Vol1 Thunderbird to Cyclops- "Yes Sir, General One-Eye, sir! I just hope you're not leading me into another Little Big Horn!"
  • Issue No.94- Gort to Night Crawler- "You hurt Gort's friends, you hurt Gort! For that Gort will kill you all!"
  • Issue No.112- Magneto's triumphant speech to the defeated X-men: "You will not die, but you will soon wish you had. You will suffer as I suffered, to be aware of who and what you are- to each possess your powers in their fullest measure, yet to be as unable to use them as a six month old child- to be helpless. If there is a hell, X-Men, surely it can't be more terrible than this."
  • Issue No. 113- Wolverine lamenting the apparent loss of Jean Grey: "Babe, you were the first person I ever really cared for, and I never even told you my real name. I had plans for use Jeanie. Now all I got is an ache inside that's killing me, like someone cut out my heart."
  • Issue No. 115- Visions of Death, Wolverine to Ka-Zar regarding Karl Lykos: "This guy owes me, Blondie, but since he's your friend, I'll be happy to take on you and your pussy-cat too!"